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 Searched for as a phrase: drought in "NAL_subject"
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Records 1 thru 20 of 20

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 01.Title: Conserving Water in Agriculture: Livestock Water Management During a Drought
Author(s): Boorman, M.M.; Bedell T.E.
Publisher: Oregon State University, Extension and Experiment Station Communications
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water management/ water supply/ groundwater/ ponding (water management)/ wells/ livestock production/ drought/ water conservation/ animal feeding/ local government/ governmental programs and projects/ public economics/ subsidies/ Oregon/
Date: 2001-04-00
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 02.Title: Crops and Drops: Making the Best Use of Water for Agriculture
Author(s): Food and Agriculture Organization, Land and Water Development Division
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water resources/ hydrologic cycle/ water use/ agricultural land/ irrigation/ food production/ food biosecurity/ food supply/ water pollution/ drought/ floods/ sustainable development/ precipitation/ arid lands/ cropping systems/ crop management/ agricultural policy/ water management/ water conservation/
Date: 2000-00-00
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 03.Title: Drought and Water Allocation
Author(s): Stevanus, M.
Publisher: U. S. Department of Agriculture
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: drought/ water allocation/ water use/ irrigation/ water supply/ water management/ water policy/ economic analysis/ public policy/ publications/
Date: 1999-00-00
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 04.Title: Drought and Water Allocation II
Author(s): Boehmer, S. M.; Reyes, I.
Publisher: U. S. Department of Agriculture
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: drought/ water allocation/ water use/ irrigation/ water supply/ water management/ water policy/ economic analysis/ public policy/ publications/
Date: 2002-08-22
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 05.Title: Drought: The Creeping Disaster
Author(s): U. S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Earth Observatory
Publisher: U. S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: drought/ meteorology and climatology/ precipitation/ water supply/ groundwater/ soil water content/ plant growth/ vegetation cover/ data collection/ decision making/ environmental monitoring/ weather forecasting/ remote sensing/ satellites/
Date: 2000-00-00
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 06.Title: Efficient Water Use
Author(s): UNESCO, International Hydrological Programme; ROSTLAC
Publisher: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water use efficiency/ water conservation/ public water supply/ water quality/ water rights/ water policy/ land use/ irrigation management/ urban areas/ agricultural land/ watersheds/ drought/ groundwater/ reservoirs/ Latin America/ Mexico/
Date: 1994-00-00
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 07.Title: Integrated Drought Management: Lessons for Sub-Saharan Africa
Author(s): United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Division of Water Sciences, International Hydrological Programme
Publisher: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: drought/ desertification/ climatic factors/ international policy and programs/ risk management/ water management/ sustainable development/ indigenous knowledge/ information management/ citizen participation/ development aid/ Sub-Saharan Africa/
Date: 2002-00-00
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 08.Title: Major Components of Flow in the Republican River During Drought Conditions from Near Hardy, Nebraska, to Concordia, Kansas
Author(s): Hansen, C. V.
Publisher: U. S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: stream flow/ surface water/ drought/ hydrology/ water balance/ Kansas/ Nebraska/
Date: 1997-03-00
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 09.Title: Managing Water for Drought
Author(s): Werick, W. J.; Whipple, W., Jr.
Publisher: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: drought/ water supply/ water management/ methodology/ governmental programs and projects/ program planning/ group process/ cost benefit analysis/ program evaluation/ United States/
Date: 1994-09-00
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 10.Title: National Study of Water Management During Drought: Report to the U. S. Congress
Author(s): Water Resources Support Center, Insitute for Water Resources
Publisher: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: drought/ water management/ water supply/ water allocation/ hydrology/ governmental programs and projects/ program planning/ methodology/ program evaluation/ public finance/ case studies/ United States/
Date: 1995-09-00
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 11.Title: Report of the National Drought Policy Commission: Preparing for Drought in the 21st Century
Author(s): National Drought Policy Commission
Publisher: U. S. Department of Agriculture
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: drought/ issues and policy/ water policy/ water management/ water conservation/ United States/
Date: 2000-05-00
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 12.Title: Soil and Water Conservation in Semi-Arid Areas
Author(s): Hudson, N. W.
Publisher: Food and Agriculture Organzation of the United Nations (FAO)
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water conservation/ soil conservation/ semiarid zones/ arid lands/ drought/ social impact/ soil erosion/ rainfall/ climatic factors/ semiarid soils/ agricultural land/ conservation practices/ conservation tillage/ water use efficiency/ terraces/ water management/ irrigation systems/ drainage systems/ water harvesting/ soil water storage/ groundwater/ grazing management/ agroforestry/
Date: 1987-00-00
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 13.Title: Southern Perspectives
Author(s): Mississippi State, Southern Rural Development Center
Publisher: Mississippi State
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water quality/ drought/ water supply/ water use/ drinking water/ recreation/ nonpoint source pollution/ agricultural runoff/ animal manures/ concentrated animal feeding operations/ agricultural law/ total maximum daily load/ watershed management/ public health/ extension programs/ information sources/ Southeastern United States/
Date: 1999-00-00
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 14.Title: Streamflow Trends in the United States
Author(s): U.S. Geological Survey
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: stream flow/ precipitation/ climatic factors/ floods/ drought/
Date: 2005-03-31
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 15.Title: Sustaining Water: Population and the Future of Renewable Water Supplies
Author(s): Engelman, R.; LeRoy, P.
Publisher: Population Action International
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water resources/ freshwater/ water use/ population characteristics/ sustainable development/ drought/ public health/ public water supply/ water pollution/ climate change/ water policy/
Date: 1997-00-00
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 16.Title: U. S. Water News Online
Author(s): U.S. Water News, Inc.
Publisher: U.S. Water News, Inc.
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water resources/ water policy/ laws and regulations/ water rights/ water supply/ drought/ water quality/ water conservation/
Date: 1995-04-00
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 17.Title: Uso Eficiente del Agua
Author(s): UNESCO, International Hydrological Programme; ROSTLAC
Publisher: UNESCO
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water use efficiency/ water conservation/ public water supply/ water quality/ water rights/ water policy/ land use/ irrigation management/ urban areas/ agricultural land/ watersheds/ drought/ groundwater/ reservoirs/ Latin America/ Mexico/
Date: 1994-00-00
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 18.Title: Water Harvesting for Upgrading of Rainfed Agriculture: Problem Analysis and Research Needs
Author(s): Falkenmark, M.; Fox, P.; Persson, G.; Rockström, J.
Publisher: Stockholm International Water Institute
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: dryland farming/ water harvesting/ water conservation/ drought/ water management/
Date: 2003-04-09
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 19.Title: Water Science and Technology Board Newsletter
Author(s): National Academies, National Research Council, Water Science and Technology Board
Publisher: National Academy of Sciences
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water resources/ research/ hydrology/ watershed management/ water use/ water supply/ water quality/ drinking water/ water pollution/ total maximum daily load/ National Water Quality Assessment Program/ wetlands/ riparian areas/ nonpoint source pollution/ Pfiesteria piscicida/ floods/ drought/ United States/
Date: 1997-10-00
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 20.Title: World Water Resources: A New Appraisal and Assessment for the 21st Century
Author(s): Shiklomanov, I. A.
Publisher: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water resources/ freshwater/ rivers/ groundwater/ water supply/ hydrologic cycle/ runoff/ floods/ drought/ water use/ water distribution/ industry/ irrigation/ reservoirs/ global change/ global warming/ anthropology/
Date: 1998-00-00
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