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Welcome to the Division of Value-Added Plant Production

Grape and Wine Program

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Grape & Wine Program




Kentucky Wine Map (pdf)


Before prohibition, Kentucky was the third largest grape and wine producing state in the nation. Kentucky grape and wine production is now making a comeback.


Kentucky has over 113 grape producers growing 583 acres of grapes; 280 acres are ready for production. There are three categories of grapes grown in Kentucky: European, French-American hybrids, and American. Currently there are 46 wineries operating across the commonwealth, and 36 wineries are selling wine.   


There are many industry associations including the Kentucky Grape and Wine Council, Kentucky Vineyards Society, Kentucky Wine Growers Alliance, Western Kentucky Grape Growers Association, and Northern Kentucky Vineyard and Winery Association. 


Two grant programs are available: the Marketing Cost-Share Program and the Wholesaler Reimbursement Program.  These programs are available to every small farm winery in Kentucky. To find out how to be included in this program please contact Stacia Alford at 502-564-4983.


Got Grapes?


Got Grapes? is a program designed to match grape producers who want to sell grapes to those wishing to buy grapes. If you would like to be placed on this list, please call 502-564-4983.

List of Grapes for Sale

List of Grapes Wanted


A list of Kentucky wineries is attached to allow farmers to contact Kentucky wineries about grapes.


It is important that vineyard owners contact wineries in the late winter or early spring to begin plans for marketing their grapes. Winery owners will often want to visit vineyards during the growing season to look at the progress of the grapes. Vineyard owners need to know that the quality of the grapes will ultimately determine the price. Disease, bird damage, or excessive trash (leaves, dirt , etc.) could affect the price even if a price has been agreed upon before hand. Wineries will ask for (require) different parameters and growers will need to monitor those factors as their grapes ripen.


The grower and winery should have a contract that spells out the requirements and conditions in order to protect each, especially if it is a new relationship. Growers who do not have a large enough quantity of grapes, (one ton?) may want to contact other growers of the same grape variety and contract with a winery to buy all. They would need to be harvested and delivered at the same time. Growers are usually responsible for delivery of grapes to the winery.


Links to Other Grape and Wine Associations


Kentucky Vineyard Society

Kentucky Grape & Wine Council Defined (pdf)




Available Grants


Winery Cost-Share Program


Wholesaler Reimbursement Program


Kentucky Grape & Wine Council Newsletters

February 2008 December 2007 November 2006
January 2008 November 2007

October 2006

  October 2007 September 2006
  September 2007  
  August 2007  
  July 2007  
  June 2007  
  May 2007  
  April 2007  
  March 2007  












Links for Growers

Grape Price Estimates from (Tom Cottrell) UK Extension Enologist


Wine Grape Price Comparisons (Tim Woods U of K Ag Econ)


Growing Grapes in Kentucky ID-126
(University of Kentucky)

The Mid-Atlantic Winegrape Grower's Guide
(North Carolina State University)

Kentucky Fruit Production
(University of Kentucky)

Sources for Grape Plants

(Kentucky Vineyard Society)

Grape Insects ENTFACT-208
(University of Kentucky)

Disease and Insect Control Programs for Home Grown Fruit in Kentucky Including Organic Alternatives ID-21
(University of Kentucky)

Promotion and Advertising for Kentucky's Driect Markets ID-106
(University of Kentucky)

Black Rot of Grapes PPA-27
(University of Kentucky)


Resources for Wineries

(Alcohol Beverage Control)


Wine Tasting and Sampling


Dry Counties


Licensed Wineries


Local ABC Admins


Note to Small Farm Wineries


Out of  State Wineries & Distributors


Small Farm Winery License


Wet Dry Status


Wine at Farmer's Markets


Wine Premises Operations


Wine Tasting Law


Wine Tax Info


Wineries in Counties

Kentucky Proud