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The Bioinformatics website is intended to become an access point to all of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute's (STRI's) scientific data and information. By providing easier and more comprehensive access to STRI's data, we hope to greatly increase the quantity and quality of STRI's scientific presence on the web.

Our web site is currently still under development and we expect to be constantly adding functionality and connectivity. Please return frequently to see what's new!

If you have any suggestions relating to how we might improve this site please send us an email.

Things Zoological
Things Zoological
Things Botanical
Things Botanical
Special Projects
Special Projects
Long-term Monitoring
Long-term Monitoring
Physical Monitoring
Physical Monitoring
Document Library
Document Library
Select a STRI database or Web site and click 'Go'

STRI Database Web Sites:

STRI Scientific Web Sites:

Select an affiliated Web site and click 'Go'

Before you download any files from this site, please read STRI's data access policy which outlines fair use practices and citation information.