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  Tribal Relations:
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Office of Tribal Relations

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Regional Tribal Liaisons

The Forest Service has 9 Regions they are divided as pictured in the map below.

Picture of United States, showing Forest Service Regions.


Regional Tribal Liaisons:

Region 1
Dale J. Kanen
USDA Forest Service
Northern Region
Federal Building
200 E. Broadway
Missoula, MT 59802
Ph: (406) 329-3348
FAX: 406-329-3132

Region 2
Susan Johnson
USDA Forest Service
Rocky Mountain Region
740 Simms Street
Golden, CO 80401-4720
Ph: (303) 275-5760
FAX: 303-275-5754

Region 3
Position Vacant
USDA Forest Service
Southwestern Region
333 Broadway SE
Albuquerque, NM 87102
Ph: (505) 842-3424
FAX: 505-842-3807

Region 4
Diana Yupe
USDA Forest Service
Intermountain Region
324 25 th St
Ogden, UT 84401
Ph: (801) 625-5820
FAX: 801-625-5716

Region 5
Sonia Tamez
USDA Forest Service
Pacific Southwest Region
1323 Club Drive
Vallejo, CA 94592
Ph: (707) 562-8919
FAX: 707-562-9052

Region 6
Gary Harris
USDA Forest Service
Pacific Northwest Region
333 SW First Street
P.O. Box 3623
Portand, OR 97024
Ph: (503) 808-2603
FAX: 503-808-2467

Region 8
Alan Dorian
USDA Forest Service
Southern Region
Kisatchie National Forest
2500 Shreveport
Pineville, LA 71360-2009
Ph: (318) 473-7177
FAX: 318-473-7180

Region 9
Donna Falcon
USDA Forest Service
Eastern Region
626 E. Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 800
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Ph: (414) 297-3777
FAX: 414-944-3966

Region 10
Lillian Petershoare
USDA Forest Service
Alaska Region
709 West 9th Street, P.O. Box 21628
Juneau, AK 99802-1628
Ph: (907) 586-7089
FAX: 907-586-7852


US Forest Service
Last modified July 24, 2007

[graphic] USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. [graphic] Forest Service logo, which links to the agency's national site. [graphic] A link to the US Forest Service home page.