February 2004  issue of AmberWaves

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photo - montage of Lincoln Gates at Tuskegee University and USDA's Jamie L. Whitten Building

Progress and Partnerships in a Dynamic Rural America

updated February 2004


photo - loading seed into a truck

Have Seed Industry Changes Affected Research Effort?

photo - housing

Anatomy of Nonmetro High Poverty Areas:
Common in Plight, Distinctive in Nature

photo - fruit in a market

The Elephant is Jogging: New Pressures for Agricultural Reform in India

photo - shipping The U.S. Ag Trade Balance. . . More Than Just A Number
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Markets and Trade

bullett Volume Production Keeps Floriculture Prices Low

bullett Marketing Could Boost the U.S. Sheep Industry

bullett Russia Changes Global Market for Livestock Products

Diet and Health

bullett Got Milk? Implications of Generational and Aging Effects

bullett Juries Award Higher Amounts for Severe Foodborne Illnesses

bullett How Many U.S. Households Face Hunger... and How Often?

Resources and Environment

bullett Assessing Farm Household Well-Being—Beyond Farmers and Farm Income

bullett Science and Technology Hold Promise for Developing Countries in the 21st Century
bullett U.S. Increasingly Imports Nitrogen and Potash Fertilizer

Rural America

bullett Booming China Trade Presents New Challenges for Rural America

bullett Rural America at a Glance

bullett Rural Governments Face Public Transportation Challenges and Opportunities

bullett Economics of the Food and Fiber System


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Selected statistics on agriculture and trade, diet and health, natural resources, and rural America. See all indicators >

chart - annual introductions of new food and beverage products in the U.S. market were dropping until 2000, but have since increased slightly

bullett Looking for Agricultural Outlook tables? Get the latest statistical indicators (formerly provided in Agricultural Outlook Magazine).

Web Updates

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bullett See all graphic - web update logo updates >


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bullett Snapshots of recent events at ERS, highlights of new publications, and previews of research in the works.
updated February 2004


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