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Congressman John D. Dingell

US Congress Seal

Serving Michigan's 15th Congressional District

NEWS RELEASE Contact: Adam Benson

June 12, 2008

  202/225-4071 (office)
  202/271-8587 (cell)

Dingell Comments on the Unemployment Benefits Extension Votes

Washington, DC - Congressman John D. Dingell (D-MI15) made the following remarks regarding the Republican-led effort to defeat a bill that would extend unemployment benefits yesterday and the effort of Democrats to pass the bill in a second vote today. The bill did pass this afternoon, 274-137. 

“Yesterday, legislation that would extend unemployment insurance benefits failed to get the 2/3 majority required to pass under suspension of the rules because the majority of my Republican colleagues once again failed to stand up for working families.  Time and time again I have witnessed my colleagues on the other side of the aisle falter in their service to their constituents – and last night was no exception.  Last month our country witnessed the largest monthly increase in unemployment in 20 years!  Gas prices are astronomical, food prices are higher than they have ever been, and as a result, American families are struggling.  During such times of economic distress not only do our constituents rely on us to help them get back on their feet, but we have a duty to work to turn around our struggling economy.  Extending unemployment benefits puts money in the pockets of those who need it and spurs the economy.  It is a proven mechanism during troubled economic times. 

“In the same week that Senate Republicans fought to protect oil companies, House Republicans are resisting Democratic efforts to help those unemployed workers who are struggling during a horrendous economic period. This truly calls into question just what is really in the hearts of these Republicans. Giving more money to corporations already swimming in profits will not improve this economy, but helping American families hold onto their homes and giving them a chance to get back on their feet is a step in the right direction.

“The Democratic Congress refused to quit on these Americans who are suffering. We brought the legislation back to the floor again today and passed the vote, despite fierce opposition from Republicans.  Again today, the majority of the Republican Members of this House decided to stand with the President and his failed economic policies - insisting that the economy is doing okay and that the stimulus checks were enough.  I am disappointed that these Republicans could not do the right thing and stand with the American people today.”

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