About NSTA

Professional Collaboration

Alliance of Affiliates

Association for Multicultural Science Education (AMSE)

The Association for Multicultural Science Education is organized to stimulate and promote science teaching to students of culturally diverse backgrounds and to motivate such students to consider science-related careers; to explore and promote the improvement of science curriculum, educational systems and teaching methods in school to assist such stimulations; to recruit and involve teachers of all minorities in science education and to initiate and engage in activities and programs in furtherance of improving the science education of culturally diverse students.

Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE)

The mission of the Association for Science Teacher Education is to promote leadership in, and support for those involved in, the professional development of teachers of science. ASTE serves educators involved in the professional development of teachers of science, including science teacher educators, staff developers, college-level science instructors, education policy makers, instructional material developers, science supervisors/specialists/coordinators, lead/mentor teachers, and all others interested in promoting the development of teachers of science.

Council for Elementary Science International (CESI)

The Council for Elementary Science International is an international professional organization for teachers (prekindergarten through 8th grade) who have the responsibility to teach science to children, Elementary and Middle school science educators, and preservice teachers who will become PreK–8th grade teachers. The mission of CESI is to promote excellence and equity in K–8 science education. The purposes of the Council for Elementary Science International, according to the CESI Constitution, are “… to stimulate, improve, and coordinate science teaching at preschool and elementary school levels and to engage in any and all activities in furtherance thereof; to promote the improvement of science progress which begins in preschool and develops in continuous and integrated fashion through grade 12 and beyond.” CESI membership includes a professional journal, newsletters, and opportunities to learn and collaborate with colleagues at breakfasts, luncheons, make and take sessions, workshops and presentations, and mini conferences usually held at national and regional NSTA conventions. CESI is the elementary affiliate of the National Science Teachers Association.

Council of State Science Supervisors (CSSS)

The Council of State Science Supervisors is a professional organization composed of science education specialists who serve at the state, territorial, or the protectorate educational agency in the United States and US Territories. CSSS is the only professional science organization whose members have direct accountability to the government agencies given the constitutional authority for education. Within their own jurisdictions, each of these supervisors plays a key role in directing effort at improving school science and to ensure excellence and equity in science education.

National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST)

The purpose of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching is to promote research in science education at all levels and to disseminate research findings in such ways as to improve science teaching. These purposes are reflected in the motto: Organized to improve science teaching through research. The 1,400-plus members of NARST represent a wide variety of interests, perspectives, nationalities, and cultures. Members come from throughout the world including Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North and South America.

National Middle Level Science Teachers Association (NMLSTA)

The National Middle Level Science Teachers Association works in association with the Middle Level Division of the National Science Teachers Association. NMLSTA strives to stimulate, improve, and coordinate science teaching in the middle level grades and to engage in any and all activities in furtherance thereof.

National Science Education Leadership Association (NSELA)

The National Science Education Leadership Association promotes the development of efficient and effective supervisory practices as a means to improve science education. NSELA facilitates communication among and provides opportunities for science supervisors to discuss and take action on matters of common interest and concern.

Society for College Science Teachers (SCST)

The purpose of the Society for College Science Teachers is to provide a forum for interdisciplinary interaction among teachers of science at all institutions of higher education. Currently there are approximately 800 members from all of the states and several foreign countries.
