current exhibitions
Portrait Competition civil war george washington

We are pleased to feature these virtual exhibitions, developed specifically for the National Portrait Gallery website.

Cover Art: The Time Collection at the National Portrait Gallery
The portraits displayed in this site represent the compelling variety of personalities and art that have distinguished Time covers for more than three-quarters of a century. Heroes and rogues, queens and presidents, popes and pop stars, singers and athletes—all have been ensconced, in one form or fashion, within Time’s trademark red border.

 View: Cover Art: The Time Collection at the National Portrait Gallery

civil war
For the first time ever, a large number of selections from the Smithsonian Institution's vast Civil War collections are available instantly to people around the world.

The initial 250 objects that comprise this site were selected from thousands of artifacts by Smithsonian curators at six organizations and include uniforms, equipment, weapons, and paintings and photographs of some of the war's most celebrated personalities.
 View: CivilWar@Smithsonian

Picturing Business in America
Hedcuts in The Wall Street Journal

First invented in 1979, The Wall Street Journal’s distinctive portrait heads, known as "hedcuts" or "dot-drawings" have attained the status of an American icon, readily identifiable with one of the country’s best-known business publications.
 View: Picturing Business in America

related items
Eye Contact
View the Gallery's extensive collection of books and exhibition catalogs. Publications are available through the National Portrait Gallery or the respective publishers.
 View publications list


The call for entries for the 2009 Outwin Boochever Portrait Competition runs from June 2 to July 31, 2008

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