
Compost: Application and Use

January 1994 - December 1996

Quick Bibliography Series no. QB 97-01

275 Citations in English from the AGRICOLA Database
June 1997

Compiled By:
Mary V. Gold
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center, Information Centers Branch
National Agricultural Library, Agricultural Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture
Beltsville, Maryland 20705-2351

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Citation no.: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260, 270

National Agricultural Library Cataloging Record:

Gold, Mary V.
Compost: application and use : January 1994-December 1996.
(Quick bibliography series ; 97-01)
1. Compost--Bibliography. I. Title.
aZ5071.N3 no.97-01

Search Strategy

((COMPOST or COMPOSTS)TI,DE,ID) and ((CC=F100 Plant production, general) or (CC=F110 Plant production, horticultural crops) or (CC=F120 Plant production, field crops) or (CC=F130 Plant production, pastures and range) or (CC=F140 Plant production, miscellaneous crops) or (CC=F500 Plant nutrition) or (CC=F800 Plant protection))
((COMPOST or COMPOSTS)TI,DE,ID) and ((CC=F820 Pests of plants, general and misc.) or (CC=F821 Pests of plants, insects) or CC=F822 Pests of plants, nematodes) or (CC=F830 Plant diseases, general) or (CC=F831 Plant diseases, fungal) or (CC=F832 Plant diseases, bacterial) or (CC=F833 Plant diseases, viral) or (CC=F840 Plant diseases, physiological) or (CC=F841 Misc. plant disorders))
((COMPOST or COMPOSTS)TI,DE,ID) and ((CC=J100 Soil biology) or (CC=J200 Soil chemistry) or (CC=J600 Soil resources and management) or (CC=J700 Soil cultivation) or (CC=J800 Soil erosion and reclamation) or (CC=M320 Aquatic biology and ecology, Plants))
((COMPOST OR COMPOSTS)TI,DE,ID) and ((CC=P200 Water resources management) or (CC=P210 Drainage and irrigation) or (CC=W000 Pollution, general)
10  #1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9
11  #10 and LA=ENGLISH (Language)
12  #11 and PY=1994-1996 (Year of publication)

Compost: Application and Use

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Citation no.: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260, 270

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Adding value to composted manure.
Biocycle v.36(3): p.61-62. (1995 Mar.)
Descriptors: organic-fertilizers; composts; poultry-manure; granules; value-added; waste-utilization

NAL Call No.: HD9484.C65P73-- 1994
Agricultural markets for compost and mulch : cost, benefits and policy recommendations.
Pratt, W. B.; Shireman, W. K. iii, 44p. (Global Futures; California Futures Foundation, Washington, DC; Sacramento, CA , [1994])
Cover title.
Descriptors: compost-united-states-marketing; compost-economic-aspects-united- states; wood-waste-as-mulch,-soil-conditioner,-etc-economic- aspects-united-states; wood-waste- as-mulch,-soil-conditioner,-etc-marketing

NAL Call No.: S590.C63
Agronomic effectiveness of poultry manure composts.
Mahimairaja, S.; Bolan, N. S.; Hedley, M. J. Commun-soil-sci-plant-anal v.26(11/12): p.1843-1861. (1995)
Includes references.
Descriptors: brassica-oleracea-var -capitata; zea-mays; composts; poultry-manure; rock-phosphate; sulfur; urea; comparisons; crop-yield; nitrogen; use-efficiency; phosphorus; nutrient-uptake; recovery; nitrate; leaching; residual-effects; ammonium-nitrogen; nitrate- nitrogen; movement-in-soil; sulfocomposts; phosphocomposts
Abstract: Two field experiments were conducted to examine the agronomic value of poultry manure composted in the presence of both phosphate rock (PR) and elemental sulphur (So) (sulphocompost) and PR alone (phosphocompost). Winter cabbage and summer maize were used as test crops. For the first season's winter cabbage, the phosphocompost and sulphocompost were approximately 12% and 60% as effective as urea and both composts were equally effective as urea for the second season's maize crop. The greater agronomic effectiveness of sulphocompost could be attributed to the improved nitrogen (N)-use efficiency increased PR dissolution and improved S nutrition. Distribution of nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N) in the soil profile of field plots indicated greater potential for winter leaching of N from urea than poultry manure which could be the reason for the improved residual value of the manure reflected in summer maize yields. The results from the field experiments indicated that composting poultry manure with So and PR not only reduces environmental pollution associated with manure application, but also increases the agronomic effectiveness of manure.

NAL Call No.: S590.C63
Ammonium bicarbonate-DTPA extraction of elements from waste-amended calcareous soil.
Hanlon, E. A.; Schaffer, B.; Ozores Hampton, M.; Bryan, H. H. Commun-soil-sci-plant- anal v.27(9/10): p.2321-2335. (1996)
Includes references.
Descriptors: calcareous-soils; agricultural-soils; irrigated-soils; composts; sources; comparisons; refuse; sewage-sludge; yards; wastes; application- to-land; application-rates; soil- testing; chemical-composition; nutrient-content; heavy-metals; determination; extraction; ammonium- bicarbonate; chelating-agents; extractants; lycopersicon-esculentum; cucurbita- maxima; diethylenetriaminepentaacetic-acid; irrigation-rates; loading-rate
Abstract: Use of soil testing for both nutrient and heavy metal interpretations could prove to be a readily available tool for management of calcareous soils amended with solid waste products. The ammonium bicarbonate-DTPA (diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid) [AB-DTPA] extractant was used in this study, based on its successful use in other calcareous regions, and existence of interpretations for both nutrients and selected heavy metals. In southern Florida, addition of large volumes of composted waste products to shallow agricultural soils formed from crushed Oolitic limestone appears to be a viable disposal alternative to rapidly expanding landfills or incineration. For two years, the effects of processed wastes (PW) on selected, AB-DTPA-extractable soil mineral element concentrations were determined for tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and squash (Cucurbita maxima Duch. Ex Lam.) grown with three different irrigation rates (3.78, 2.53, or 1.25 L/min). The PW composts were added at supplier-recommended rates for soil addition, resulting in a range of loading rates varying with source, with which the AB-DTPA extractant could be evaluated. The PW composts were: i) Agrisoil Compost (processed municipal garbage and yard clippings) applied at 48 Mg/ha, ii) Daorganite (processed sewage sludge) applied at 16 Mg/ha, and iii) Eweson Compost (processed municipal garbage and sewage sludge) applied at 24 Mg/ha, and iv) no PW (control). There were no significant interactions between irrigation and PW treatment or effects of irrigation treatment on any of the soil-extracted elements following either crop, with the exception of AB- DTPA-extractable copper (Cu) following squash in 1991. Treatment with Agrisoil resulted in the greatest increase in mineral element accumulation in the soil followed by Daorganite and Eweson sources for both crops during each year. Although there was variability among crops and years, mineral element concentrations, particularly manganese (Mn), lead (Pb), nickel (Ni), and Cu, were generally higher in the Agrisoil-amended soil than in the other treatments. These observations could be traced to loading rates of individual elements. The lowest mineral element concentrations were in the non-amended soil. The results of this study indicate that nutrients and selected heavy metals can be monitored successfully using the AB-DTPA extractant. Accumulation of nutrients, including metals, in PW-amended soil was minimal when supplied to the soil at manufacturers' recommended rates, which were well below the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's maximum loading rates.

NAL Call No.: S592.7.A1S6
Antagonism of fungi and actinomycetes isolated from composted eucalyptus bark to Phytophthora drechsleri in a steamed and non-steamed composted eucalyptus bark-amended container medium.
Hardy, G. E.S.J.; Sivasithamparam, K. Soil-biol-biochem v.27(2): p.243-246. (1995 Feb.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: phytophthora-drechsleri; fungal-antagonists; streptomyces; deuteromycotina; isolation; bark-compost; eucalyptus; growing-media; container-grown-plants; biological-control; fungal-diseases; telopea-speciosissima; eucalyptus-calophylla

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Applying yard trimmings compost to Florida highways.
Henry, G.; Bush, D. Biocycle v.37(2): p.53-54. (1996 Feb.)
Descriptors: composts; yards; wastes; application-to-land; roadsides; florida

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Aqueous extracts of spent mushroom substrate for foliar disease control.
Yohalem, D. S.; Harris, R. F.; Andrews, J. H. Compost-sci-util v.2(4): p.67-74. (1994 Autumn)
Includes references.
Descriptors: mushroom-compost; extracts; malus-pumila; seedlings; venturia- inaequalis; conidia; spore-germination; sporulation; inhibition; biological-control

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Assessing the impact of composting yard trimmings.
Cole, M. A. Biocycle v.35(4): p.92-94, 96. (1994 Apr.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: litter-plant; yards; composts; composting; heavy-metals; nutrients; pesticides; pollutants; leaching; water-pollution; risk; assessment

