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The following agencies, businesses and individuals help GLIN continue to provide valuable Daily News services to the public:

GLIN Daily News sponsor of the month

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Agency/Organization Sponsors

Alliance for the Great Lakes
Formerly the Lake Michigan Federation, the Alliance is a nonprofit, public interest organization focusing on protecting the Great Lakes through a variety of "Positive Change" projects.

Council of Great Lakes Industries
The Council is a non-profit organization that represents the common interests of U.S. and Canadian industrial organizations from the manufacturing, utilities, transportation, communications, financial services and trade sectors that have investments in the Great Lakes basin.

Great Lakes Commission
The Great Lakes Commission is a nonpartisan, binational compact agency created by state and U.S. federal law and dedicated to promoting a strong economy, healthy environment and high quality of life for the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence region and its residents.

Great Lakes Fishery Commission
The Fishery Commission coordinates programs of research on the Great Lakes, including lamprey control programs, and recommends measures that will permit the maximum sustained productivity of Great Lakes fish.

Great Lakes Radio Consortium
GLRC produces environmentally focused radio features and news featured on more than 100 public radio stations around the Great Lakes region and several national radio programs. The GLRC site uses Real Audio technology to allow users to listen to every feature produced by the GLRC since August 1996.

Great Lakes Sport Fishing Council
The council is a confederation of organizations and individuals who share a concern for the present and future of sport fishing, our natural and stocked resources and the ecosystem in which we live.

International Association for Great Lakes Research
IAGLR is a scientific organization made up of researchers studying the Laurentian Great Lakes and other large lakes of the world, as well as those with an interest in such research.

International Joint Commission
Established by the Boundary Waters Treaty of 1909, the IJC assists governments in finding solutions to problems involving waters that lie along, or flow across, the border between the United States and Canada.

Michigan Sea Grant
A partnership between the University of Michigan and Michigan State University to promote the understanding and intelligent use of the Great Lakes.

Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation
The Walter & Duncan Gordon Foundation is dedicated to the development of sound and innovative public policies, founded on those values fundamental to Canadians, and designed to foster the continuing evolution of a dynamic and independent Canada.

Wisconsin Sea Grant
Wisconsin Sea Grant is a statewide program of basic and applied research, education, and outreach and technology transfer dedicated to the stewardship and sustainable use of the nation's Great Lakes and ocean resources.

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Agency/Organization Donors

Clinton River Watershed Council, Rochester, Michigan
Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc., Detroit, Michigan
Limno-Tech, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan
Natural Resource Technology, Inc., Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Planning & Zoning Center, Inc., Lansing, Michigan
The Marge Everhart Co. Realtors, Ann Arbor, Michigan

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Individual Donors

Peter Annin, Madison, Wisconsin
Jonathon D. Colman, Washington D.C.
John Covert, Livonia, Michigan
Jeffrey E. Edstrom, Chicago, Illinois
Luke Forrest, Washington D.C.
Ann Marie Gorman, Cleveland, Ohio
Norman G. Grannemann, Okemos, Michigan
Gregory Lang, Ann Arbor, Michigan
John Lenters, Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan
Mark Johnson, Saint Cloud, Minnesota
Jon MacDonagh-Dumler, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Alexander J. Sagady, Lansing, Michigan
Edmund Sander, Rochester, New York
Bill Schillaci, Ridgewood, New Jersey
Robert E. Van Evra III, Lockbourne, Ohio
Gordon Vieth, Wichita, Kansas
Amy M. Wainright, Cleveland, Ohio
Gary W. Wilson, Oak Park, Illinois
Mark and Andrea Zajac, Williamston, Michigan

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Great Lakes Information Network
Last Updated: Sept. 17, 2008
Maintained by: Christine Manninen, manninen@glc.org
Selected Photos: Copyright ©John and Ann Mahan
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