Teacher and a computer

Ready When You Are — for Free!

You’re teaching a subject for the first time, or for the first time in a long time. You need a content refresher now. Where can you find help that’s engaging, high-quality, easy to access—and affordable, too?

From NSTA’s latest ready resource: Science Objects! Science Objects are two hour on-line interactive inquiry-based content modules that help you better understand the science content you teach.

With support from sponsors, Science Objects provide all teachers of science open access to these valuable new resources—at no cost!

The system check will detect your current browser settings and plug-ins you have on your computer as are required to access the rich media content in the Science Objects, such as the Flash and QuickTime media players.

The FAQs on Science Objects

  • What are Science Objects? Free learning experiences available online anytime, anywhere. They’re specifically designed to help teachers understand a prescribed set of ideas based on the science literacy goals in the Standards.
  • What do Science Objects cover? Each one focuses on a key content idea—such as Newton’s First Law or Mendel’s Principles of Heredity. Right now there are 33 content ideas with more on the way.
  • How will Science Objects help me learn? Interactive simulations get you engaged; embedded questions make sure you understand and remember. The style and tone are lively—even entertaining.
  • How will Science Objects help me teach? They challenge you to explore and explain real-world phenomena, and offer student misconceptions to watch out for and practical ideas for addressing them.
  • How much time will it take me to work through a Science Object? Just one to two hours, at your convenience. You can start and stop at any point.
  • What do Science Objects cost? Best of all, they’re free, thanks so support from sponsors including NASA, NOAA, the FDA, the National Highway Safety and Transportation Administration, the Hewlett Foundation, and the GE Foundation. All teachers of science have open access to these valuable new resources.
  • The system check will detect your current browser settings and plug-ins you have on your computer as are required to access the rich media content in the Science Objects, such as the Flash and QuickTime media players. If you do not have the proper settings or plug-ins installed instructions will be provided.
  • So how do I start? Do it now! Begin or just browse at the links below.

Featured Science Objects

Click on any of the titles below, 

Topic: Coral Reef Ecosystems

The Living Reef

The Abiotic Setting


Ecosystems in Crisis


 to launch the Science Object:

Topic: Ocean's Effect on Weather and Climate

Global Climate Patterns

Global Precipitation and Energy

Global Circulation Patterns

Changing Climate

Science Objects development supported by:

      NASA Logo       NOAA Logo       FDA Logo       US Department of Education Logo       GE Foundation Logo       Hewlett Foundation Logo       NHTSA Logo       S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation       Agilent Technologies Foundation

Science Objects Logo