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Assessment of the bacteriological quality of compost from a yard waste processing facility.
Meckes, M. C.; Rice, E. W.; Johnson, C. H.; Rock, S. Compost-sci-util v.3(3): p.6- 13. (1995 Summer)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composts; yards; litter-plant; quality; fecal-coliforms; coliform- bacteria; microbial-contamination; determination; assessment; tennessee; compost-quality

NAL Call No.: SB435.5.A645
Banking on mulch.
Roley, W. H. Jr.; Hylton, M. Arbor-age v.14(2): p.35. (1994 Feb.)
Descriptors: mulches; composts; composting; arboriculture; waste-utilization

NAL Call No.: SB1.H6
Bark- and peat-amended spent mushroom compost for containerized culture of shrubs.
Chong, C.; Cline, R. A.; Rinker, D. L. HortScience v.29(7): p.781-784. (1994 July)
Includes references.
Descriptors: cotoneaster-dammeri; cornus-alba; forsythia-intermedia; weigela- florida; growing-media; mushroom-compost; container-grown-plants; pine-bark; peat; bark- compost; sand; shoots; dry-matter-accumulation
Abstract: Four deciduous ornamental shrubs ['Coral Beauty' cotoneaster (Cotoneaster dammeri C.K. Schneid); Tartarian dogwood (Corpus alba L.); 'Lynwood' forsythia (Forsythia X intermedia Zab.); 'Variegate' weigela (Weigela florida Bunge A.D.C.)] were grown in trickle-fertigated containers. There were eight media consisting of 25% or 50% sphagnum peat or composted pine bark, 25% sand, and the remainder one of two sources of spent mushroom compost; four media with 50% peat or bark mixed with 50% spent mushroom compost; and a control medium of 100% pine bark. Initially, higher than desirable salt levels in all compost-amended media were leached quickly (within 2 weeks of planting) and not detrimental to the species tested. Unlike cotoneaster, which showed no difference in growth (shoot dry weight) due to medium, dogwood, forsythia, and weigela grew significantly better in all compost-amended media than in the control. Growth of these three species was 20% greater in peat-based than in bark-based, compost-amended media. Dogwood and forsythia grew slightly more (+8%) with spent mushroom compost based primarily on straw-bedded horse manure than with one based on a blend of straw-bedded horse manure, wheat straw, and hay. The addition of sand (25%) to a mixture of 50% peat or bark and 25% spent compost produced a medium with minimal compaction.

NAL Call No.: S589.7.E57- 1994
Beneficial uses of composts in Florida.
Smith, W. H. Environmentally sound agriculture proceedings of the second conference 20-22 April 1994 / p.247-253. (1994)
Includes references.
Descriptors: refuse; composting; composts; waste-utilization; uses; florida

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Bioavailability of As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mo, Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn, from biosolids amended compost.
Warman, P. R.; Muizelaar, T.; Termeer, W. C. Compost-sci-util v.3(4): p.40-50. (1995 Autumn)
Paper presented at the 36th Rocky Mountain Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Compost held August 1994.
Descriptors: soil; composts; manures; sewage-sludge; mixtures; heavy-metals; bioavailability; beta-vulgaris; ion-uptake; growing-media; chemical- composition; correlation; phytotoxicity; soil; compost-growing-media

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Biodegradation of trichloroethylene in finished compost materials.
Watwood, M. E.; Sukesan, S. Compost-sci-util v.3(4): p.6-19. (1995 Autumn)
Includes references.
Descriptors: bioremediation; trichloroethylene; contaminants; biodegradation; composts; filters; enrichment; methane; propane; adsorption; microbial-activities; biofiltration

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Biological, chemical and physical properties of composted yard trimmings as indicators of maturity and plant disease suppression.
Grebus, M. E.; Watson, M. E.; Hoitink, H. A. J. Compost-sci-util. v. 2 (1): p. 57-71 (1994 Winter)
Includes references.
Descriptors: yards; pruning; pruning-trash; composts; biology; physicochemical- properties; maturity; plant-diseases; suppression; pythium; rhizoctonia

Go to: Author Index | Subject Index | Top of Document
Citation no.: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 250, 260, 270

NAL Call No.: SB599.C8
Biological control of Botrytis-incited diseases and powdery mildews in greenhouse crops.
Elad, Y.; Malathrakis, N. E.; Dik, A. J. Crop-prot v.15(3): p.229-240. (1996 May)
Includes references.
Descriptors: greenhouse-crops; botrytis-cinerea; sphaerotheca-fuliginea; erysiphales; plant-pathogenic-fungi; biological-control-agents; parasites; hyperparasitism; saprophytes; composts; plant-extracts; plant-disease-control; integrated-control; biological- control; literature-reviews; hyperparasitic-fungi
Abstract: The greenhouse environment is very conducive to several diseases, among which grey mould and powdery mildews are the most important ones. Currently, much attention is given worldwide to the biological and integrated means of control of these two diseases, yielding reports on many potential antagonists. The two diseases differ greatly with respect to their epidemiology and the physiology of the pathogens. Hence, different approaches to their biocontrol are adopted. Biocontrol of powdery mildews is mostly based on the application of hyperparasitic fungi. In order to achieve a high level of parasitism, the biocontrol agents need a low vapour pressure deficit (VPD), compared to the VPD needed for the development of powdery mildews. Therefore, measures are necessary to overcome this problem. On the other hand, biocontrol of the high humidity-promoted Botrytis cinerea, is mostly based on saprophytes. The efficacy of biocontrol agents and their survival are dependent on biotic and abiotic factors. So far, results obtained under commercial conditions are rather moderate, but even so there are biocontrol agents suitable for integration with other control measures in order to achieve a control level acceptable to growers. Formulations of biocontrol agents against B. cinerea and powdery mildews have already been released and registered in some countries. They are only moderately effective but are suitable for use in integrated control of the target diseases.

NAL Call No.: SB433.T874
Biological controls: promising new tools for disease management.
Nelson, E. B. Turf-grass-trends p.1-4, 7-9. (1994 Jan.)
Descriptors: lawns-and-turf; fungal-diseases; biological-control; composts; soil- inoculation; enterobacter-cloacae; bacillus-subtilis; pseudomonas; fungal-antagonists

NAL Call No.: 56.9-So3
Boron sorption by soil in the presence of composted organic matter.
Yermiyahu, U.; Keren, R. Soil-Sci-Soc-Am-j. [Madison, Wis.] Soil Science Society of America v.59 (2)p.405-409 (1995 Mar.-1995 Apr.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: boron; sorption; soil-organic-matter; composts; manures; alfisols;
mixtures; sorption-isotherms; soil-ph; mathematical-models
Abstract: Although the organic matter content in cultivated soil is relatively low, its presence may have a significant effect on B distribution between the solid and liquid phases in soils. This study was conducted to determine the influence of organic matter in soil on B sorption and to test a B sorption model for soil in the presence of organic matter. The study was conducted on a loess soil (Calcic Haploxeralf). Mature compost, produced from the solid fraction of separated straw-containing cattle manure, served as a simulation of organic matter. Boron sorption by soil-composted organic matter mixtures increased as the organic matter content increased. At low pH levels (below pH 8), the sorption isotherms were linear regardless of the composted organic matter content. At the higher pH range, however, a deviation from linearity was observed. This deviation, which increased with pH, was related to the surface concentration of occupied sorption sites. Sorption B data from batch experiments were compared with results computed according to fitted adsorption coefficients (maximum B sorption and affinity coefficients that related to the binding energy). The B sorption capacity of the mixture increased with the composted organic matter content. The agreement between calculated values and experimental results indicates that the sorption model can be used to predict B sorption by soil-organic matter mixtures.

