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• Application to Purchase State-owned Mineral and Allied Rights (PR 4311) PDF icon
Pursuant to Part 610, UNIFIED SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE OIL OR GAS OWNERSHIP, of the NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ACT (NREPA), 1994 PA 451, as amended, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) accepts applications from surface owners for the purchase of the mineral rights lying and being on, within, or under their property. Please note, there is a non-refundable application fee required, and there is no guarantee the DNR will be able to release the requested mineral rights.

• Land Transactions
The Office of Land and Facilities oversees all real property and building construction activities for the Department. Land transaction activities, including the purchase of private land, the exchange of State-owned land for private land, the sale of surplus State-owned land, and the granting of easements across State-owned land are all handled within the Office of Land and Facilities.

• The Vegetative Management System (VMS)
The Vegetative Management System (VMS) is one of the flagship tools that will be used for the sale and harvest of timber and the management of vegetation for other objectives.

• Timber Sale Preparation
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources, solicits bids from pre-qualified vendors for performing various forestry activities related to the preparation of timber sales.


• Black Stone Mineral Co, LP v Michigan Department of Treasury
The Black Stone case challenged the State's claim to oil and gas rights acquired by foreclosure of delinquent property taxes where oil and gas rights were owned separately, or "severed" from the surface ownership and whether owners of severed mineral rights were entitled to notification of the foreclosure. At its hearing on July 3, 2007, the Antrim County Circuit Court approved the settlement agreement (Settlement) reached by the parties. The terms of the Settlement include the return of previously severed oil and gas rights to the class members, for those oil and gas severed rights thought to have been acquired by the State through tax foreclosures occurring after 1975. The State will also relinquish any claim to bonus, rent, royalties, and suspended royalties to the class parcels, as well as, "take all reasonable steps... to assist Class Counsel in the recovery of Suspended Revenues held by the operators, owners, or producers on lands covered by the State Leases."

• Land Consolidation Strategy - Parcels Available for Disposal
There are parcels available to acquire from the Department of Natural Resources. Please select the link above for further information.

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• Commercial Operations Leases

• DNR Lands

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