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You could help curate the bird collection!


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Mary Sangrey
10th Street & Constitution Avenue, NW
NHB MRC 106, Room 59A
PO Box 37012
Smithsonian Institution
Washington, D.C. 20013-7012


Updated: 13 November 2008

Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History

Academic Opportunities & Programs

   Participate & Learn   |   Volunteer   |   Donate

Join the academic endeavors of the Museum. We offer
Internships, Fellowships, Research Training Program, Volunteering, & More.
Which appointment is best for you?

Join Us!

If you like visiting the Museum, maybe you'd like to be a part of the Museum community?

Established in 1858, the Natural History Building opened its doors to the public in 1910, and is located on the National Mall at 10th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW in Washington, DC. The building is now home to over 126 million natural history specimens and a diverse community of dedicated professionals.

With world-class exhibits, public programs, educational activities, scientists, and facilities, the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History offers opportunities for almost everyone to become involved in the activities of the Museum - from scientific research to business ventures to public outreach.

Opportunities for volunteering, research, and study crossing many educational levels from high school student to senior scientist are available though our academic opportunities and programs. Through these internships, fellowships and other academic appointments the Museum provides a diverse assortment of opportunities to participate and learn.

Although most of our reporting is based on calendar year, the Museum also follows a fiscal year (FY '08: 1 Oct 07 to 30 Sep 08) for annual reporting. Here are some FY '08 highlights:

- In FY ’08 NMNH administered 1,050 academic appointments including 33 emeritus appointments, 67 individuals with tenant status.

- The Museum administered 551 academics (43 adjunct scientists, 283 research associates, 175 research collaborators and 50 research students) and of these 82 of the appointments were closed or allowed to expire during FY ‘08.

- We administered 281 internship appointments, including registering 250 new appointments during FY ’08 (some appointments carry over years). These interns contributed 90,209 hours. Our intern count continues a significant upward trend (FY ’07 239 internships with 77,322 hours; FY ’06 192 internships with 58,092 hours and 10 years ago only 86 internships administered).

- We administered 118 fellowship appointments, compared to 87 in the prior year. Most appointments were postdoctoral fellowships.

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Interns & Internships
Facebook Group "ARC":

The National Museum of Natural History encourages and supports the professional development of students through internship appointments. Each year more than 150 students participate in internships throughout the NMNH.

There are a wide variety of placement possibilities, from short-term appointments to long-term relationships. Through formal programs or informal appointments, our internships allow a diverse group of students with varied interests, strengths, and goals to participate in the many facets of the NMNH by working with, and learning from, our professionals and scholars. Applicants must be at least 16 years of age to qualify for placement.

What's happening . . .

-> Fall interns are now arriving. Time to plan some lunch time events to get everybody together. Keep up by following our facebook group, complete with calendar of events and photos!

- -> The Smithsonian On-line Intern Orientation is available. Here you'll find valuable information about the Smithsonian as well as information related to the history and mission of the institution, internships resources, contact information, general information, and policy information affecting internship appointments.

Learn more about . . .

- -> Interns & Internships

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Research Training Program
Facebook Group "RTP at NMNH":

Not just an internship, if Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History is "Where Natural History Lives" the Museum's Research Training Program (RTP) is certainly "How Natural History Grows." The RTP is a museum-based in-residence program exclusively for currently enrolled, English proficient, college-level undergraduate students interested in a career in the biological, geological or anthropological sciences. Through a competitive review process approximately 20 outstanding students from around the world are selected each year to participate.

Students, in collaboration with their Smithsonian research advisor, develop and test a scientific hypothesis and communicate the results through written manuscripts plus oral and poster presentations. In addition to their research, students participated in an active curriculum of lectures, behind-the-scenes tours, technique demonstrations, discussions, and field trips that focused on exploring natural history science and developing the skills necessary to become effective researchers and ambassadors of natural history studies. Students are provided a stipend, housing and transportation allowance.

From applicant to alum, you can ask questions, see the latest updates, share information, and learn more about the Research Training Program by visiting our Facebook page and joining the "RTP at NMNH" group at:

What's happening . . .

- -> Plans for RTP 2009 are in progress. Stay tuned.

Learn more about . . .

- -> Research Training Program

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Fellows & Fellowships
Facebook Group "ARC":

Fellows enrich the Museum research environment and enliven our scientific community. Fellowships at the Smithsonian Institution provide students and scholars with opportunities to pursue independent research projects in association with members of the Smithsonian professional research staff.

What's happening . . .

- -> We are now taking suggestions for featured topics for the next QuaFF.

Learn more about . . .

- -> Fellows & Fellowships

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Other Academic Appointments
Research Associates, Collaborators, Students and Adjunct Scientists

We offer something for everyone. Distinguished scholars and professionals can also be part of the Museum community through our academic appointments. Individuals awarded an academic appointment by the National Museum of Natural History are not employees of the Smithsonian and do not receive pay or financial award as part of the appointment.

What's happening . . .

- -> The Spring Academic Appointment nomination deadline for new and renewing Adjunct Scientists, Research Associates and Collaborators was 1 May 2008. Of the appointments up for consideration, there were 45 renewals submitted, 15 new nominations, 62 appointments were closed, 29 allowed to expired and 0 nominations withdrawn. A total of 60 awards were granted during the May 2008 cycle. The next review cycle is 1 November 2008.

Learn more about . . .

- -> Associates & Collaborators

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Volunteers & Volunteering

We welcome your help. Here's your chance to join some of the great scientific research projects and educational activities of the Museum. There is something for everyone! From helping produce exhibitions to piecing together ancient pottery to taking critical measurements of specimens; from interacting with the visiting public to editing text for publications the National Museum of Natural History is recruiting volunteers of all ages to join our science activities and public programs.

Learn more about . . .

- -> Volunteers & Volunteering

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Participate and Learn
Links to our Academic Opportunities and Programs

Academic Services
Science Staff
Scientific Community
Research Associates and Collaborators
        Smithsonian Fellowships Smithsonian Internships Smithsonian Volunteering
Main Academic Services Page     Main Academic Appointment Page Main NMNH Fellowship Page Main NMNH Internship Page Main NMNH Volunteer Page
      Appointees FAQ Page Fellows FAQ Page Interns FAQ Page Volunteer FAQ Page
        Fellows Registration & Orientation Guide Interns Registration & Orientation Guide  
          Internship Program List  
          Internship Project Listing Volunteer Project Listing
        Fellowship Application Forms  
      Emeritus List   Applicant Listing  
& Highlights
        Research Training Program  
  Science Staff List Scientific Community List Research Associates List Fellows List Intern List

Volunteer List

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