NAL Call No.: S605.5.B5
Broccoli growth, yield and level of aphid infestation in leguminous living mulches.
Costello, M. J. Biol-agric-hortic v.10(3): p.207-222. (1994)
Includes references.
Descriptors: brassica-oleracea-var; botrytis; brevicoryne-brassicae; insect-control; cultural-control; live-mulches; trifolium-repens; trifolium-fragiferum; trifolium-pratense; lotus- corniculatus; crop-mixtures; cover-crops; intercropping; interspecific-competition; composts; organic-fertilizers; growth; crop-yield; infestation; leaves; water-content; leaf-area; nitrate- nitrogen; nitrogen-content; california; synthetic-fertilizers

NAL Call No.: 100-Al1H
Broiler litter can enhance potted plant production.
Flynn, R. P.; Wood, C. W.; Guertal, E. A. Highlights-agr-res v.42(1): p.6-8. (1995 Spring)
Descriptors: lactuca-sativa; pot-plants; pot-culture; broilers; poultry-manure; refuse-compost; growing-media; nutrient-uptake; ph; yields

NAL Call No.: QH84.8.B46
Carbon mineralization in soils of different textures as affected by water-soluble organic carbon extracted from composted dairy manure.
Liang, B. C.; Gregorich, E. G.; Schnitzer, M.; Voroney, R. P. Biol-fertil-soils v.21(1/2): p.10-16. (1996)
Includes references.
Descriptors: clay-soils; sandy-soils; loam-soils; carbon; mineralization; soil-flora; biological-activity-in-soil; composts; cattle-manure; soil-organic- matter; solubility; soil-organic- carbon-pools
Abstract: The water-soluble organic C in composted manure contains a portion of labile C which can stimulate soil microbial activity. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of water-soluble organic C extracted from composted dairy manure on C mineralization in soil with different textures. Three soils with textures varying from 3 to 54% clay were amended with 0 to 80 mg water-soluble organic C kg-1 soil extracted from a composted dairy manure and incubated for 16 weeks at 23 degrees C. The total amount of C mineralized was greater than the amount of C added in the three soils. Differences in mineralizable C with and without added water-soluble organic C were approximately 13-16 times, 4.8-8 times, and 7.5-8 times greater than the amount of C added to clay, loam, and sand soils, respectively. The results of this experiment suggest that immediately following composted manure applications, C mineralization rates increase, and that most of the C mineralized comes mainly from the indigenous soil organic C pool.

NAL Call No.: QR100.M5
Changes in functional abilities of the microbial community during composting of manure.
Insam, H.; Amor, K.; Renner, M.; Crepaz, C. Microb-ecol v.31(1): p.77-87. (1996)
Includes references.
Descriptors: cattle-manure; composting; turning; frequency; microbial-flora; biomass-production; respiration; maturity; compost-maturity
Abstract: The objective of this study was (a) to detect changes of the functional abilities of the microflora during composting of manure as a result of windrow turning frequency and (b) to detect differences between distinct zones within the windrows. Biolog GN microtiter plates containing 95 different carbon sources were inoculated with diluted suspensions of compost material containing 15,000 microorganisms per well (120 microliter). We found a dramatic shift in functional microbial community structure during the 8-week composting process. The shift was more rapid when the compost windrows were turned. The substrate use pattern in the outer, well-aerated zone of the unturned windrow was similar to that of the turned windrows. Microbial biomass and respiration decreased more rapidly in the turned than in the unturned windrows, indicating a different pace of compost maturation. The data suggest that the Biolog assay may be a suitable approach to determine compost maturity.

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Characterization of compost leachate fractions using NMR spectroscopy.
Wershaw, R. L.; Llaguno, E. C.; Leenheer, J. A. Compost-sci-util v.3(3): p.47-52. (1995 Summer)
Paper presented at the symposium on the Biogeochemistry of Compost held August 1994 as part of the 36th Rocky Mountain Conference.
Descriptors: composts; leaves; hardwoods; leachates; characterization; organic- compounds; carbon; organic-acids; chemical-composition; soil- formation; minerals; surface- layers; organic-coatings; nuclear-magnetic-resonance-spectroscopy; dissolved-organic-carbon

NAL Call No.: TD172.C54
Characterization of the humic material formed by composting of domestic and industrial biowastes. 1. HPLC of the cupric oxide oxidation products from humic acids.
Miikki, V.; Hanninen, K.; Knuutinen, J.; Hyotylanen, J.; Alen, R. Chemosphere v.29(12): p.2609-2618. (1994 Dec.)
Includes references.
composts; sewage-sludge; activated-sludge; pulp-and-paper-industry; agricultural-wastes; solid-wastes; composting; humification; humic-acids; degradation; oxidation; copper; oxides; phenolic-compounds; hplc; pulp-mill-sludge

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Characterizing supermarket organics.
Michel, F. C.; Drew, S.; Reddy, C. A.; Forney, L.; Trondle, E. Biocycle v.36(1): p.68-70. (1995 Jan.)
Descriptors: organic-wastes; supermarkets; waste-utilization; composting; composts; quality

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Chemical, physical and microbiological considerations in recycling spent mushroom substrate.
Levanon, D.; Danai, O. Compost-sci-util v.31(1): p.72-79. (1995 Winter)
Paper presented at the Spent Mushroom Substrate Symposium held on March 11-14, 1994, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Descriptors: mushroom-compost; agricultural-wastes; recycling; waste-utilization; uses; characterization

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Combining legumes and compost: a viable alternative for farmers in conversion to organic agriculture.
Astier, M.; Gersper, P. L.; Buchanan, M. Compost-sci-util v.2(1): p.80-87. (1994 Winter)
Includes references.
Descriptors: brassica-oleracea-var-italica; organic-farming; conversion; poultry- manure; legumes; composts; ammonium-sulfate; crop-yield; california

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Commercial applications for compost biofilters.
Conrad, P. Biocycle v.36(10): p.57-58, 60. (1995 Oct.)
composts; industrial-applications; filters; runoff; storms; waste-utilization

NAL Call No.: S592.7.A1S6
Community-level interactions control proliferation of Azospirillum brasilense Cd in microcosms.
Janzen, R. A.; McGill, W. B. Soil-biol-biochem v.27(2): p.189-196. (1995 Feb.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: azospirillum-brasilense; soil-bacteria; soil-fungi; phanerochaete- chrysosporium; trichoderma-harzianum; composts; microbial-flora; nitrogen-fixation; phosphorus; nutrient-uptake; hydroxyapatite; community-ecology; phospholipids; fatty-acid- esters; chemical-analysis; phosphorus-solubilization; compost-microflora; fatty-acid-methyl- esters
Abstract: We tested the hypothesis that community-level interactions, rather than the genetically-derived capability to fix N2 control proliferation, as monitored by phospholipid- linked fatty acid methyl ester (PL-FAME) analysis, of A. brasilense Cd in physicochemically- defined microcosms. In N2-fixation microcosms, microflora from compost or soil did not proliferate, either alone or in mixed cultures with A. brasilense Cd. In P- mobilization microcosms, the amount of 2-OH19:0, a biomarker for A. brasilense Cd, was generally higher in mixed cultures with compost microflora than in those with soil microflora. P mobilized from hydroxylapatite by A. brasilense was significantly less than that by compost microflora, but not different from that by soil microflora. Profiles of phospholipid-linked fatty acid methyl esters (PL-FAME) from cultures of compost microflora alone generally contained more 18:2(9c,12c), indicating a larger fungal component in the community, than did profiles from cultures of soil microflora alone. Cluster analysis of PL-FAME profiles confirmed that A. brasilense comprised a larger proportion of the community in mixed culture with compost microflora than with soil microflora. Our results in combination with the literature support our hypothesis; further research is warranted to refine PL-FAME analyses for monitoring soil microbial communities.

NAL Call No.: 26-T754
Comparative quality of phosphocomposts and single superphosphate and response of green gram (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek).
Hajra, J. N.; Sinha, N. B.; Manna, M. C.; Islam, N.; Banerjee, N. C. Trop-agric v.71(2): p.147-149. (1994 Apr.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: vigna-radiata; rice-straw; composts; phosphorus-fertilizers; crop- production; application-rates; crop-yield

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Citation no.: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 250, 260, 270

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Comparative study on biowaste definition: effects on biowaste collection, composting process and compost quality.
Boelens, J.; Wilde, B. de.; Baere, L. de. Compost-sci-util v.4(1): p.60-72. (1996 Winter)
Includes references.
Descriptors: waste-disposal; kitchen-waste; waste-paper; litter-plant; domestic- gardens; refuse; waste-utilization; composting; public-opinion; social-participation; composts;
quality; case-studies; belgium; landfill-diversion

