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12.2.04 Award
04-095P Eritrea

Re: Mercy Corps Eritrea FFE Inv 104B - Award Notice 
Freight Tender Nr: 104B-ERI-MC-FFE-04-095P
Agreement Nr: FFE-661-2004/195

This is to confirm that USDA and Mercy Corps accepted your offer. All
subjects are lifted and fixtures considered clean. Booking Note will be
dated 09 November 2004. 
Owner: PONL/Farrel Lines, P-3 service
Vessel: Chesapeake Bay V4147
Cargo description: 
Ref Nr: 04MC4195-40
Booking Nr: AIX 4147977
USDA Tracking Nr: 04-095P-01
Commodity/MT/Pack size: Non Fat Dry Milk (NFDM), 50 MT in 25 kg bags
Ship NET/NLT: November 08-12, 2004
Warehouse: Paris Bros., Inc., 8800 NE Underground Dr., Kansas City, MO
POC: Joe Paris, Tel: (816) 455-4188, Fax: (816) 455-6538
Discharge port: Massawa
Destination: Massawa, Eritrea
Freight rate: $145.33 (O/F: $97.33/MT, US inland: $48.00/MT)

Oct. 28, 2004 Tender

Request post the following freight tender under Mercy Corps Eritrea FFE
Program -

1. Tender No.: 104B-ERI-MC-FFE-04-092P/095P
2. Date: October 27, 2004
3. Shipper: Mercy Corps
4. Issued by Panalpina, Inc. (hereafter Panalpina)
5. Cargo description: 

a. Ref Nr: 04MC4195-37
Commodity: Soy Protein Concentrate
MT: 80
Pack size: 25 kg bag
Load port: see item # 7
Ship NET/NLT: November 22-December 3, 2004
Discharge port: Massawa
Destination: Massawa, Eritrea

b. Ref Nr: 04MC4195-40
Commodity: Non Fat Dry Milk (NFDM) 
MT: 50
Pack size: 25 kg bags
Ship NET/NLT: November 08-12, 2004
Warehouse: Paris Bros., Inc., 8800 NE Underground Dr., Kansas City, MO
POC: Joe Paris, Tel: (816) 455-4188, Fax: (816) 455-6538
Load port: at carrier's choice to be stated in offer
Discharge port: Massawa
Destination: Massawa, Eritrea

6. Ocean freight rate to be in US dollars per MT and must be all
inclusive. All inclusive rate must break out the following components:
Ocean freight, inland transportation (domestic and foreign), and any
other applicable charges. 

7. FOR SOY PROTEIN CONCENTRATE (CARGO A). Carrier to specify named
Intermodal point(s) and the U.S. port of embarkation for which offered
rate is valid. Carriers are encouraged to offer service from as many of
the below named load intermodal points as possible. The carrier shall be
responsible for placing containers at the named load point of their
choosing, the costs of transportation from said named point of loading
to the U.S. port of export and cost of loading the cargo in containers
on board the ocean going vessel. Carrier must provide suitable
containers to comply with supplier's load capacity capabilities. Any
costs incurred, including, but not limited to liquidated damages and
storage, for failing to provide suitable containers will be for the
carrier's account. Carrier must ensure that the containers are placed at
the commencement of the shipping period and are supplied on a continuous
basis, or as otherwise mutually agreed between parties until the
contract quantity is fulfilled. The carrier must provide loading
schedule in their offer..


Carriers are not limited to bid only for intermodal plant locations.

8. FOR NFDM (CARGO B). The carrier shall be responsible for placing
containers at the named load point, the costs of transportation from
said named point of loading to the U.S. port of export and cost of
loading the cargo in containers on board the ocean going vessel. Carrier
must provide suitable containers to comply with supplier's load and
capacity capabilities. Any costs incurred, including, but not limited to
liquidated damages and storage, for failing to provide suitable
containers will be for the carrier's account. Carrier must ensure that
the containers are placed at the commencement of the shipping period and
are supplied on a continuous basis, or as otherwise mutually agreed
between parties until the contract quantity is fulfilled. The carrier
must provide loading schedule in their offer.

The ocean carrier must contact the intermodal plant (warehouse) at least
72 hours in advance of the first day of the shipping period from
intermodal plant (warehouse) to establish a loading schedule that begins
on the 1st day of the shipping period. A copy of the loading schedule
from each intermodal plant (warehouse) is requested by USDA/KCCO in
writing 48 hours prior to the first day of the shipper period from the
intermodal plant (warehouse). This information is required by USDA
KCCO/WLED in order to coordinate check-loading of the milk containers at
the intermodal plant (warehouse) and no milk can load unless an examiner
is present.

All nonfat dry milk must be shipped in fully enclosed marine containers,
loaded and sealed at the warehouse allocated by USDA, and remain in same
sealed container up to delivery point. Offers of non-containerized
service will be considered non-responsive to this freight IFB. 

9. Carrier must certify that each container utilized to load these
cargoes is: (a) in wind and water tight condition; (b) not more than ten
(10) years old; (c) not a salvaged container or mustered out from
regular service. As a condition of payment, carrier must provide to
Panalpina an FGIS survey report attesting to the satisfactory condition
of containers. Survey is to be performed prior to loading these cargoes.

