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List of PRRB Decisions

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The Provider Reimbursement Review Board is an independent panel to which a certified Medicare provider of services may appeal if it is dissatisfied with a final determination of its fiscal intermediary or the Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services (CMS). A decision of the Board may be affirmed, modified, reversed or vacated and remanded by the CMS Administrator within 60 days of notification to the provider of that decision.

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2000D5996-261903-5104Was the Intermediary's adjustment disallowing indigent Part B bad debts proper?
2003D1999-064603-5145Whether the Intermediary properly calculated the Provider's Medicare bad debts?
2002D0698-051103-5145Did the Intermediary calculate the provider's bad debts properly?
2008D2802-046303-7205Whether the Intermediary properly reclassified professional fees from the Administrative and General (A and G) -reimbursable cost center to the A and G-Shared cost center for the cost reporting period ending December 31, 1999.
1999D5594-250404-0022Were the Intermediary's adjustments disallowing the pass-through of nursing education costs proper?
2004D2795-2033R; 96-1979R; 97-1498R; 98-2049R04-00361. Does the Provider meet the criteria set forth at Section 4004(b) of Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) 1990?; 2. Do the costs at issue meet the definition of clinical training costs?
2001D1395-2033, 96-1979, 97-1498, 98-204904-0036Were the Intermediary's adjustments disallowing pass-through cost reimbursement of nursing education costs proper?
2004D2199-142404-0048Was the Intermediary's determination of the loss on disposal of assets proper?
2005D2897-156604-0062Was the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Service's denial of the Provider's request for new provider exemption proper?
1998D07290-107004-00621. Were the Intermediary's adjustments to record rent expense for lease equipment as administrative and general costs, rather than capital-related costs proper?; 2. Were the Intermediary's adjustments denying treatment of costs relating to the installation of the Hopital Information System as start-up costs proper?
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Data Last Updated : 12/30/2008
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