a national information resource for value-added agriculture
Agricultural Marketing Resource Center

AgMRC Special Projects Initiative Curriculum


  • Bio-Energy Project Development Resources, Andrew Dane, University of Wisconsin - During this project, three distinct resources were developed: (1) Four case studies of existing bio-energy projects; (2) a report titled Analyzing Regional Demand for Green Power: Western Wisconsin, Wisconsin Renewable Energy Survey Report; and (3) a manual titled Analyzing Regional Demand for Green Power: Survey project how-to manual.
  • Small-Scale, Farm-Level Alternative Energy Production: Business plans and case studies of wind energy and biodiesel production, Gary Brester, Montana State University - The individuals involved with this project developed several types of resources to facilitate investment decision-making in the alternative energy production industry. Prepared for small-scale, on-farm wind energy and biodiesel production, these resources included business plans, case studies about existing producers of wind energy and biodiesel, PowerPoint slide presentations and high school lesson plans. 


  • Developing Diversified and Value-Added Agribusinesses, Greg Clary, Texas Center for Rural Entrepreneurship and Texas Cooperative Extension – This curriculum, now available as a free online course (registration required), consists of three courses. The course material is designed to foster development of entrepreneur support networks in rural communities and to provide support for entrepreneurs starting and growing value-added agribusinesses.
  • Value-added Agricultural Instructional Materials, Martin Frick, Montana State University - A team at Montana State developed this instructional materials package that serves as a “user-friendly” resource for educators, enabling them to inform ag entrepreneurs about value-added agricultural concepts. The package includes ten lessons, ten PowerPoint presentations and several overheads. After its development, the curriculum was tested in Montana.



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