


The Yale University Library, Commission on Preservation & Access, and the Council on Library Resources invite you to subscribe to LIBLICENSE-L, an internet discussion list on the topic of Electronic Content Licensing for Academic & Research Libraries.

Subscribers may post to the list by sending a message to

LIBLICENSE-L is a moderated list for the discussion of issues related to the licensing of digital information by academic and research libraries. Increasingly, libraries are being inundated with information created in digital format and transmitted and accessed via computers. This list is designed to assist librarians and others concerned with the licensing of information in digital format in dealing with some of the unique challenges faced by this new medium. Information providers (creators, publishers and vendors) who deal with libraries are welcomed as members of LIBLICENSE-L. Potential areas of discussion include:

  • Drafting library and educational license agreements for digital information content
  • Insuring that license agreements do not inordinately restrict the use of digital information
  • Reconciling license agreements with the fair use provisions of the U.S.Copyright Act
  • International agreements relating to the copyright of databases and other digital information in their relationship to content licenses
  • Modifications of the U.S. Copyright Act as this relates to digital content licenses
  • Privacy and security issues relating to the use of licensed digital information via license
  • Interlibrary loans of digital information in the way these relate to library content licenses.

The list moderator is Ann Okerson, Assistant University Librarian, Yale University Sterling Memorial Library. All messages will automatically be sent to Ms. Okerson for vetting for the list.

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