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To support the practice and expansion of effective philanthropic giving. AGM is a community of foundation staff and trustees, corporate grant makers, donors and philanthropic advisory services that builds a connection with nonprofit leaders.

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dotFoundations and Nonprofits come together to strategize how to survive the ecomonic crisis
With only standing-room available, over 400 grant makers and nonprofit organizations listened to a panel discussion on Thursday at the Back Bay Events Center. The panel discussion provided the attendees with much to consider as they brainstormed strategies in smaller breakout groups on how to manuever through these difficult economic times.


Read Summary of the meeting highlights
Listen to the audio podcast of the event

Reporter Mary Moore from the Boston Business Journal was on hand to cover this event.
"Panelists who spoke during the event at the Back Bay Events Center acknowledged a Darwinian reality that some nonprofits in Massachusetts are not strong enough to power through the struggling economy and that “tough love” might be what the nonprofit sector needs to weed out organizations that are poorly run or not focused in their strategies..."
Read full story

dotAssociated Grant Makers (AGM) is pleased to announce a new initiative called the Professional Education Scholarships. 
The Professional Education Scholarships will help defray the registration fee expenses to participate in workshops and trainings offered by Nonprofit Support Center’s. Vist our new Professional Education Scholarships page for eligibity details and to download the application.

Massachusetts may be hardest-hit by Madoff scandal
Many local area nonprofit organizations and foundations have suffered great financial losses due to investments in the Bernard Madoff companies. Among those affected, the Robert I. Lappin Charitable Foundation in Salem, MA and The Carl and Ruth Shapiro Family Foundation, which lost almost half its money, or about $145 million, to Madoff. According to an article in the Bloomberg News, Boston charities may be most impacted. “As a percentage of the population and significance of the charities involved, Boston was hardest-hit,” said Mark T. Williams, a professor at Boston University School of Management and a former Federal Reserve bank examiner.
Read full Bloomberg News article
Other related stories:
Madoff scandal hits Boston-area research labs, life science foundations
Ripples of Madoff scandal spread everywhere
Major foundation falls to Madoff fraud
Tufts loses $20 million in Madoff scandal
Could You Lose Money in the Madoff Scandal?

dotWhat Grant Makers and Grant Seekers Are Saying
AGM is listening to you! As part of our mission to support responsible and effective philanthropy, AGM is hosting a series of convenings and discussion opportunities for our grant making Members and nonprofit Partners to talk about the impact of the economic downturn on the nonprofit sector, and what innovative approaches and resources are available to support the work of the charitable sector. Summaries of key themes and ideas that emerge from these discussions will continually be posted online.
View nonprofits' comments from the 2008 Nonprofit Partners Meeting
View discussion points from Funders Conversation on November 6, 2008
View Nonprofit Partners Conversation about the Economic Crisis from covening on November 19, 2008
**The summary and report out from the sell-out January 8th meeting, the Funder-Grantee Discussion on the Economic Situation and Moving Forward, will be posted shortly along with an audio podcast from the event.

DotThe Economic Crisis – Centralized Information Resources for Funders and Nonprofits
Massachusetts to cut $700 million from State Budget.  Turbulent Waters.  Uncertainty Looms for the Nonprofit Sector. A Rollercoaster. Pick your headline, pick your metaphor, no matter where you look these days, it is clear that the philanthropic and nonprofit sectors are facing both greater uncertainty and greater demand for services than we have for a very long time.  As the leading organization for funders and nonprofits in Massachusetts and New Hampshire, AGM remains committed to providing you with key policy and news developments, and also provide links to resources and innovative ideas for both funders and nonprofits.
View News and Resources Page
(updated 12/18/08)

Public Policy Updates
Visit our Public Policy Resource section for the latest news and policy and legislative resources. Our last update was January 5, 2009.

DotIn the News!
This is a new link on Associated Grant Makers website to promote the good works of AGM Members and the press coverage that Members and AGM receives. Help us spread the news, email your press releases and news stories to Gail Pinkham and we'll post them to this section of our site.

Recently AGM received great press coverage at our annual Nonprofit Partners Meeting that was included in a WBUR news story about the nonprofit sector’s wariness in the current economic climate. 
Read In the News.

To view previous feature news stories on AGM's home page visit
Archived News


SPIFFY Roundtable - "Spend more, spend less or pursue other strategies in lean times"
Thursday, January 15, 2009
10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Ready By 21: Statewide Funders Meeting
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Grants Manager Network (GMN) Winter Meeting
Thursday, January 22, 2009
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

CEO Roundtable
Thursday, January 29, 2009
8:30 am - 10:30 am

Teleconference: Family Members on Call: Being Both Family
Thursday, February 12, 2009
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Corporate Funders Roundtable: Sponsorship & Table Requests - What Grantees Need to Know

February 23, 2009
8:30 am - 10:00 am

Office Closings


55 Court Street, Suite 520 | Boston, MA 02108 | 617.426.2606 | Fax 617.426.2849 |
© 2007 Associated Grant Makers