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Forest Insect and Disease Leaflets - FIDLs

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Thank You

All FIDLs are now available online! The high quality pdf versions of each FIDL were created by Brennan Ferguson (Ferguson Forest Pathology Consulting, Inc.) through support provided by Amy Gannon, Forest Pest Management Specialist with the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) Forestry Division. We thank them and the Montana DNRC for providing these files plus a listing of complete citations for the entire series to the USFS. Their extensive and meticulous efforts to locate and scan each FIDL, plus their promotion of revisions to many pathology FIDLs, have sparked renewed interest in these publications. View the Montana DNRC's Montana & Idaho FIDLs website.

Several colleagues loaned original paper copies of FIDLs to Brennan Ferguson for this project, particularly Ken Gibson (USFS, R1) and Steve Kohler (MT DNRC, retired). Original paper copies were also provided by Gregg DeNitto (USFS-R1), Jim Hoffman (USFS-R4), Marcus Jackson, (USFS-R1), Don Goheen (USFS-R6), and Greg Filip (USFS-R6). Those who made loans were very understanding when Brennan needed to take apart their original paper copies in order to make good page-by-page scans, even when they had provided older, more rare titles for which they only had one original.


last updated: November 17, 2008

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