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Food for Progress
Commodity Fact Sheet

Bulk Refined Soybean Oil

Soybean oil shall be clear and brilliant when held at 70 degrees to 85 degree Fahrenheit. The oil shall be free from sediment, such as metal, wood, dirt, glass, paint, insects, insect parts, or any other foreign material. The oil shall have a bland odor and flavor and shall be free from beany, rancid, painty, musty, metallic, fishy, putrid, or any other undesirable odor and/or flavor. The oil shall have a light viscosity shall and not have a heavy oily mouth feel. 


Refined, Bleached and Deodorized Sunflower Seed Oil

 Item Minimum Maximum
Color Lovibond Scale   2.5 red
20.0 yellow
Moisture and Volatile Matter 
(percent by weight)
Free Fatty Acids by weight   0.05%
Peroxide Value (meg/kg), at time of loading   2.0
Fat Stability, Active Oxygen
Method (AOM)(meg/kg) 
8 hours  
Unsaponifiable Matter   1.5
Cold Test 5 1/2 hours  


The soybean oil shall be bulk.

Source: USDA:FSA:PDD:EOB March, 2002 (Contact 202-690-3565)

Last modified: Monday, April 14, 2008 06:13:23 PM