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Archived Material: World Trade Center Expert Technical Review Panel


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To obtain greater input on ongoing efforts to monitor the situation for workers and residents impacted by the collapse of the World Trade Center, an expert technical review panel, convened by EPA, was formed to help facilitate the Agency's use of available exposure and health surveillance databases and registries to charsacterize any remaining exposures and risks, identify unmet public health needs, and recommend any steps to further minimize the risks associated with the aftermath of the World Trade Center attacks.

  • Review post-cleaning verification sampling in the residential areas included in EPA’s Indoor Air Cleanup to verify re-contamination has not occurred from central heating and air conditioning systems;
  • Review the World Trade Center Residential Confirmation Cleaning Study which concluded asbestos was an appropriate surrogate in determining risk for other contaminants.
  • Identify areas where the health registry could be enhanced to allow better tracking of post-exposure risks by workers and residents.
  • Review and synthesize the ongoing work by the federal, state and local governments and private entities to determine the characteristics of the WTC plume and where it was dispersed, including the geographic extent of EPA and other entities’ monitoring and testing, and recommend any additional evaluations for consideration by EPA and other public agencies.

Operating Principles

The technical expert panel was guided by the following principles:

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