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New York Facts and Figures

Location New York is bordered by Lake Ontario and Lake Erie, two Canadian provinces, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut to the east, New Jersey and Pennsylvania to the south, the Atlantic Ocean in the southeast, and anchored at the southeast corner by New York City.
Capital Albany
Geographic Coordinates Geographic Center:
Latitude: 42º 67' N, Longitude: 73º 80' W
Total Area 47,214 sq miles (122 284 sq km)
Coastline Length 127 miles (204.4 km)
Climate Cool temperate continental climate, experiences four distinct seasons.
Topography New York is generally mountainous through the center and in the northwest, and flat on the eastern and southwestern borders. The Appalachian Mountain chain runs through the center of the state, while the rugged Adirondack Mountains cover the northwest until flattening out into the Finger Lakes Region and the Allegheny Plateau in the southwest. The Hudson-Mohawk lowlands comprise the far eastern edge of the state, and from the southeastern edge both Long Island and Staten Island are included in the low-lying Atlantic Coastal Plain.
Land Facts  
Developed Land 11%
Cropland 18%
Pastureland 9%
Rangeland 0%
Forest 59%
Other 3%
Lowest Point Atlantic Ocean - 0 feet (0 meters)
Highest Point Mt. Marcy, 5,344 ft (1,630 m)
Natural Resources fertile soil, mineral varieties and abundant water supplies
Population 19,190,115
Population Growth Rate 0.53 % per year
Ethnic groups White 67.9%, Black 15.9%, Amerindian 0.4%, Asian 5.5%, mixed and other 10.2%


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