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Agent Name 1-Hexanol
CAS Number 111-27-3
Formula C6-H14-O
Major Category Solvents
Synonyms 1-Hexanol; 1-Hexyl alcohol; 1-Hydroxyhexane; Amylcarbinol; Caproic alcohol; Caproyl alcohol; Hexanol; Hexyl alcohol; Hexyl alcohol (natural); Pentylcarbinol; n-Hexan-1-ol; n-Hexyl alcohol; [ChemIDplus]
Category Alcohols
Description Colorless liquid with a fruity odor; [CHEMINFO]
Sources/Uses Used to produce plasticizers, antiseptics, fragrances, pharmaceuticals, and finishing agents for textile and leather; Used as a flavoring agent and a solvent for fats, waxes, dyes, and paints; [CHEMINFO]
Comments May cause first degree burns after short exposure and second degee burns after longer contact; [CHRIS] Undiluted 1-Hexanol is a mild irritant. Application of 0.2 ml to 27-28 volunteers caused no noticeable skin effects. 1-Hexanol caused corneal burns from which patients recovered within 48 hours. Ingestion can lead to symptoms of "alcohol" intoxication. [CHEMINFO]
Exposure Assessment
Skin Designation (ACGIH) Not evaluated
Vapor Pressure 0.92 mm Hg
Odor Threshold Low 0.007 ppm
Odor Threshold High 0.01 ppm
RD50 240 ppm
Explanatory Notes The LC (mouse) > 1060 ppm/6H; [ChemIDplus] Odor threshold = 0.007 -0.01 ppm (detection); 0.09 ppm (100% recognition); [CHEMINFO]
Flammability (NFPA) 2: high ambient temperature required
Adverse Effects
Dermatotoxin Skin Burns
Neurotoxin CNS Solvent Syndrome
Links to Other NLM Databases
Health Studies Human Health Effects from Hazardous Substances Data Bank: 1-HEXANOL  
Toxicity Information Search TOXNET
Chemical Information Search ChemIDplus
Related Information in Haz-Map
Diseases Occupational diseases associated with exposure to this agent:
Processes Industrial Processes with risk of exposure:

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Last updated: September, 2008