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Thursday, January 15, 2009
Bank of America to Get Billions in Aid
The government is close to finalizing a deal that would give billions in additional aid to Bank of America to help it close its acquisition of Merrill.

Apple's Steve Jobs Takes Medical Leave
Apple CEO Steve Jobs said his health issues are more complex than he thought and he plans to take medical leave until June.

SEC Pick Has Record as Regulator With Light Touch
Obama's nominee to lead the SEC, Mary Schapiro, has infrequently pursued tough action against big Wall Street firms.

The Library, a Cozy Place to Look for a Job
Recession-weary patrons are flocking to the library to update résumés, scan for job listings, and find entertainment.
Microsoft Is Exploring Job Cuts
Microsoft is exploring significant work-force reductions, a rare occurrence for the world's largest software company.

Bankruptcy Possible for Smurfit
Cardboard box maker Smurfit-Stone told lenders it could file for bankruptcy amid weakening sales and a cash crunch.

Nortel Files for Bankruptcy
Nortel Networks filed for protection from creditors in the U.S. and Canada, reeling from sliding demand for its telecom equipment.

Motorola to Slash 4,000 Jobs
Motorola said it will cut 4,000 jobs, or about 6% of its work force, and issued a disappointing fourth-quarter forecast.
Madoff's Traders Were In Decline
Despite dramatic drops in revenue and profits at Madoff's original stock trading business in recent years, the firm continued to raise staff pay.

Bank Turmoil Sinks Stocks
The Dow industrials tumbled by 250 points as all 30 of its components fell amid upheaval in the banking sector.

Investors Hope Chase's Dimon Changes Tune
Analysts expect J.P. Morgan Chase will report that it barely broke even when it announces fourth-quarter results on Thursday.

Goldman Finds a Way to Dole Out Cash
Goldman Sachs has changed how it doles out certain stock grants to employees, including by easing the rules on when restricted shares may be sold.

Deutsche Bank Warns of Deep Loss
Deutsche Bank warned on earnings, saying that exceptionally tough market conditions drove it to a loss of about $6.3 billion for the fourth quarter.
Heart Risks Seen in Antipsychotic Drugs
Patients taking the latest generation of antipsychotic drugs are twice as likely to suffer sudden cardiac failure as nonusers, according to a new study.

Happiness Is a Warm Snowblower
Harsh winter weather and frugal spending may have cast a pall on most retail sales, but the snowblower is proving recession-resistant.

A Gusher of Investment-Fraud Cases
Investors who sought a piece of the action when oil prices were soaring fell victim to fraudulent schemes.

Grocer to Flag Healthful Foods
Supervalu is labeling which products meet government health recommendations.

Latest e-Books on Your Cellphone
Walt Mossberg tests new e-book apps that aim to bring current and popular titles from major publishers to the iPhone and Touch.

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