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• Commercial Forest (CF) Information and Forms
The Commercial Forest program provides a property tax reduction to private landowners as an incentive to retain and manage forestland for long-term timber production.

• Qualified Forest Property
The intent of this tax exemption is to encourage private landowners to manage their land for forestry by providing a property tax reduction as an incentive.

• Forest Legacy Program
Development of Michigan's privately owned forests poses an increasing threat to maintaining the integrity of Michigan's valuable privately owned forest base.

• Forest Stewardship Program
The goal of the Forest Stewardship Program is to promote the wise use and stewardship of privately owned forestlands.

• Forest Stewardship - Certified Plan Writing Grants

• Forest Stewardship - Outreach and Education Grant Program


• Right to Forest Act (Act 676 of 2002) - Generally Accepted Forest Management Practices PDF icon
The Michigan Right to Forest Act, 2002 PA 676, provides that a forest operation shall not be found to be a public nuisance if it conforms to Natural Resource Commission approved "generally accepted forestry management practices" (GAFMPs). In November 2006, based on recommendations from the Forest Management Advisory Committee, the Natural Resources Commission approved GAFMPs that apply to both public and private forest lands in Michigan. These GAFMPs will be reviewed annually by the Natural Resources Commission.

• Michigan DNR Service Foresters - IC4113A PDF icon

• Find a Certified Plan Writer

Related Resource head, small version

• Caring for Private Forest Lands in Michigan

• Directory of Michigan Seedling Nurseries - IC4175 PDF icon

• Managing Michigan's Wildlife: A Landowner's Guide

• Marketing Forest Products

• Timber harvesting: Don't cut the best and leave the rest

• Urban and Community Forestry

• What Is My Timber Worth, and How Do I Sell It?


• Cost Share Programs - Federal Assistance Programs for Non-industrial Private Landowners PDF icon

• Forest Certification

• Forest Fire

• Forest Health

• Threatened and Endangered Species

• Wildlife Management


• American Tree Farm System

• Forest Landowners Guide to Internet Resources - States of the Northeast

• MSU - MI Natural Features Inventory

• MSU Department of Forestry

• National Timber Tax Web Site - Purdue University

• USDA Forestry Service

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