


To serve people in all parts of Indiana, Purdue operates eight regional Purdue Agricultural Centers (PACs).

Indiana has over 400 soil types and multiple microclimates. Each section of farmland reacts differently to fertilizers, cultural practices, pesticides, and tillage systems. Each parcel of forest reacts differently to different management practices. So Purdue's PACs are located where they can do the most good (State Map of PACs).

At the PACs, researchers and Extension educators help identify and solve production problems, take risks that eventually will benefit farmers, and explain and demonstrate the results of sophisticated research.

The Director of Purdue Agricultural Centers, Jerry Fankhauser, and the ARP staff, administer and coordinate projects at the regional centers, which are used by researchers from all agricultural disciplines.

Visit the CES Calendar for dates and contacts on field days and tours.






Purdue University
Copyright © 2001, Purdue University.
All Rights Reserved.
Purdue Agricultural Centers
615 W. State Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1140