NAL Call No.: QH540.J6
Comparison of amendments and management practices for long-term reclamation of abandoned mine lands.
Pichtel, J. R.; Dick, W. A.; Sutton, P. J-environ-qual v.23(4): p.766-772. (1994 July-1994 Aug.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: dactylis-glomerata; festuca-arundinacea; trifolium-hybridum; trifolium-repens; lotus-corniculatus; mine-spoil; mined-land; reclamation; sewage-sludge; fly- ash; composts; paper-mill-sludge; bark; topsoil; lime; ammonium-nitrate; superphosphate; potassium-fertilizers; soil-ph; nutrient-content; biomass-production; yields; grassland- management; ohio
Abstract: Abandoned mine lands containing pyritic spoil may become toxic due to production of sulfuric acid and subsequent high levels of heavy metals. A field study was initiated to compare the long-term (10 yr) effectiveness of digested municipal sewage sludge (224 Mg ha-1), powerplant fly ash (448 Mg ha-1), papermill sludge composted with either coarse or fine wood bark (67, 90, and 112 Mg ha-1), and limed topsoil (20-cm depth) in maintaining a grass-legume mixture on toxic abandoned mine spoil (initial pH 3.4). Management of reclaimed plots included an additional one-time application of N, P, and K according to soil test 1 yr after reclamation and annual cutting of vegetation that was either removed from the plot or left on the surface. Soil was sampled at depths of 0 to 10 and 10 to 20 cm, with the lower sample representing soil (except for the topsoil treatment) to which the amendments had not been mixed. These soil samples were analyzed for pH and plant nutrients. Dry matter production declined sharply after 3 yr and then recovered the last 2 yr due to favorable weather, although to only two- thirds of the initial levels. The topsoil and sewage sludge amendments maintained overall highest yields and highest percent vegetative cover (93 and 91%, respectively). Amended spoil experienced a gradual pH increase over the study period with the topsoil amendment exhibiting the highest pH (7.0) and fly ash the lowest pH (5.1) after 10 yr. The topsoil and sewage sludge amendments generally maintained the highest soil K, Ca, and Mg concentrations, while the sewage sludge and fly ash amendments had the highest P concentrations. pH values and P, K, Ca, and concentrations in the 0- to 10-cm soil horizon. time addition of lime and fertilizer did increase vegetative yields. We conclude that the papermill sludge and sewage sludge amendments were roughly equivalent to limed topsoil for the successful long-term reclamation of toxic mine spoil. The fly ash amendment was least successful due to its inability to provide pH and nutrient levels sufficient for the maintenance of good vegetative growth.

NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7-v.31-no.5- 6
A comparison of culture methods for the detection of Salmonella in wastewater sludge.
Hu, C. J.; Gibbs, R. A. Health-related water microbiology 1994 selected proceedings of the International Symposium (organised by the IAWQ Specialist Group on Health- related Water Microbiology as part of Water Quality International '94, 17th Biennial Conference of the International Association on Water Quality, held in Budapest, Hungary, 24-30 July 1994 .) 1st ed. p.303-306 (1995)
Includes references.
Descriptors: salmonella; detection; cell-culture; culture-media; sewage-sludge; composts; composted-sludge

NAL Call No.: S590.C63
Comparison of phosphate-phosphorus and total phosphorus in DTPA extracts for assessing plant-available phosphorus in soilless potting media.
Handreck, K. A. Commun-soil-sci-plant-anal v.27(9/10): p.2125-2135. (1996)
Includes references.
Descriptors: growing-media; pine-bark; sand; phosphorus; nutrient-availability; determination; extraction; extractants; phosphates; nutrient-content; hakea; shoots; correlation; soilless-culture; phosphorus-fertilizers; nutrient-sources; comparisons; bone-meal; rock- phosphate; sewage- sludge; composts; nutrient-uptake; total-phosphorus-versus-phosphate- phosphorus-content
Abstract: Hakea francisiana and H. laurina were grown in soilless media based on pine bark, to which had been added one of the following phosphorus (P) sources: crushed bone, rock phosphate, calcined rock phosphate, sewage sludge, or sludge compost. Available P was assessed through extraction with unbuffered 2 mM DTPA. Similar regression equations between shoot P content and P in 2 mM DTPA extracts of the media at potting were obtained for both total P in the extract (determined by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry) and PO4-P. The difference
between them was small compared with the variation caused by different rates of dissolution of P the various sources during the growing period. Extractants give only an approximate guide to plant P uptake when the medium contains sources that slowly dissolve during the growing period. Nevertheless, the data indicate that, irrespective of P source, the maximum P concentration in a 2 mM DTPA extract (1:1.5 v/v) of the medium that is tolerated by P-sensitive plants is 3-4 mg/L. This is similar to the concentration found previously for superphosphate as the source of P.

NAL Call No.: 80-Ac82
Comparison of some Turkish originated organic and inorganic substrates for tomato soilless culture.
Abak, K.; Celikel, G. Acta-hortic (366): p.423-427. (1994 Aug.)
Paper presented at the Second Symposium on Protected Cultivation of Solanacea in Mild Winter Climates, April 13-16, 1993, Adana, Turkey.
Descriptors: lycopersicon-esculentum; greenhouses; soilless-culture; peat; mushroom-compost; tuff-soils; rockwool; substrates; crop-quality; crop- yield; plant-analysis; turkey

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Composition, use and legislation of spent mushroom substrate in the Netherlands.
Gerrits, J. P. G. Compost-sci-util v.2(3): p.24-30. (1994 Summer)
Paper presented at the Spent Mushroom Substrate symposium, March 11-14, 1994, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Descriptors: mushroom-compost; chemical-composition; composting; phosphates; heavy-metals; waste-disposal; waste-utilization; animal-manures; legislation; netherlands

NAL Call No.: 448.3-Ap5
Compositional changes in compost during composting and growth of Agaricus bisporus.
Iiyama, K.; Stone, B. A.; Macauley, B. J. Appl-environ-microbiol v.60(5): p.1538- 1546. (1994 May)
Includes references.
Descriptors: agaricus-bisporus; composting; mushroom-compost; chemical- composition; fractionation; cell-wall-components; polysaccharides; carbohydrate-metabolism; lignin; microbial-degradation
Abstract: Samples from conventional compost taken at various stages of composting and mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) growth were analyzed for changes in 80% ethanol and water extracts, monosaccharides in acid hydrolysates of polysaccharides, lignin concentration, and lignin structural features. Variable amounts of extraneous inorganic solids in the form of fine sandy particles were removed by sedimentation of the samples in a carbon tetrachloride-dibromomethane mixture. During composting, about two-thirds of the initial wall polysaccharides were consumed by compost microorganisms, and only 17% of the total polysaccharides were used during mushroom production. The relative lignin content of composts as measured by the acetyl bromide procedure increased, both during composting and mushroom growth, and the chemical structure of lignin was altered by condensation and oxidation reactions.

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Compositional changes in composts during composting and mushroom growth: comparison of conventional and environmentally controlled composts from commercial farms.
Iiyama, K.; Lam, T. B. T.; Stone, B. A.; Perrin, P. S.; Macauley, B. J. Compost-sci- util v.3(3): p.14-21. (1995 Summer)
Includes references.
Descriptors: mushroom-compost; composting; methodology; comparisons; environmental-control; chemical-composition; macronutrients; polysaccharides; lignin; structure; change; agaricus-bisporus; growth

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Compost dressing helps chile peppers.
Dickerson, G. W. Biocycle v.37(3): p.80, 82. (1996 Mar.)
Descriptors: capsicum-annuum; phytophthora; root-rots; plant-disease-control; cultural-control; composts; sewage-sludge; suppressive-soils

NAL Call No.: S592.7.A1S6
Compost extract added to microcosms may simulate community-level controls on soil microorganisms involved in element cycling.
Janzen, R. A.; Cook, F. D.; McGill, W. B. Soil-biol-biochem v.27(2): p.181-188. (1995 Feb.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: soil-bacteria; azospirillum; bacillus; azospirillum-brasilense; sulfate- reducing-bacteria; composts; extracts; nitrogen-fixation; denitrification; sulfate; reduction; phosphorus; nutrient-uptake; phosphorus-solubilization
Abstract: Interactions among populations of soil microorganisms might alter soil microenvironments sufficiently to allow populations collectively to inhabit sites which individually they could not inhabit. We tested the hypothesis that soluble microbial products in soil microenvironments mediate commensalistic interactions among populations involved in N2- fixation, denitrification, sulfate reduction and P solubilization. We measured the growth of bacteria in microcosms amended with sterile compost extract. Of the 7 Azospirillum isolates tested, 3 fixed more N2 when amended with 50 micrograms compost extract-C ml-1 medium. Fixation of N2, by one isolate amended with NH4Cl or compost extract decreased with increasing concentrations (0.15-15 micrograms N ml-1 medium) of NH4Cl, but not with increasing concentration of compost extract. Optical density of cultures of Bacillus sp. increased 6-fold with addition of 11 micrograms compost extract-C ml-1 medium under denitrifying conditions. Adding 6 micrograms compost extract-C ml-1 medium stimulated the growth of all 10 sulfate-reducing enrichment cultures, and three did not grow without compost extract. Addition of 10 micrograms compost extract-C ml-1 medium, however, increased microbial-P in only one of the 10 cultures in P-limiting medium. This evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that exchange of growth factors among populations in microenvironments contributes to control of microorganisms involved in element cycling.

