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Congressman John D. Dingell

US Congress Seal

Serving Michigan's 15th Congressional District

NEWS RELEASE Contact: Adam Benson

July 18, 2008

  202/225-4071 (office)
  202/271-8587 (cell)

Dingell Comments on Obama Letter to Auto Workers & McCain Visit to Michigan

Washington, DC - Congressman John D. Dingell (D-MI15) made the following comments on a letter from Senator Barack Obama to United Auto Workers members and Senator John McCain’s visit to Warren’s GM Design Center Dome today:

“For the second time in as many weeks, John McCain has come to Michigan and disappointed Michigan workers with his campaign for Bush’s third term in office, offering more of the same on Bush’s failed policies on energy, healthcare, trade and manufacturing.  Today as John McCain posed for photos with the world’s finest auto engineers and offered symbolic promises of gimmicks that will do nothing to protect Michigan jobs, Barack Obama stood up for Michigan and offered a real plan to protect our jobs and strengthen our economy. 

“Senator Obama proposed a Second Economic Stimulus package which would include tax credits and loan guarantees for our automakers and expanded consumer tax incentives for ultra-efficient vehicles.  With this proposal, which has my full support, we have the opportunity to give our auto workers tools they need to compete fairly in the global economy, where we know they will prevail.  Senator Obama also spoke today of expanding programs vital to Michigan, including increasing funding to help retool existing manufacturing plants to prepare for production of advanced technology vehicles and extending Trade Adjustment Assistance and doubling funding for the Manufacturing Extension Partnership.  Most importantly, Senator Obama has pledged to work with our auto companies and our workers to ensure a level playing field, which is more than we ever heard from President Bush and have yet to hear from Senator McCain.

“What we heard today from Senator Obama was inspiring and offers hope to Michigan workers.  We unfortunately did not hear anything new or promising from Senator McCain; however, as his campaign moves forward I am always happy to consider sincerity of conversions on the road to Damascus - or, in this case, Detroit.”

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