Attached are the meeting notes from our time in Portland. Thanks again to Rich for serving as the note taker. As you'll see, he did a terrific job. The individual Change Proposal response forms went to Barb last week and can be found on the web site. Carl, can you send me a status on the Glossary 'short list' response to you from the bands? I'm just trying to confirm that you've received the reviews as promised. At the last Band Leaders conference call it sounded as if most of the bands had either responded to you or were getting close. How about Tuesday 7/30 at 11:30 PDT for the next IM Band conference call? Only respond to me of it doesn't work for you. Assuming I don't receive too many responses I'll get the call details to you next week. Send me agenda items. We can start with.......... Define conference call note taker rotation. Whomever steps up first for this call won't have to do it again for awhile! Change Proposals Sub-Team updates FIA-Information Management Fact Sheet All Band Meeting – scheduled February 11-13, 2003, The Westin Francis Marion Hotel in Charleston, SC – need band reps to serve on JBMOC. Please solicit volunteers (one from each band) to serve on the committee, starting sometime in September