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Compost field trials in Ontario.
Gies, G. Biocycle v.36(11): p.41-42. (1995 Nov.)
Descriptors: zea-mays; glycine-max; composts; application-rates; timing; soil- fertility; growth; crop-yield; field-experimentation; ontario

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Compost pays off in the orchard.
Farrell, M. Biocycle v.37(10): p.40, 42. (1996 Oct.)
Descriptors: orchards; organic-farming; orchard-soils; composts; on-farm- processing; composting; oregon

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Compost pelletization eases end use in Nigeria.
John, N. M.; Adeoye, G. O.; Sridhar, M. K. C. Biocycle v.37(6): p.55-56. (1996 June)
Descriptors: composts; pelleting; poultry-manure; research-projects; nigeria

NAL Call No.: S544.3.C2C3
Compost production and utilization: a growers' guide.
Van Horn, M. Leafl-Univ-Calif-Syst,-Div-Agric-Nat-Resour. (Oakland, Calif. : Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California) (21514): p.17 (1995 Oct.)
Descriptors: composts; composting; methodology; wastes; utilization; microbial- flora; carbon-nitrogen-ratio; calculation; nutrient-content; regulations; california

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Compost recycling of wood fiber waste produced by paper manufacture.
Line, M. A. Compost-sci-util v.31(1): p.39-45. (1995 Winter)
Includes references.
Descriptors: waste-wood; fiber; waste-utilization; composting; sewage-sludge; ratios; composts; chemical-composition; heavy-metals; pinus-radiata; seedling-growth; shoots

Go to: Author Index | Subject Index | Top of Document
Citation no.: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 250, 260, 270

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Compost replaces soil amendments at country club.
Guzman, R. Biocycle v.37(5): p.75-76. (1996 May)
Descriptors: composting; litter-plant; composts; residential-areas; clubs; private- organizations; california; yard-wastes

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
The compost story: from soil enrichment to pollution remediation.
Garland, G. A.; Grist, T. A.; Green, R. E. Biocycle v.36(10): p.53-56. (1995 Oct.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composts; waste-utilization; pollution-control; reclamation

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Compost use in wetland restoration.
Peot, C.; Thompson, D. Biocycle v.37(1): p.65-66. (1996 Jan.)
Descriptors: composts; sewage-sludge; yards; wastes; application-to-land; wetlands; reclamation; wetland-soils; yard-trimmings

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Compost valued highly on high value crops.
Logsdon, G. Biocycle v.36(8): p.65-67. (1995 Aug.)
Descriptors: composts; sewage-sludge; sewage-products; uses; nurseries; planting- stock

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Composting and evaluating a pulp and paper sludge for use as a soil amendment/mulch.
Campbell, A. G.; Zhang, X. G.; Tripepi, R. R. Compost-sci-util v.31(1): p.84-95. (1995 Winter)
Paper presented at the Spent Mushroom Substrate symposium, March 11-14, 1994, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Descriptors: composting; paper-mill-sludge; waste-utilization; composts; characterization; age; moisture-content; ph; carbon-nitrogen-ratio; electrical-conductivity; lycopersicon-esculentum; populus; seed-germination;
growth; biomass; plant-height; compost-maturity; compost-age

NAL Call No.: TD930.A32
Composting and evaluation of racetrack manure, grass clippings and sewage sludge.
Warman, P. R.; Termeer, W. C. Bioresour-technol v.55(2): p.95-101. (1996 Feb.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: horse-manure; racehorses; grass-clippings; sewage-sludge; mixtures; composting; composts; leachates; chemical-composition; growing-media; macronutrients; trace- elements; heavy-metals; bioavailability; phytotoxicity; seed-germination; seedlings; growth
Abstract: Two experimental/demonstration composting operations were operated in 1993 and 1994. At one site, racetrack manure was composted by itself. At another site, composts were produced from mixtures of racetrack manure, grass clippings and sewage sludge on four specially constructed pads. These pads were lined with plastic to facilitate leachate collection in adjoining containment ditches. Different ratios of two types of sewage sludge or sludge and grass clippings were mixed with the racetrack manure and composted in temperature- monitored, passively aerated static piles; both types of sludge were composted with and without aeration pipes. Temperature profiles were developed and illustrated. All the mature compostsand the leachates from the first composting cycle were evaluated for various chemical and biological properties. The quality of the composts was assessed as soil amendments and fertilizers in several replicated plant growth experiments. The chemical analysis of the composts was very much related to the source of the feedstocks. The use of aeration pipes had little effect upon the temperature profiles or compost analysis. Leachate analysis proved that macro- and micronutrients were not lost in large quantities during the composting operation, although some concern must be addressed to nitrate leaching. Plant-growth experiments in the greenhouse showed that a combination of sewage sludge compost and peat outperformed 100% compost or the commercial potting mix. No major phytotoxic effects, however, were observed from the use of sewage sludge compost in germination and seedling growth trials.

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Composting food processing waste in the European economic community.
De Bertoldi, M. Compost-sci-util v.3(2): p.87-92. (1995 Spring)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composting; food-processing; food-wastes; waste-utilization; feasibility; microbial-activities; carbon; nitrogen; mineralization; ecology; composts; stability; european-communities; microbial-ecology; compost-maturity

NAL Call No.: QR1.M562
Composting of goat dung with various additives for improved fertilizer capacity.
Agamuthu, P. World-j-microbiol-biotechnol v.10(2): p.194-198. (1994 Mar.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: goats; animal-manures;
composts; additives; pennisetum-purpureum; temperature; ph; moisture-content; water-holding- capacity

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Composting of salmon farm mortalities with passive aeration.
Liao, P. H.; Vizcarra, A. T.; Chen, A.; Lo, K. V. Compost-sci-util v.2(4): p.58-66. (1994 Autumn)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composting; composts; fish; aeration; volatile-fatty-acids; phenol; phytotoxicity; fish-composts

NAL Call No.: S589.7.E57-1994
Composting of yard trimmings--processes and products.
Nordstedt, R. A.; Smith, W. H. Environmentally sound agriculture proceedings of the second conference 20-22 April 1994 / p.239-246. (1994)
Includes references.
Descriptors: yards; wastes; composting; composts; mulches; waste-utilization; florida

NAL Call No.: S631.F422
Control of nitrate pollution by application of controlled release fertilizer (CRF), compost and an optimized irrigation system.
Diez, J. A.; Caballero, R.; Bustos, A.; Roman, R.; Cartagena, M. C.; Vallejo, A. Fertil- res v.43(1/3): p.191-195. (1995)
Paper presented at the international symposium "Fertilizers and the Environment" held September 26-29, 1994, Salamanca, Spain.
Descriptors: alluvial-soils; agricultural-soils; irrigation-water; application-rates; nitrogen-fertilizers; slow-release-fertilizers; composts; urea; comparisons; nitrate; leaching; losses-from-soil; percolation; soil-solution; zea-mays; drainage; water-pollution; spain
Abstract: A nitrogenous controlled release fertilizer (Floranid 32) and a treatment of municipal organic waste compost were tested under two irrigation managements (conventional and ET-adjusted irrigation rates) with the aim of assessing risk of nitrate leaching to the aquifer. A check without N fertilizer was introduced. The experiment was carried out at La Poveda Field Station (30 km SE Madrid, Spain) in alluvial soils with water table depth at 4 m and under maize cropping. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications, allocating 12 plots to each irrigation management. Although N fertilizer rate (150 kg ha-1) was reduced at half as related to a previous experiment, no difference in grain yields was observed. This result relates to a high content of soil-N. Floranid showed promising results in controlling N-leaching in comparison with urea that exhibited an accelerated rate of N release which finally determines low use of N by the plant and marked NO(3-) leaching. Treatment of municipal waste compost showed NO(3-) concentrations in the soil water solution of similar values as those of urea at 140 cm. ET-adjusted irrigation showed no drainage during the corn growing season and lower NO(3-) concentrations in the soil water solution which could indicate a general lower rate of N solubilization.

NAL Call No.: 442.8-An72
Control of Western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande) pupae in compost.
Helyer, N. L.; Brobyn, P. J.; Richardson, P. N.; Edmondson, R. N. Ann-appl-biol v.127(3): p.405-412. (1995 Dec.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: frankliniella-occidentalis; pupae; composts; chemical-control; pesticides; biological-control; metarhizium-anisopliae; verticillium- lecanii; entomophilic- nematodes; heterorhabditis; steinernema; neoaplectana-feltiae; efficacy; soil-based-composts; heterorhabditis-megidis; steinernema-carpocapsae

NAL Call No.: 10-J822
Controlled environment composting for mushroom cultivation: substrates based on wheat and barley straw and deep litter poultry manure.
Noble, R.; Gaze, R. H. J-agric-sci v.123(pt.1): p.71-79. (1994 Apr.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: mushrooms; crop-production; composting; mushroom-compost; barley-straw; wheat-straw; poultry-manure; crop-yield; temperature; chopping

NAL Call No.: S631.F422
Cotton fertilization with composts of (sugarbeet) vinasse and agricultural residues.
Madejon, E.; Diaz, M. J.; Lopez, R.; Lozano, C.; Cabrera, F. Fertil-res v.43(1/3): p.179-182. (1995)
Paper presented at the international symposium "Fertilizers and the Environment" held September 26-29, 1994, Salamanca, Spain.
Descriptors: gossypium-hirsutum; organic-fertilizers; composts; sugarbeet; vinasse; agricultural-byproducts; residues; mixtures; composting; application-to-land; application-rates; crop-yield; crop-quality; fiber-quality; plant-composition; petioles; nitrate- nitrogen; nitrogen-content; compost-residue-mixtures; cocomposting
Abstract: A concentrated depotassified beet vinasse was mixed with each of ten solid agricultural residues. The ten mixtures were composted for 7 months. The composts obtained after this period were used to fertilize a cotton
crop. A mineral treatment was used for
comparison and a treatment without fertilization was used as control. The nitrate content of petiole determined before the first top dressing revealed significant differences between treatments. All treatments produced higher yields than the control. Analysis of fibre quality did not show significant differences between treatments.

