Biennial Report

Biennual Report Cover

The Biennial Report, which covers the diverse research and educational endeavors of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) from October 2001 to September 2003, demonstrates that STRI continues to be the world's pre-eminent tropical research organization. This is possible by its outstanding group of staff and visiting scientists, excellent support staff, and the generous support of donors. 

STRI has grown steadily since the first Smithsonian scientists arrived to conduct a biological inventory of the Canal Zone in 1910, and our work in tropical biology has become more urgent and more compelling than ever before. The government and people of the Republic of Panama have welcomed STRI and supported our work for more than 90 years, and this stability has been essential for STRI’s capacity to conduct long-term studies of changing tropical ecosystems and environments.

A long-term perspective is essential to understanding complex biological and social systems in the tropics. At a time of rapid global change, which is markedly accelerated in tropical countries, STRI's unique scientific research programs are more vital and urgently needed than ever before.

We have built upon this bedrock an enduring reputation for excellence, relevance and outstanding scholarship unequalled in the natural sciences, and the whole of STRI is committed to making this reputation endure.