NSTA Portals

NSTA International

NSTA International

NSTA has embarked upon a significant and substantial commitment to international science education. Beginning with its groundbreaking report entitled Developing a World View for Science Education: In North America and Beyond (PDF), NSTA initiated activity on many fronts.

Guidance and input on international efforts and developing strategies for implementing these efforts, is provided by our International Advisory Board.

The ultimate goal of all NSTA international activities is to engage more American teachers of science in international opportunities with the intent that they will become better teachers in their own classrooms and better impart the global dimensions of science to their students.

Among the efforts to connect science educators from various countries, NSTA has held three international conferences during our national conferences in 2006 (PDF), 2007 (PDF), and 2008 (PDF). Planning is currently underway for International Day 2009 at NSTA’s National Conference on Science Education in New Orleans, Louisiana, 19–22 March 2009.

In support of NSTA’s mission “To promote excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all,” NSTA is pleased to announce a membership category for our international colleagues—the NSTA International e-Membership. This special membership offers international science educators electronic access to all of our programs, products, and services.

In addition, recognizing the valuable contributions to be gained by working together, the GLOBE Program and NSTA have agreed to work together to identify areas of mutual benefit and common goals where synergistic benefits exist. Joint international activities are announced at NSTA International events.
