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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Vaccines & Immunizations

News and Media Resources:

Immunization Works! March 2005 issue

NIP's Immunization Works! Newsletter

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Immunization Works Monthly Update is provided to national health care provider and consumer groups for distribution to their members and constituencies. The immunization information provided is non-proprietary and is encouraged to be widely disseminated and shared.

50th Anniversary of the Salk Polio Vaccine

April 12, 1955 heralds a unique moment in our contemporary culture. That was the date that culminated more than 17 years of unparalleled research that led to the development and distribution of the first inactivated poliovirus vaccine by Dr. Jonas Salk and other colleagues. The development of the vaccine was an accomplishment that ended an era of global fear of a dreaded contagious disease, and in the process, reshaped the conduct of science, the funding of science, and the public’s role in the support of science. These efforts impacted the way that public health was administered and advanced the general understanding of ways basic scientific research benefited humanity though collaboration between academic, philanthropic, and government institutions. April 12, 2005 marks the 50th anniversary of the announcement that a safe, potent and effective vaccine against polio had been found.

The fight against polio brought together communities in a national collaboration that at that time was the largest human cooperative effort in history. In the days leading up to the vaccine’s approval, children in communities across the United States participated in the field trials as America’s “Polio Pioneers.” Thousands of healthcare workers and lay people volunteered their time to assist with the vaccine field trials, the largest ever in United States history. Millions of Americans participated by raising funds in their communities to support the larger research effort and a single goal: victory over polio.

Although polio was eliminated from the Americas in 1994, the disease still circulates in Asia and Africa, paralyzing the world’s most vulnerable children. In a continually shrinking world, polio and other vaccine-preventable diseases remain only a plane ride away. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative, spearheaded by the World Health Organization, Rotary International, CDC and UNICEF, was begun in 1988. That year, an estimated 350,000 children were paralyzed with polio worldwide; in 2004, polio cases had fallen to just over 1,200 cases globally. The Initiative’s success will be a triumph of international cooperation, attesting to our ability to unite across borders and differences to conquer global public health issues.

Since the introduction of the vaccine, great strides have been made in significantly reducing the health impact of vaccine-preventable diseases on children and adults worldwide. We can now protect children from more than 12 vaccine preventable diseases and disease rates have been reduced by 99% in the U.S. Yet, without diligent efforts to maintain immunization programs in the U.S. and strengthen them worldwide, the diseases seen 50 years ago remain a threat to our children.

Commemorative Events

Public events, which will be occurring on April 12, include the opening of a year-long exhibit at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History on “Whatever Happened to Polio” as well as symposiums at the University of Michigan (where the trials were conducted) and the University of Pittsburgh (where the vaccine was discovered.)

In an effort to promote the anniversary, CDC has information related to the anniversary available on our website. The information includes timelines, background information, links to key organizations and general promotional materials. The information may be found at

This day is a powerful marker that can be used to create sustainable, proactive awareness and action in vaccine-preventable diseases and public health nationally and globally. As we approach the 50th anniversary of the discovery of polio vaccine, we have a unique opportunity to leverage history to create a better future for our children.

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Other Immunization News

National Infant Immunization Week

National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW) will be held April 24-30, 2005. This week is set aside annually to promote, through community events, the benefits of immunizations and highlight the importance of vaccinating children by the age of 2. This year, NIIW will again be held in conjunction with the Pan American Health Organization’s Vaccination Week in the Americas (VWA), April 23-30, 2005. The U.S. and 35 countries in the Western Hemisphere will promote the need for routine vaccinations for infants and children.

