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NIH Record Study Subjects Sought

Patients with Oral Leukoplakia Needed

NCI, NIDCR and NIDCD are recruiting patients with oral leukoplakia for a study testing a nonsurgical treatment for this condition. A leukoplakia lesion is white to gray in color and develops on the tongue or in the mouth in response to chronic irritation such as cigarette smoking or other tobacco use. Eligible patients also can participate in a smoking cessation program at no charge. For more information, call Dr. Jane Atkinson at 496-2069.

Depressed, Anxious Teens Sought

You and your 14-16-year-old may be eligible to take part in research at the National Institute of Mental Health. This is a study about how young people experience emotions, and how feeling sad or worried can cause problems. Payment will be provided. For details, call Barbara Usher, 496-1301.

Healthy Women Needed for Reproductive Health Study

NICHD scientists seek healthy women to take part in a research study of normal female reproduction. You may be eligible if you are under 35, use no birth control pills or other hormones, have normal menstrual cycles and have no history of fibroids, infertility or endometriosis. The research team will explain all study details, risks and benefits. Requires two short visits. Compensation is provided. Call 1-800-411-1222.

Healthy Mothers Needed

The Pediatrics and Developmental Neuropsychiatry Branch, NIMH, seeks right-handed mothers age 20-40 with nonadopted, first-born children age 5-12 to participate in an fMRI study on the visual processing of faces. Volunteers should have no history of medical or psychiatric disorders, and should not be taking prescription medication (including birth control pills). The first-born children of volunteers should have no history of psychiatric illness or chronic medical problems. Volunteers must have normal vision or wear contacts. Participation requires a 2-hour screening interview, a followup visit, and a 3-hour visit for fMRI scan. Participants will be reimbursed. For more information, call Lisa Kalik or Neil Santiago at 496-8381.

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