NAL Call No.: S541.5.L8L34
Cotton gin trash compost as a media component for production of bell pepper transplants.
Buckley, B.; Pee, K. C. LAES-mimeo-ser (88): p.46-47. (1994 Feb.)
In the series analytic: Vegetable research report--1993 / edited by R.P. Bracy.
Descriptors: cotton-gin-trash; composts; capsicum-annuum; peat; perlite; transplanting; louisiana

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Citation no.: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 250, 260, 270

NAL Call No.: S541.5.L8L34
Cotton gin trash compost as a media component for production of broccoli and cabbage transplants.
Buckley, B.; Pee, K. C. LAES-mimeo-ser (88): p.4-5. (1994 Feb.)
In the series analytic: Vegetable research report--1993 / edited by R.P. Bracy.
Descriptors: cotton-gin-trash; composts; brassica-oleracea-var; -italica; brassica- oleracea-var.-capitata; peat; perlite; growth; transplanting; louisiana

NAL Call No.: S541.5.L8L34
Cotton gin trash compost as a media component for production of tomato transplants.
Buckley, B.; Pee, K. C. LAES-mimeo-ser (88): p.60-61. (1994 Feb.)
In the series analytic: Vegetable research report--1993 / edited by R.P. Bracy.
Descriptors: cotton-gin-trash; composts; lycopersicon-esculentum; transplanting; peat; perlite; louisiana

NAL Call No.: SB435.5.A645
Creating a healthy root zone.
Downer, J.; Faber, B. A. Arbor-age v.14(8): p.8-10. (1994 Aug.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: trees; tending; composts; soil-amendments; mulches; organic-matter

NAL Call No.: 56.9-So32
Crop production with mushroom compost.
Rhoads, F. M.; Olson, S. M. Proc-Soil-Crop-Sci-Soc-Fla. [S.l.] : Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida (54): p.53-57 (1995)
Meeting held September 21-23, 1994, Daytona Beach Shores, Florida.
Descriptors: zea-mays; lycopersicon-esculentum; cucurbita-pepo; phaseolus- vulgaris; pennisetum-americanum; mushroom-compost; application-rates; application-date; residual-effects; npk-fertilizers; nitrogen-fertilizers; crop-yield; nitrogen-content; phosphorus; potassium-nutrient-content; plant-composition; soil; soil-fertility; nutrient-availability; optimization; spent-mushroom-compost

NAL Call No.: TD930.A32
Cucumber cultivation on some wastes during their aerobic composting.
Kostov, O.; Tzvetkov, Y.; Kaloianova, N.; Cleemput, O. v. Bioresour-technol v.53(3): p.237-242. (1995)
Includes references.
Descriptors: cucumis-sativus; agricultural-wastes; composting; composts; growing-media; greenhouse-culture; waste-utilization
Abstract: Composting waste from vine branches, flax residues and grape prunings, husks and seeds was assessed as a technique to produce a medium for cucumber production under glasshouse conditions. The composts were treated with N, P, K, Cu, Mg, Fe and marble at the very beginning of the composting. During the growing period, the composts maintained a higher temperature in the root zone, a higher CO2 production and a higher microbial biomass C level than the manured soil. They also released nutrients in accordance with the plant demands. The nitrate concentration in fresh fruits was significantly lower in the compost treatments than in the manured soil. Fruit production on the composts started 10-12 days earlier and the compost treatments showed a significantly higher yield (six times higher for the first month and 48- 79% for the whole period). This simple technology had better economics than the use of manured soil.

NAL Call No.: SB998.N4N4
Cultural practices improve crop tolerance to nematodes.
McSorley, R.; Gallaher, R. N. Nematropica v.25(1): p.53-60. (1995 June)
Includes references.
Descriptors: cucurbita-pepo; abelmoschus-esculentus; meloidogyne-incognita; paratrichodorus-minor; pratylenchus; criconemella; plant-parasitic- nematodes; composts; population-density; crop-establishment; crop-yield; cultural-control; nematode-control; efficacy; florida

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Cumulative effect of annual additions of MSW compost on the yield of field-grown tomatoes.
Maynard, A. A. Compost-sci-util v.3(2): p.47-54. (1995 Spring)
Includes references.
Descriptors: lycopersicon-esculentum;
composts; refuse; application-to-land; application-rates; residual-effects; crop-yield; yield- components; soil-ph; soil-organic-matter; nitrate-nitrogen; nitrogen-content; nutrient-availability; seasonal-variation; municipal-solid-waste-compost

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Cumulative effect of annual additions of undecomposed leaves and compost on the yield of field-grown peppers.
Maynard, A. A. Compost-sci-util v.4(2): p.81-88. (1996 Spring)
Includes references.
Descriptors: capsicum; spodosols; incepti-sols; leaves; composts; application-to- land; application-date; spring; autumn; crop-yield; yield- components; soil-ph; ammonium- nitrogen; nitrate-nitrogen; phosphorus; potassium; calcium; magnesium; soil-organic-matter; decomposition; phenols; phytotoxicity; long-term-experiments; connecticut; undecomposed- versus-composted-leaves

NAL Call No.: S590.C63
Cumulative effects of sludge compost on crop yields and soil properties.
Bevacqua, R. F.; Mellano, V. J. Commun-soil-sci-plant-anal v.25(3/4): p.395-406. (1994)
Includes references.
Descriptors: allium-cepa; lactuca-sativa; festuca-arundinacea; festuca-arundinacea; sewage-sludge; composts; application-rates; timing; spring; autumn; stand-establishment; crop- yield; plant-tissues; heavy-metals; soil; nutrient-content; soil-ph; salts-in-soil; soil-organic- matter; eucalyptus; litter-plant; growth; suppression

NAL Call No.: S1.M57
Decentralized composting for a high-density nation.
Brinton, R. B.; Brinton, W. F. Jr. Small-farm-today v.11(5): p.48-49. (1994 Oct.)
Descriptors: composting; regionalization; utilization; composts; quality; germany

NAL Call No.: RA1270.P35A1
Degradation of chloroneb, triadimefon, and vinclozolin in soil, thatch, and grass clippings.
Frederick, E. K.; Bischoff, M.; Throssell, C. S.; Turco, R. F. Bull-environ-contam- toxicol v.53(4): p.536-542. (1994 Oct.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: chloroneb; triadimefon; vinclozolin; fungicide-residues; degradation; soil; thatch; lawns-and-turf; grass-clippings; composts

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Demonstrating the use of compost.
Feinbaum, R. Biocycle v.37(1): p.76. (1996 Jan.)
Descriptors: gardening; organic-culture; composts; waste-utilization; gardens; educational-methods; england; demonstration-gardens

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Demonstration plant to compost food waste.
Gould, M.; Leege, P. Biocycle v.35(6): p.59. (1994 June)
Descriptors: food-wastes; composting; waste-utilization; korea-republic

NAL Call No.: SB249.N6
Developing markets for composted gin waste.
Truhett, C. Proc-Beltwide-Cotton-Conf. Memphis, Tenn. : National Cotton Council of America v.1:p.609 (1994)
Meeting held January 5-8, San Diego, California.
Descriptors: cotton-gin-trash; cotton-waste; composts; waste-utilization; marketing-techniques

NAL Call No.: 1.9-P69P
Development of suppressiveness to disease caused by Rhizoctonia solani in soils amended with composted and noncomposted manure.
Voland, R. P.; Epstein, A. H. Plant-dis. [St. Paul, Minn., American Phytopathological Society] v.78 (5): p.461-466 (1994 May)
Includes references.
Descriptors: leguminosae; raphanus-sativus; rhizoctonia-solani; damping-off; plant-disease-control; cultural-control; suppressive-soils; cattle-manure; composts; straw; litter; urea; disease-resistance; incidence; yields; infestation; seedling-emergence; iowa; disease- severity; disease-incidence

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Citation no.: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 250, 260, 270