10. Full berth terms, all inclusive, no demurrage, no despatch, no
detention on vessels, containers, rail cars, trucks and/or trailers

11. Discharge/delivery terms: per paragraph 2(A)(ii) of the U.S. Food
Aid Booking Note dated May 01, 2004.

12. Customs clearance at destination is the responsibility of the

13. Shipper will impose a loading delay assessment (LDA) of $ 1.00 per
M/T reduction in freight rate per day or pro-rata. The LDA will be
assessed for each day or pro-rata, beyond the contracted load date, plus
a seven (7) day grace period, that the vessel fails to present, and to
be accepted, at the first (or sole) load port to load the cargo under
this freight tender. LDA, if any, will be deducted from the freight

14. Shipper will impose a delivery delay assessment (DDA) of $1.00 PMT
per day or pro-rata for all cargo arriving at discharge port beyond
forty (40) days after the bill of lading date of said cargo. The DDA,
if any, will be deducted from the ocean freight payment.

15. Contract and payment terms: This tender is subject to the US Food
Aid Booking Note dated May 01, 2004, which are fully incorporated

16. Panalpina, along with the United States Department of Agriculture,
reserves the option to require freight payment to be made through US
bank's Powertrack System. Such option to be declared by Panalpina prior
to cargo lifting. If Powertrack option is declared, carrier shall be
responsible for establishing an account directly with US bank.

17. Carriers are fully and solely responsible for any penalty assessed
against the cargo by U.S. Customs enforced compliance program for
outbound documentation due in whole or in part to carrier's delay in
verifying the final load count and providing said count to Panalpina,

18. Carriers shall include all actual and anticipated war risk insurance
premiums in their offered rates. Owners bear the risk of any increase
in war risk insurance premiums.

19. Evaluations and contract award: offers which do not comply with the
mandatory requirements of the IFB, including but not limited to the
minimums and maximums specified above, will not be considered. Offers
must include full particulars demonstrating the willingness and ability
to meet these requirements. Shipper reserves the right to award without
discussions. Award(s) will be to the lowest responsible offeror meeting
the mandatory requirements of this IFB.

20. Section 408 of the U.S Coast Guard Authorization Act of 1998,
Public Law 105-383 (46 U.S.C. Section 2302 (e), establishes, effective
January 1, 1999, with respect to non-U.S. flag vessels and operators/
owners, that substandard vessels and vessels operated by operators of
substandard vessels are prohibited from the carriage of government
impelled (preference) cargo(es) for up to one year after such
substandard determination has been published electronically. As the
cargo advertised in this tender may be preference cargo, offerors must
warrant that vessel(s) and owner/operators are not disqualified to carry
such cargo(es). 

21. Commodity, load port and intermodal point abbreviations as per USDA
form KC-362. Delivery terms per USDA Notice to be Trade of April 5,
1995. For any commodities allocated basis intermodal supplier's plant,
vessel owners must comply with supplier's load and capacity
capabilities. When owners fail to comply with supplier's load
capabilities, any costs incurred by CCC including but not limited to
carrying charges, liquidated damages, storage, will be for the vessel's
account. The owners must ensure that the containers are placed at the
plant by the commencement of the supplier's shipping period and supply
containers on a continuous basis until the supplier fulfills his
contract quantity. Owners are responsible to offer only for vendors who
match owners' capabilities. Owners are encouraged to refer to KC-362
for the list of plant locations and capabilities.

22. ISM and ISPS Code Compliance. Carrier guarantees that this vessel,
if required by the ISM (Non self-propelled barges are exempt), and ISPS
code issued in accordance with International Convention for the Safety
of Life at Sea (1974) as amended (SOLAS) complies fully with the
International Safety Management (ISM) Code and the International Ship
and Port Facilities Security (ISPS) Code and will remain so for the
entirety of her employment under this booking note. Upon request,
Carriers to provide Shippers with a copy of the relevant document of
compliance (DOC) and Safety Management Certificate (SMC) in regard to
the ISM Code and the International Ship Security Certificate (ISSC) in
regard to the ISPS Code. Carriers are to remain fully responsible for
any and all consequences from matters arising as a result of the Carrier
or the vessel being out of compliance with the ISM and ISPS code.

23. Shipper reserves the right to require a performance bond in the form
of a certified check or cashier's check drawn on a first-class U.S.A.
bank equivalent to 5 percent of the ocean freight. If shipper elects to
require a performance bond, the check must be made payable to "U.S.
Department of Agriculture, 1400 Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC
20250. Performance bond to be valid until vessel completes loading.
Performance bond may be required on non-US bookings.

Commodity Office Notice to the Trade EOD-68 dated May 5, 2000 "Change in
VLO Requirements and Procedures" is hereby incorporated. A copy of
notice can be obtained from the following FTP site:
http://www.fsa.usda.gov/daco/eod_notices/eod68.pdf . A copy of the VLO
Certificate must be submitted as part of the freight payment package. 

25. If cargo and/or vessel is found to be infested at discharge port and
provided clean bills of lading were issued, fumigation to be at owners
time, risk and expense.

26. Offers from NVOCC's will not be considered.

27. Offers must state that vessel is a VOCC.

28. Shipper reserves the right to accept or reject any and all offers.

29. All fixtures are subject to final approval by the shipper,

30. Offers must be in writing and may be hand delivered in sealed
envelope, or submitted by fax at (703) 733-4353 to Panalpina, Inc.,
22750 Glenn Drive, Sterling, VA 20164. Telephone offers are not allowed
and will not be considered.

31. Offers must be received by no later than 1100 hours Washington, DC
time Tuesday , 02 November 2004. If a fax offer begins to print before
1100 hours and continues past that time, charterers will consider the
offer as received on time. Offer received after 1100 hours will not be

32. Total commissions 2.5%. If offered direct, 2.5% to Panalpina. If
offered through a broker, 2/3 of 2.5% to Panalpina and 1/3 of 2.5% to
owners' broker.

For further information call Panalpina (703) 674-2317. END 

Last modified: Monday, April 14, 2008 06:13:23 PM