Increasing Adult Vaccination Rates What Works

Continuing Education information can be found in About This Course.

For directions on how to use this course, select Getting Started.

Increasing Adult Vaccination Rates: WhatWorks was developed through a Cooperative Agreement between the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, CDC, and the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research.


Would you like to be part of the evaluation of this course?

Through a Cooperative Agreement with the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research, Macro International is conducting an external evaluation of WhatWorks on behalf of the CDC. This evaluation is different from the one you will complete if you elect to receive continuing education credit for this course. If you would like to participate in Macro’s evaluation, please provide your contact information by clicking on the link below. Macro will contact you in September 2008 and ask you to complete a brief online survey about how you’ve used the information from this course in your practice. In appreciation for your feedback, you will receive a DVD of immunization materials. This evaluation will help improve CDC's training courses.

Click here to provide your contact information.

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