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.D56--1994
Dioxins in biocompost. Dioxine im Biokompost : Veroffentlichung der Ergebnisse des Workshops "Neubildung von Dioxinen wahrend des Kompostierungsprozesses" am 17./18. Februar 1994 im Hessischen Umweltministerium, Wiesbaden und des Protokolls zum Fachgesprach "Bedeutung organischer Schadstoffe in Komposten hinsichtlich der Verwertung in Landwirtschaft und Gartenbau" am 28. Februar 1994 an der Landtechnik, Weihenstephan.
Fiedler, H. 124p. (Eco-Informa Press, Bayreuth, 1994)
Includes bibliographical references.
Descriptors: compost-congresses; dioxins-congresses; pollutants-congresses

NAL Call No.: S631.F422
Dissolution of phosphate rock during the composting of poultry manure: an incubation experiment.
Mahimairaja, S.; Bolan, N. S.; Hedley, M. J. Fertil-res v.40(2): p.93-104. (1994)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composting; poultry-manure; rock-phosphate; mixtures; phosphorus; solubility; determination; amendments; calcium; sulfur; ph; composts; ammonium-nitrogen; nitrate-nitrogen; nitrogen-content
Abstract: Dissolution of phosphate rocks (PRs) during composting with poultry manure was examined using a radioactive 32p labelled synthetic francolite and North Carolina phosphate rock (NCPR) through laboratory incubation experiments. Francolite or NCPR was mixed with different poultry manure composts at a rate equivalent to 5 mg P g-1 and the dissolution was measured after 60 and 120 days incubation by a sequential phosphorus (P) fractionation procedure. The use of 32p labelled francolite showed that in manure systems, PR dissolution can be measured more accurately from the increases in NaOH extractable P (deltaNaOH-P) than from the decreases in HCl extractable P (deltaHCl-P) in the PR treated manure over the control. The dissolution measurements showed that approximately 8 to 20% of francolite and 27% of NCPR dissolved during incubation with poultry manure composts in the presence of various amendments. Addition of elemental sulphur (S degrees) to the compost enhanced the dissolution of PRs. The results provide no evidence for the beneficial effect of protons (H+), produced during the nitrification of NH4+ in manure composts, on PR dissolution. The low level of dissolution of PR in poultry manure composts was attributed mainly to the high concentration (4.8 X 10(-2) mol L-1) of calcium (Ca2+) in manure solution.

NAL Call No.: TD794.5.I56-- 1994
Down to earth composting of municipal green wastes. Down to earth composting.
Institute of Wastes Management (Great Britain). Scientific and Technical Committee. 34 p. (IWM Business Services, Northampton, England, 1994)
Cover title.
Descriptors: compost; recycling-waste,-etc; organic-wastes

NAL Call No.: S539.5.J68
Economic feasibility of using composted manure on irrigated grain sorghum.
Williams, J. R.; Diebel, P. L.; Berends, P. T.; Schlegel, A. J. J-prod-agric v.7(3): p.323-327. (1994 July-1994 Sept.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: sorghum-bicolor; irrigated-stands; animal-manures; composts; nitrogen-fertilizers; application-rates; crop-yield; economic-analysis; feasibility; costs; returns; kansas

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Effect of annual amendments of compost on nitrate leaching in nursery stock.
Maynard, A. A. Compost-sci-util v.2(3): p.54-55. (1994 Summer)
Paper presented at the Spent Mushroom Substrate symposium, March 11-14, 1994, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Descriptors: refuse-compost; application-rates; nitrate-nitrogen; leaching; groundwater; water-quality; soil-amendments; waste-utilization

NAL Call No.: 448.3-Ap5
Effect of compost on rhizosphere microflora of the tomato and on the incidence of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria.
Brito Alvarez, M. A. d.; Gagne, S.; Antoun, H. Appl-environ-microbiol v.61(1): p.194-199. (1995 Jan.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: lycopersicon-esculentum; soil-fungi; soil-bacteria; soil-flora; actinomycetales; rhizosphere; composts; iaa; biosynthesis; siderophores; drug-resistance; antibiotics; phosphates; fungal-antagonists; plant-pathogenic-fungi; phosphate- solubilization
Abstract: Four commercial composts were added to soil to study their effect on plant growth, total rhizosphere microflora, and incidence of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) in the rhizosphere of tomato plants. Three of the compost treatments significantly improved plant growth, while one compost treatment significantly depressed it. Compost amendments caused only small variations in the total numbers of bacteria, actinomycetes, and fungi in the rhizosphere of tomato plants. A total of 709 bacteria were isolated from the four compost treatments and the soil control to determine the percentage of PGPR in each treatment. The PGPR tests measured antagonism to soilborne root pathogens, production of indoleacetic acid, cyanide, and siderophores, phosphate solubilization, and intrinsic resistance to antibiotics. Our results show that the addition of some composts to soil increased the incidence in the tomato rhizosphere of bacteria exhibiting
antagonism towards Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici, Pyrenochaeta lycopersici, Pythium ultimum, and Rhizoctonia solani. The antagonistic effects observed were associated with marked increases in the percentage of siderophore producers. No significant differences were observed in the percentage of cyanogens, whereas the percentages of phosphate solubilizers and indoleacetic acid producers were affected, respectively, by one and two compost treatments. Intrinsic resistance to antibiotics was only marginally different among the rhizobacterial populations. Our results suggest that compost may stimulate the proliferation of antagonists in the rhizosphere and confirm previous reports indicating that the use of composts in container media has the
potential to protect plants from soilborne root pathogens.

NAL Call No.: SB599.C8
Effect of compost water extracts on grey mould (Botrytis cinerea).
Elad, Y.; Shtienberg, D. Crop-prot v.13(2): p.109-114. (1994 Mar.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: lycopersicon-esculentum; capsicum-annuum; vitis-vinifera; botrytis- cinerea; plant-pathogenic-fungi; composts; extracts; chemical- composition; mineral-content; fungus-control; biological-control

NAL Call No.: S592.7.A1S6
Effect of composting on short-term transformations in soil of 15N-labelled plant residues.
Crippa, L.; Zaccheo, P. Soil-biol-biochem v.27(2): p.247-250. (1995 Feb.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: soil-flora; biological-activity-in-soil; organic-amendments; lolium- perenne; plant-residues; composts; ammonium-nitrogen; nitrate- nitrogen; ammonium-sulfate; mineralization; nitrogen; isotope-labeling; stable-isotopes

NAL Call No.: S605.5.B5
Effect of different organic manures and garden waste compost on the nitrate dynamics in soil, N uptake and yield of winter wheat.
Berner, A.; Scherrer, D.; Niggli, U. Biol-agric-hortic v.11(1/4): p.289-300. (1995)
Paper presented at a workshop on Nitrate Leaching in Ecological Agriculture held October 1993, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Descriptors: triticum-aestivum; winter-wheat; farmyard-manure; composts; slurries;
nitrogen; nutrient-sources; npk-fertilizers; top-dressings; mineralization; nutrient-availability; nutrient-uptake; crop-growth-stage; nitrogen-content; soil-water; crop-yield; grain; dry-matter- accumulation; wheat-straw; growth-rate; switzerland; organic-versus-inorganic-fertilizers

NAL Call No.: TD930.A32
Effect of humic substances from vine-canes mature compost on tomato seedling growth.
Lulakis, M. D.; Petsas, S. I. Bioresour-technol v.54(2): p.179-182. (1995)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composts; vitis-vinifera; canes-and-rattans; sodium-humate; humic- acids; fulvic-acids; lycopersicon-esculentum; seedlings; shoots; roots- ; growth
Abstract: Humic substances extracted from vine-cane mature compost with a solution of 0.1 M Na4P2O7 plus 0.1 M NaOH and separated into humates (SH), humic (HA) and fulvic (FA) acid according to their solubility in acid and alkaline solutions, were purified and tested for their effects on growth of tomato seedlings. The humic substances were beneficial to shoot- and root-growth at intermediate concentrations (100-300 ppm), but inhibitory at high concentrations 1000-2000 ppm). The beneficial effects of humic substances were highest for shoot development; the highest optimum range of concentration was with FA and the lowest with HA.