To assist communities in promoting infant immunization during NIIW-VWA, CDC has English and Spanish-language resources to support local NIIW activities. Materials and planning tools are available online at www.cdc.gov/vaccines/events/niiw/ and include

  • Posters Web Buttons and Banners Television Public Service Announcements (PSAs); Available online the week of March 28 Radio Public Service Announcements (PSAs); Available online the week of March 28Sample Key Messages Sample Media Advisory Sample Proclamations Stickers
  • And more!
New this year

-- NIP will provide two teleconferences so that program coordinators, health departments, coalitions, and others can learn about the 2005 Spanish and English-language childhood campaign materials, television PSA satellite downlink information, and tips for local placement of the campaign, especially through minority media outlets. Teleconferences will be held on March 29 at noon – 1 p.m. (EST) and March 31 at 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. (EST), and will be lead by NIP’s childhood campaign contractor, HMA Associates, Inc., a nationally recognized full-service multicultural marketing firm comprised of social marketing and public relations veterans with a variety of communications backgrounds. To register for the teleconference and receive connection information and materials, please email Cindy Alvarez at ctg7@cdc.gov. Numerous events are planned in the United States to celebrate NIIW-VWA. Other activities are also scheduled throughout the Western Hemisphere as part of VWA. Find out how others will celebrate NIIW-VWA, and let us know what you are doing to promote childhood immunization during the week by adding your events to the national NIIW-VWA event listing.

Discontinuation of National Reporting of Invasive Pneumococcal Disease in Children Vaccinated with Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV7)

CDC is no longer requesting reports of cases of invasive pneumococcal disease occurring in children who have received the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. For the last several years, CDC has requested these reports and has been analyzing the strains to evaluate possible vaccine failures. Because the number of reported cases in vaccinated children is now adequate to permit analysis, and surveillance data indicate that the disease rates have dropped dramatically, these reports are no longer needed. In special situations requiring the typing of pneumococci, CDC should be contacted at 404-639-2215. We are grateful for the efforts of those who have participated in this reporting system during the last few years.

CDC Vaccine Safety Activities

CDC is taking an initial series of four steps to build a more robust vaccine safety activity to keep pace with the increasing number and combinations of recommended immunization, especially for children under 2. CDC’s initial steps to strengthen efforts to protect children’s health and safety include the following:

  • Increasing the resources for immunization safety research and immunization safety activities, Working with sister agencies in the Department of Health and Human Services to define vaccine safety research and safety monitoring priorities and agenda for addressing gaps, Separating the vaccine safety activity from CDC’s immunization education and recommendation programs and moving the vaccine safety activity to CDC’s Office of the Chief of Science, and
  • Emphasizing the transparency of CDC’s science and research work regarding immunization safety issues with continued communication between it and concerned parents, public officials, and healthcare professionals.

When making immunization recommendations, CDC is committed to a scientifically thorough and transparent decision process. We intend to make our safety program even stronger and respect ongoing input from those who share our concerns. Although no single step can satisfy everyone, we believe these new actions will help reassure the public that we are absolutely committed to protecting our children’s health and safety.

IOM Report on Vaccine Safety Research, Data Access and Public Trust

The IOM has completed a Report on Vaccine Safety Research, Data Access, and Public Trust. In this report, the committee that was asked to review aspects of the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) program recommended that two new oversight groups are needed to ensure that the policies and procedures of the VSD and its data sharing program are implemented as fairly and openly as possible.

CDC, which oversees the VSD and the data sharing program, should create a new, independent committee to review researchers’ proposals to use VSD data, monitor adherence to protocols, and advise the agency and its partners on when and how to release preliminary findings based on the data, the report says.

In addition, CDC should create a new subcommittee of the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC), or tap an existing one, to enable stakeholders to review and provide input on the VSD research plan every year.

The committee makes additional recommendations on specific aspects of the VSD data sharing program and on conditions governing whether, when, and how preliminary findings should be shared with others. For the full report visit www.iom.edu/report.asp?id=2518 (exit)

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Meetings, Conferences, and Resources

New CDC Information Phone Number and Impact on Vaccine Information Statements (VIS)

Beginning this week, the CDC Immunization Information Hotline has merged with a new CDC-INFO Contact Center (800-232-4636 or 800-CDC-INFO). This new phone line will now answer all questions related to immunization as well as other public health issues.

