Preparedness & Response

Damage in Izmit, Turkey after the M7.6 August 17, 1999 earthquake.
Coping with Childrens' Reactions to Earthquakes
California Office of Emergency Service
Earthquake Preparedness Guides
California Office of Emergency Service
How the Smart Family Survived a Tsunami (PDF)
Written especially for kids.
How You Can Strengthen Your Home for the Next Big Earthquake in the Los Angeles Area
Easy Low-Cost Ways to Help Reduce the Risk of Damage to Your Home. (PDF)
Is Your Home Protected from Earthquake Disasters?
Institute for Business and Home Safety, 1999. (PDF)
Natural Hazards Review
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Open for Business
A Disaster Planning Toolkit for the Small Business Owner. (PDF)
Protecting Your Family From Earthquakes—The Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety (in English, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean)
Protegiendo a su familia de los terremotos—Los siete pasos a la seguridad para prepararse en caso de un terremoto
Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country
Southern California edition
Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country
Northern California edition
Reducing Earthquake Hazards in Schools
California Office of Emergency Service
Strengthening Wood Frame Houses for Earthquake Safety
California Office of Emergency Service
The Earthquake Preparedness Handbook
Los Angeles City Fire Departmen
The Next Big Earthquake in Alaska may come sooner than you think!
Alaska Earthquake Information Center, UAF Geophysical Inst., USGS
The Next Big Quake in the Bay Area
Newspaper article about the next big earthquake in the Bay area.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies
Global Disaster Alert and Coordination System (GDACS)
Provides near real-time alerts about natural disasters around the world, tools to facilitate response coordination
U.S. State Department - Travel Warnings & Consular Info Sheets
ABAG Earthquake Maps and Information
The Association of Bay Area Governments
American Red Cross
Earthquake Safety Information (and other disaster preparedness information) in various languages
California Office of Emergency Services
Citizen Corps
Provide free training in first aid and emergency skills at locations around the US.
Earthquake Country Alliance
Earthquake preparedness for Southern California. (US Department of Education)
Emergency planning resources for schools and communities
Emergency Preparedness Information Center
Includes resources and best practices
Frequently Asked Questions about Earthquake Preparedness
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program
Hazards Mitigation Center
Projects associate with the Lawrence Livermore Hazards Mitigation Center
Natural Hazard Loss Estimation Methodology
Natural Hazards Center
University of Colorado
NEHRP - National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program
The Federal Government's program to reduce the risks to life and property from earthquakes.
Planning for a Disaster: Protect Your Pets
Pasadena, CA Humane Society (The American Red Cross)
Earthquake Safety Information (and other disaster preparedness information) in various languages
Publications from CUSEC (Central U.S. Earthquake Consortium)
Publications from the California Seismic Safety Commission
Quake Country
San Francisco Chronicle
Structural Engineers Celebrating Earthquake Safety
Why earthquakes happen, why some buildings fail, how structural engineers stufy earthquakes.
The Great Southern California ShakeOut
The largest earthquake preparedness activity in US history.