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An Equal Opportunity University,

University of Kentucky
College of Agriculture
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Promoting diversity is outlined explicitly in the College of Agriculture's Strategic Plan. Goal 5 of the Strategic Plan, Nurture Diversity of Thought, Culture, and Ethnicity, details the College's plan of action related to diversity. The College is committed to creating an environment where diversity is valued and all individuals can fulfill their highest potential. Respect for diversity of thought, culture, and all human differences is the cornerstone of all our actions. To implement its mission, the College must model the ways in which diversity, fairness and equity in policies and practices are essential to learning, discovery, and engagement.

M. Scott Smith, Dean, College of Agriculture

Comments from the Dean of the College of Agriculture

Promoting diversity of ethnicity, gender, and culture remains a critical goal of the College of Agriculture at the University of Kentucky. While we have made significant strides in our diversity efforts, our mission is ongoing. Much remains to be done in several areas, as documented in our Diversity Task Force Report. To help sustain and enhance our currents efforts, we formed the College Diversity Advisory Committee. Under the leadership of the newly appointed Assistant Dean of Diversity, Lionel Williamson, this committee will be charged with developing an Action Plan for the College. I am confident this committee will develop a plan for our College that encompasses action, outreach, and accountability. Creating an environment that fosters diversity remains at the forefront of our goals. We are fortunate for the accomplishments we have made thus far, but we are excited about the goals we are striving for in the future.

M. Scott Smith, Dean, College of Agriculture

Office of Diversity