STC Teacher Guides

The NSRC's Science and Technology for Children® curriculum was completed in 1997. Since then, the NSRC and its publisher, Carolina Biological Supply Company, have been improving the content and structure of the curriculum to reflect feedback from students, teachers, and school administrators. This process of improvement has led to the second edition of the STC program materials.

The new edition of STC incorporates many useful improvements, including changes in the format, organization, and content of the STC Teachers Guides (TGs).  The new TGs are hole-punched and contained within a binder. This improves ease-of-use and allows teachers to add materials as they prepare their lessons and participate in professional development programs. The new TGs are organized into sections, each clearly identified with a tab. The tabbed sections are as follows:

  • Revised STC program and unit overviews. (Tabs 1 & 2)
  • Information about equipment, supplies, and safety, contextualized to each of the 24 STC units. (Tab 3)
  • 16 or more student investigations that incorporate either pre-, embedded, or post-unit assessments. (Tab 4)
  • The role of assessment in the STC program, with extensive background information for teachers and additional assessments. (Tab 5)
  • The role of notebooks in the STC program, including specific guidance for teachers. (Tab 6)
  • The use of reading resources for the STC program. This section highlights the role of science education in literacy, gives explicit instructions for teachers on how to use the reading selections in the STC units and spotlights the new Science and Technology for Children® Books for children grades four through six.  (Tab 7)
  • Additional resources that teachers can use to supplement the hands on investigations. Includes recommendations for videos, books, audiovisual, technology and other materials. (Tab 8)

To obtain more information or to order STC®, contact Carolina Biological Supply Company.




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