2009 Media Kit
Reach IFT's Buying Audience: - In Print - Online - At Events

IFT Advertising Options Help You Maximize Your Impact

Maximize your results

Intelligent advertisers like you invest your advertising dollars where you receive the best return. Maximize the results of your promotional investment by taking advantage of targeted, integrated advertising options from IFT®.

Gain access to specialized buyers

When you advertise through IFT, you gain access to a unique set of communication vehicles that work in concert to help you more effectively reach your target audience. Communicate your message to key decision-makers in print through publications such as Food Technology magazine, electronically through vehicles such as the IFT Weekly Newsletter and ift.org, and in-person at events such as the IFT Food Expo®.

Combine several advertising vehicles

Although each IFT vehicle provides you with a powerful advertising tool, when you combine the vehicles to address your specific marketing objectives, you maximize the promotional impact.

Contact us for a customized plan

Interested in learning which promotional opportunities best fit your advertising objectives? Your IFT Account Manager will listen to your needs, and then help you create a customized, integrated promotional plan that speaks directly to the audiences you want to reach, maximizes your visibility and your message's impact, and stays within your budget.