All VISs containing the hotline number have been changed to show the new number in the “How Can I Learn More?” section. The updated VISs are posted at www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/VIS/ along with a brief message about the change. These new VISs should be downloaded and used as camera-ready from now on. Since the old hotline number will roll over for at least a couple of months, current stocks do not have to be discarded. The VIS dates have not changed. There are no other changes; only the new hotline number. The new number will accommodate both English and Spanish callers.

CDC-Wide Research Agenda

CDC is developing a CDC-Wide Research Agenda and invites the public to provide input during four Public Participation Meetings held during March 2005. Meetings have already been held in Washington, DC and Atlanta, GA. A meeting is scheduled in Seattle, WA, March 24 and in Columbus, OH, March 31. To attend these meetings, please register at www.maximumtechnology.com/cdcreg.htm. Additional information on development of the CDC-Wide Research Agenda is available by visiting www.cdc.gov/od/ophr/cdcra.htm. The Infectious Diseases Workgroup has developed agenda themes specific to immunization. Other topics of interests are integrated generally across many of the other five workgroups - Health Promotion; Environmental and Occupational Health and Injury Prevention Health Information and Services; Global Health; and Community Preparedness and Response. Future opportunities for comment on the CDC-Wide Research agenda will be announced in the Federal Register in June 2005.

Immunization: You Call the Shots

CDC announces the availability of a new web-based training course “Understanding the Basics: General Recommendations on Immunization,” the first module in a planned series of 13 modules covering basic immunization training. This course was developed through a Cooperative Agreement with the Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine. The course is an interactive, self-study program that participants can complete at their own pace. Module 1 consists of basic immunization principles, learning opportunities, practice questions, reference and resource materials, and an extensive glossary. The modules are intended to be used for introductory training of healthcare professionals who provide immunizations, including nursing students, medical assistants, pharmacists, and other health professionals. The course is also appropriate for health educators, immunization program managers, Department of Defense paraprofessionals, and other healthcare providers working in private offices, hospitals, and public health settings.

Continuing education credits are offered for various health professions. Physicians, nurses, health educators, and others are invited to apply for these credits. The course is available free of charge on the CDC website at www.cdc.gov/vaccines/ed/youcalltheshots.htm

The Journal of Family Practice “Vaccines Across the Life Span, 2005”

The Journal of Family Practice has published a supplement, “Vaccines Across the Life Span, 2005.” This supplement was prepared by members of the Group on Immunization Education of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine through a cooperative agreement with CDC. Materials in the supplement include recent changes in influenza epidemiology and vaccine recommendations, communicating the benefits and risks of vaccines, and immunization barriers and solutions. For more information visit www.jfponline.com/supplements/supp_0105.asp (exit)

Eighth Annual Conference on Vaccine Research

The 8th Annual Conference on Vaccine Research will be held May 9-11, 2005 at the Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor Hotel. Conference highlights will include a keynote address by Dr. David Heymann of the World Health Organization on Lessons Learned, Responding to the First Global Outbreak of SARS. Other conference sessions will focus on conjugate vaccine issues, influenza and vaccine for emergency pandemics, therapeutic vaccines, and vaccinology impact of recent advances in immunology. For the first time, the conference will offer a reduced registration fee for Physicians-in-Training. For additional information visit www.nfid.org/conferences/vaccine05 (exit)

Current Issues in Immunization

Get the latest update on late-breaking immunization topics through CDC’s Quarterly Net conference Series. You can participate in these sessions through an Internet hook-up and a speaker phone. The 1-hour session includes a PowerPoint presentation over the Internet and a live question-and-answer segment. The next Net conference is April 14, 2005. For more information visit www.cdc.gov/vaccines/ed/ciinc/

Job Openings within the National Immunization Program

NIP is committed to recruiting and hiring qualified candidates for a wide range of positions. Researchers, Medical Officers and Epidemiologists as well as other specialties are often needed to fill positions within NIP. We encourage all interested parties to apply for these positions. For a current listing of positions available at NIP, please visit www.cdc.gov/hrmo/hrmo.htm. Once at the site, conduct a search for “National Immunization Program".

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This page last modified on March 21, 2005
Content last reviewed on March 21, 2005
Content Source: National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases

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Vaccines and Immunizations