NSTA Professional DevelopmentWelcome to Your Professional Development

The Learning Center is NSTA's e-professional development portal to help you address your classroom needs and busy schedule. You can gain access to more than 3,100 different resources that cater to your preference for learning. Over 870 resources, such as journal articles, science objects and web seminars are available for free. A suite of practical tools such as My Library, My Transcript, and My Professional Development Plan and Portfolio tool help you organize, personalize, and document your growth over time. If desired, you may review an archived Web Seminar overview of the NSTA Learning Center, or download the "How to Guide" PDF (2.7 MB).

Explore Learning Opportunities

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By Subject By Grade Level By State Standards

Many resources now permit you to select your grade, standard document, and state to view the standards that align to the resource you’ve selected.

Do-It-Yourself Learning Live Online Seminars & Classes

Learn at your own pace online with these 1-2 or 6-10 hour interactive activities.

See All DIY Learning Resources

Learn online from certified instructors with your colleagues. 1-2 hour seminars, week and month long courses are available. Earn state and university credit.

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Books & Articles In Person Experiences

Attend an NSTA workshop in person to learn hands-on techniques with other teachers. Earn state and university credit.

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Our Content Collaborators

NSF NASA NOAA FDA National Institutes of Health
Sally Ride Science Department of Education Montana State University S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation
NHTSA NSTA press Agilent Technologies Foundation NSDL

NSTA Learning Center Underwriters

The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation GE Foundation ExxonMobil Foundation


Most Popular Science Objects

Multimedia Overview

Learning Center Overview

Free Learning Resources

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Plate Tectonics: Layered Earth

2 hr Do-It-Yourself Science Object

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Oceans Effect on Climate and Weather: Global Circulation Patterns

2 hr Do-It-Yourself Science Object

See all FREE Resources

Testimonials & Awards

I was very impressed with the content and how it was presented...Several of the teachers remarked how much they enjoyed and learned from the SciPacks...This models how science teaching should be happening already! So, my impression is, it is very valuable...I think it is a great program and would LOVE to recommend it.

Dr. Robert Sotak
K-12 Science Curric. Specialist
Everett Public Schools

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