The Alliance for Taxpayer Access  
ATA Membership Recent Media Coverage Organizations with Supportive Views

A diverse and growing alliance of organizations representing taxpayers, patients, physicians, researchers, and institutions that support open public access to taxpayer-funded research.

Statement of Principles:

  1. American taxpayers are entitled to open access on the Internet to the peer-reviewed scientific articles on research funded by the U.S. Government.
  2. Widespread access to the information contained in these articles is an essential, inseparable component of our nation's investment in science.
  3. This and other scientific information should be shared in cost-effective ways that take advantage of the Internet, stimulate further discovery and innovation, and advance the translation of this knowledge into public benefits.
  4. Enhanced access to and expanded sharing of information will lead to usage by millions of scientists, professionals, and individuals, and will deliver an accelerated return on the taxpayers' investment.

A new feature of the ATA site, Perspectives will highlight voices across the coalition on the enduring and often personal importance of public access to taxpayer-funded research in individual lives.

Recent News:

(January 14, 2009) Vote for Public Access as a priority for the Obama administration
The president-elect’s Citizen’s Briefing Book gives us a chance to vote for Public Access to research as an issue that should be introduced to him when he takes office. Add your vote now.

(January 6, 2009) Honorable Mentions: The LJAN Top Ten Stories of 2008, 4-10
5) NIH Public Access Policy Enacted, Challenged

(December 20, 2008) 4 Top Science Advisers Are Named by Obama

(December 10, 2008) Vote now to make Public Access to research a priority for the Obama administration
The Obama Transition Team is following the lead of the campaign staff and continuing to actively use social networking technology to help set the incoming administration’s priorities. Peter Suber has suggested that CTO consider a mandate requiring Public Access to all publicly funded research, and supporters of the issue are weighing in to add their vote for the CTO to make this a priority issue. Please add your vote to the list to send the message to the incoming CTO that Public Access to taxpayer-funded research should be a priority.

(December 26, 2008) The 10 Most Influential People in Science

(December 8, 2008) Other Voices: Proposal to impose fees on research articles should be rejected

(November 26, 2008)
New: NIH PubMed Central submission methods videos - Method C

(November 26, 2008)
New: NIH PubMed Central submission methods videos - Method D

(November 13, 2008)
In Boost for NIH Policy, Major Autism Research Organization Mandates Public Access - Library Journal, Academic Newswire

(September 22, 2008)
Kicking the Doorstop on Open Access

(September 22, 2008)
Fair Copyright in Research Works Act Challenges Federal Funding

(September 19, 2008)
In Blunt Terms, Copyright Lawyers, Researchers, Librarians Blast Anti-NIH Bill

(September 17, 2008)
Open access under attack

(September 16, 2008) NIH UPDATE: Congressional hearing on legislation to overturn the NIH Public Access Policy

(September 16, 2008) Nobel prize-winners still insist on their support for public access [PDF]

Be sure to check our Media page for news on the latest developments in public access.

Join the Alliance now.



Contact ATA

The Alliance for Taxpayer Access is administered on behalf of the ATA members by
the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC).

©2004-2006 Alliance for Taxpayer Access: Content distributed under terms of a Creative Commons License.