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NOAA At The Ends of the Earth Collection
Catalog of Images

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Cat train on the move at noon on a clear day
Alaska North Slope Winter 1950
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Observing tower with wind screen near Oliktok Point
Alaska, Oliktok Point, North Slope Spring 1950
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Baseline measurements on the lagoon ice - note stakes along line
Alaska North Slope Spring 1950
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Baseline measurements on the lagoon ice - note stakes along line
Alaska North Slope Spring 1950
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Triangulation party at Cross Island
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Spring 1950
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Cat train on the way to a triangulation station for observations Termed an "O" train, for triangulation observations
Alaska North Slope Spring 1950
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Cat train on the way to a triangulation station for observations Termed an "O" train, for triangulation observations
Alaska North Slope Spring 1950
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Caterpillar tractor with Brooks Range in background
Camden Bay, Brooks Range to south, Alaska Spring 1950
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Brooks Range visible miles away over the flat Arctic plain Such views lend credence to the flat earth theory Just kidding!
Camden Bay, Brooks Range to south, Alaska Spring 1950
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Triangulation party at Camden Bay
Camden Bay, Alaska North Slope Spring 1950
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While crossing frozen sea area, pressure ridges presented formidable obstacles
Alaska North Slope Spring 1950
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Observing party on a barrier island. Tall hydro signal built to increase offshore range for visual control.
Alaska North Slope Spring 1950
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The first sign of the spring melt - a stream is seen flowing on the ice
Alaska, Tigvariak Island, North Slope Spring 1950
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Indications of the coming spring melt - bare hills, pools of water, bare hands
Brownlow Point, Alaska North Slope Spring 1950
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Increasing expanses of melted snow and ice during the spring melt Weasel checking sea ice landing strip at Oliktok Point - If weasel didn't break ice, ski planes could land. If weasels broke ice, they would float as they were amphibious.
Brownlow Point, Alaska North Slope Spring 1950
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Observing party on a barrier island. Tall hydro signal built to increase offshore range for visual control.
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Spring 1950
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Observing party on a barrier island. Tall hydro signal built to increase offshore range for visual control.
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Spring 1950
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Weasel at observing tent
Alaska, Oliktok Point, North Slope Spring 1950
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Crepuscular rays illuminate the melting ice of the Beaufort Sea
Alaska, Oliktok Point, North Slope Spring 1950
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Erosion along the shore of Tigvariak Island Hydrographic signal built in anticipation of the coming open water
Alaska, Tigvariak Island, North Slope Spring 1950
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Survey launches at Tigvariak Island ready for a summer season of work Boats painted orange for visibility in Arctic waters
Alaska, Tigvariak Island, North Slope Summer 1950
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Profile view of launches at Tigvariak Island
Alaska, Tigvariak Island, North Slope Summer 1950
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"Goldie" - a landing craft - used to transport men and equipment
Point Barrow, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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The starboard quarter view of the landing craft "Goldie"
Point Barrow, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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Ice at Cross Island
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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Loading a weasel on "Goldie"
Alaska, Oliktok Point, North Slope Summer 1950
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Survey Launch #15 , called "Fair Dinkum" at Cross Island
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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Like clouds, ice bergs can assume fantastic shapes
Beaufort Sea, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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A large ice berg (by Beaufort Sea standards) - remains of a pressure ridge.
Off Reindeer Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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Collecting fresh water from a melting ice berg Pools of fresh water form on the top of the berg
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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Description not available.
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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Cruising through an ice field - l to r - Ted Shanahan, Stan Jeffers, Jerry Gray, and Simon Tagarook
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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Survey launch offshore from Cross Island
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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Compass stand and ice berg
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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Collecting fresh water on top of an ice berg Pools of fresh water form on the top of the berg
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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Collecting fresh water at Cross Island on a berg near Cross Island on misty day
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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Survey launch and supply launch at Cross Island
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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Survey launch running near the shore at Cross Island
Cross Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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An orange boat accentuated by the blue water and bright white ice berg
Beaufort Sea, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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Arctic sunset - there's a chill in the air and the night's are getting longer It's time to head south
Beaufort Sea, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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A boat's eyeview of an ice berg Tied up to berg while collecting water
Beaufort Sea, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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On a fresh water collecting expedition Pools of fresh water form on the top of the berg
Beaufort Sea, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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Survey launch #14 towing a dinghy
Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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Open water at last - let's do some hydro! Shoran navigation antenna seen on launch
Beaufort Sea, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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The end of the day
Collinson Point, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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Description not available.
Beaufort Sea, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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Survey launch at anchor with dinghy returning from shore
Collinson Point, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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A Shoran navigation shore station
Collinson Point, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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A Shoran navigation shore station and launch shore camp.
Collinson Point, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950
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Survey boat at the Long Island camp - Shoran navigation antenna on the beach
Long Island, Alaska North Slope Summer 1950

PAGES - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 |

Publication of the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Adminstration (NOAA),
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Last Updated:
April 23, 2007