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Asian Longhorned Beetle


Regulatory Authorities

Compliance agreements with the regulated establishments listed previously are required to move regulated articles if program inspectors are not present to monitor the movement. All firewood (of hardwood species), ALB-infested host material, and dead, cut, or fallen logs, green lumber, stumps, roots, branches, and debris of ½ inch or more in diameter, of regulated species are required to be chipped (no larger than 1 inch in two dimensions) prior to leaving the regulated area.

Nursery stock in the regulated area is subject to inspection. Any infested host material found in the nursery trade is required to be chipped. Chipped material must be no larger than 1 inch in two dimensions. Uninfested host material in the nursery trade is allowed to leave the regulated area if accompanied by a certificate of inspection and the approved permits. When uninfested host material is sold for planting within the regulated area the seller will keep records of the sale. These records will include the name, address, and phone number of the buyer so that regulatory officers can inspect the host material after planting for the presence or absence of ALB.

ALB Regulations: 7 CFR 301.51 in .txt or .pdf format. You can also view periodic regulatory updates.

Regulated Articles

The regulated articles for ALB include the following:

  1. The Asian Longhorned Beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis) in any living stage of development.
  2. Firewood from all hardwood species.
  3. All host material living, dead, cut, or fallen inclusive of nursery stock, logs, green lumber, stumps, roots, branches, and debris of half inch or more in diameter of the genera listed in Appendix 1.
Regulated Establishments

Establishments placed under regulations for ALB within a quarantined area include:

  1. Landscapers.
  2. Tree pruning companies.
  3. Tree removal companies.
  4. Firewood dealers.
  5. Pallet distributors.
  6. Nurseries.
  7. Sanitation workers, as well as other municipal or community services and associated contractors.       

Compliance agreements with the regulated establishments listed previously are required to move regulated articles if program inspectors are not present to monitor the movement. All firewood (of hardwood species), ALB-infested host material, and dead, cut, or fallen logs, green lumber, stumps, roots, branches, and debris of ½ inch or more in diameter, of regulated species are required to be chipped (no larger than 1 inch in two dimensions) prior to leaving the regulated area.

Nursery stock in the regulated area is subject to inspection. Any infested host material found in the nursery trade is required to be chipped. Chipped material must be no larger than 1 inch in two dimensions. Uninfested host material in the nursery trade is allowed to leave the regulated area if accompanied by a certificate of inspection and the approved permits. When uninfested host material is sold for planting within the regulated area the seller will keep records of the sale. These records will include the name, address, and phone number of the buyer so that regulatory officers can inspect the host material after planting for the presence or absence of ALB

Trace Back Inspections and Trace Forward Inspections

Trace back inspections will be conducted in an attempt to determine the source of the infestation.  These inspections will begin at the epicenter of the core area and work outward from there.
Trace forward inspections will be conducted to determine if infested host material      has been moved out of the regulated area.  These inspections will start with the regulated establishments located and/or conducting business within the regulated area.  Once these establishments are identified, the survey protocols used for the High Risk Establishment survey will apply.                                       

Quarantine Boundaries

Initial quarantine boundaries are established through consultation with the cooperating regulatory agencies on the project.  Generally these boundaries are set using the delimiting protocols mentioned in the survey section of this document, in conjunction with existing geographical barriers.

Hot spot infestations are those areas which contain ALB-infested host material that can be directly linked to the movement of regulated articles outside of an existing quarantined area.  These infestations are identified through the High Risk Site Survey protocols or Trace Forward Inspections.  They are characterized by their small size (all infested trees are contained within a 300-yard radius).  With the consensus of the cooperating regulatory agencies on the project, these areas can be placed under a transitional quarantine boundary a ½ mile in radius.  These areas will be monitored throughout the year, using intensive core area and delimiting survey methods.  If spread beyond a ½ mile is identified, then the standard quarantine boundary protocols will be applied.

Quality Assurance

Regulatory Officers will spot check the removal of ALB-positive host material to ensure that contractual obligations are being met.

Last Modified: August 27, 2008