Date: 6/23/2005 Note Taker: SRS Agenda: Change proposals: Ownership . Impacts are potentially large for ePlot, NIMS-CS, FIADB & data distribution. How to analyze? One person from each team? Liaison reports Issues regarding merging P2/P3 cycles JBM for 2006. Is is needed? Options FIADB Status of V2.0 Documentation BF-NIMS-012005-01 Modify nims_conv_1p7_to_2p0.pck to "fix" tree status code on "missing" trees Report from FIA-IRM meeting in St. Paul June 7-8 Barb Knight's leaving New DAB rep FIADB documentation October IMB meeting Location: Las Vegas? Other? Dates: Oct 24? Issues: Band issues 1 day, sample configuration 2 days Woodland stems table structure: PDR, LOAD tables, NIMS-CS, FIADB NIMS_BASE_PLOT structure & function New teamroom for NIMS change requests: NIMS-CRTS Team Reports Next Call Chuck Liff