NAL Call No.: 23-Au792
Effect of inoculating fungi into compost on growth of tomato and compost microflora.
Sivapalan, A.; Morgan, W. C.; Franz, P. R. Aust-j-exp-agric v.34(4): p.541-548. (1994)
Includes references.
Descriptors: lycopersicon-esculentum; growth-rate; plant-height; dry-matter; weight; leaf-area; flowers; fruits; composts; growing-media; acremonium; chaetomium- globosum; gliocladium-roseum; trichoderma-hamatum; biological-control-agents; population- density; microbial- flora; acremonium-butyri; zygorrhynchus-moelleri

NAL Call No.: S590.C63
Effect of peat moss-shrimp wastes compost on the growth of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) on a loamy sand soil.
Hountin, J. A.; Karam, A.; Parent, L. E.; Isfan, D. Commun-soil-sci-plant-anal v.26(19/20): p.3275-3289. (1995)
Includes references.
Descriptors: hordeum-vulgare; sandy-soils; composts; peat; shrimps; fish-scrap; fertilizers; mixtures; application-rates; growth; plant-height; yield- components; plant- composition; nutrient-content; crop-yield; grain; straw; yields; organic-versus-inorganic- fertilizers
Abstract: A greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine the effect of peat moss-shrimp wastes compost on barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grown on a limed loamy sand soil. A control, four rates of compost applied alone and in combination with three rates of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) chemical fertilizer were evaluated. Applications of compost to limed soil substantially enhanced the growth of barley over the control. When considering all treatments, the main effect of compost rates on straw yield, numbers of tillers, plant height, and number of ears was more important than that of fertilizer. A significant interaction on barley growth parameter values was obtained with compost and fertilizer rates. A combination of moderate application of compost and fertilizer gave in some instances, more yield than compost or fertilizer applied alone. Nutrient content of barley increased with rate of compost applied to soil over the control. A significant relationship was found between soil organic carbon (C) and straw yield, number of tillers, plant height and number of ears whereas grain yield was correlated with soil total N. Results from this study indicate that peat moss- shrimp wastes compost could represent a potential means of renovating low fertility sand soils.

NAL Call No.: S605.5.A43
The effect of rock phosphate-enriched compost on the yield and phosphorus nutrition of rye grass.
Singh, C. P.; Amberger, A. Am-J-altern-agric. Greenbelt, MD : Henry A. Wallace Institute for Alternative Agriculture. v.10(2): p.82-87 (1995 Spring)
Includes references.
Descriptors: lolium-perenne; calcareous-soils; clay-loam-soils; composts; mixtures; wheat-straw; rock-phosphate; nutrient-sources; comparisons; superphosphate; phosphorus; nutrient-availability; solubility; plant-nutrition; plant-composition; nutrient-content; dry-matter-accumulation; nutrient-uptake; mussoorie-rock-phosphate; hyper-rock-phosphate; soil-phosphorus-fractions
Abstract: We evaluated the effect of compost enriched with rock phosphate on the yield and phosphate nutrition of rye grass in a calcareous clay loam soil. Enriched compost was prepared by composting either Mussoorie rock phosphate (MP) or Hyper rock phosphate (HP) separately with wheat straw for up to 120 days. A significant amount of insoluble P was solubilized by both kinds of rock phosphates and converted to water soluble, organic, and formic acid soluble P fractions during composting. MP-enriched compost (MPEC) and HP-enriched compost (HPEC) contain 0.30% and 0.34% water soluble P2O5, 1.94% and 1.42% organic P2O5, 2.82% and 3.28% formic acid soluble P2O5, and 1.76% and 1.18% insoluble P2O5, respectively. In a greenhouse study, the yield of rye grass (three cuttings) with both enriched composts was not significantly different from that of single superphosphate fertilizer (SSP). Phosphorus fractions of soil before sowing and after harvesting the rye grass showed that fixation of P with native soil calcium was much higher with SSP than with enriched composts. No significant differences were observed between MRP and HRP.

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Effect of straw composting on the degradation and stabilization of chlorophenols in soil.
Benoit, P.; Barriuso, E. Compost-sci-util v.3(3): p.31-37. (1995 Summer)
Paper presented at the symposium on the Biogeochemistry of Compost held August 1994 as part of the 36th Rocky Mountain Conference.
Descriptors: polluted-soils; 2,4-dichlorophenol; chlorinated-hydrocarbons; pesticide-residues; immobilization; soil-organic-matter; wheat-straw; humification; composts;
biodegradation; transformation; soil-flora; biological-activity-in-soil; 4-chlorophenol; biological- transformation

NAL Call No.: 80-Ac82
Effect of volatile substances released from olive tree leave compost on the vegetative growth of Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici.
Tavoularis, K.; Papadaki, A.; Manios, V. Acta-hortic (382): p.183-186. (1995 Feb.)
Paper presented at the Fourth International Symposium on Soil and Substrate Infestation and Disinfestation, September 6-12, 1993, Leuven, Belgium.
Descriptors: composts; volatile-compounds; rhizoctonia-solani; fusarium- oxysporum-f; sp -lycopersici; plant-pathogenic-fungi; hyphae; growth; inhibition; fungus- control; biological-control; efficacy

Go to: Author Index | Subject Index | Top of Document
Citation no.: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 250, 260, 270

NAL Call No.: QL391.N4J62
Effect of yard waste compost on plant-parasitic nematode densities in vegetable crops.
McSorley, R.; Gallaher, R. N. J-nematol v.27(45): p.545-549. (1995 Dec.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: zea-mays; vigna-unguiculata; cucurbita-pepo; abelmoschus- esculentus; plant-parasitic-nematodes; composts; nematode-control; cultural- control; population-density; mulching; incorporation; crop-yield; florida
Abstract: The effects of yard-waste compost on densities of plant-parasitic nematodes were determined on four crops at two sites in north Florida. Separate experiments were conducted with sweet corn (Zea mays), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), yellow squash (Cucurbita pepo), and okra (Hibiscus esculentus). In each test, the design was a randomized complete block replicated four times and involving three treatments: 269 mt/ha yard-waste compost applied to the soil surface as a mulch, 269 mt/ha compost incorporated into the soil, and an unamended control. Final population densities of Criconemella spp. and Meloidogyne incognita were lower in plots receiving a compost treatment than in unamended control plots in only one of eight tests (P less than or equal to 0.05). Final densities of Paratrichodorus minor, Pratylenchus spp., and Xiphinema spp. were unaffected by compost treatment in all tests (P > 0.10). Vegetable yields were either unaffected by treatment or, in some tests, were lowest following the mulch treatment (P less than or equal to 0.10). Results indicate that the yard-waste compost used had little effect on densities of plant-parasitic nematodes associated with short- term (ca. 4 months) vegetable crops.

NAL Call No.: TD930.A32
Effects of compost stability on plant growth, microbiological parameters and nitrogen availability in media containing mixed garden-waste compost.
Keeling, A. A.; Griffths, B. S.; Ritz, K.; Myers, M. Bioresour-technol v.54(3): p.279-284. (1995)
Includes references.
Descriptors: refuse; composts; agricultural-wastes; litter-plant; lolium-perenne; growth; nitrogen-metabolism; nitrogen; nutrient-availability; microbiology; age; stability; compost-age
Abstract: Garden waste was composted over a number of weeks in a windrow, and fumed regularly to maintain aerobic conditions. The physical parameters of the composting material were measured, and at 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks of processing samples were removed and incorporated into growth media. Ryegrass was grown over 1 year and harvested regularly for measurement of dry matter and N content. In addition, compost samples were removed and the microfauna and total microbial biomass quantified. It was shown that the younger composts (1 and 2 week processing) gave higher dry matter and N yields. The young compost (1 week) contained significantly higher protozoan (especially ciliate) biomass than the older (4 week) compost, over the entire experimental period.

NAL Call No.: SB952.B75I57-1995
Effects of composts on suppression of soil-borne plant diseases.
Millner, P. D.; Ringer, C. H. 1995 Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions / International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions p.22/1-22/2. (1995)
Meeting held on November 6-8, 1995, San Diego, California.
Descriptors: plant-pathogenic-fungi; soil-bacteria; plant-disease-control; cultural- methods;
composts; waste-utilization; low-input-agriculture; cultural- weed-control; vector-borne-diseases

NAL Call No.: 442.8-An72
The effects of domestic compost upon the germination and emergence of barley and six arable weeds.
Ligneau, L. A. M.; Watt, T. A. Ann-appl-biol v.126(1): p.153-162. (1995 Feb.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: hordeum-vulgare; agrostis-stolonifera; avena-fatua; chenopodium- album; galium-aparine; poa-annua; stellaria-media; composts; leachates- ; seed-germination; seedling-emergence; depth; light; weed-control; household-composts

NAL Call No.: TD172.A7
Effects of fertilizer on insecticides adsorption and biodegradation in crop soils.
Rouchard, J.; Thirion, A.; Wauters, A.; Steene, F. v. de.; Benoit, F.; Ceustermans, N.; Gillet, J.; Marchand, S.; Vanparys, L. Arch-environ-contam-toxicol. New York, Springer-Verlag v.31(1): p.98-106 (1996 July)
Includes references.
Descriptors: cattle-manure; pig-slurry; green-manures; crop-residues; composts; aldicarb; thiofanox; insecticides; adsorption; persistence; half-life; soil-organic-matter; beta- vulgaris; beta-vulgaris-var; -saccharifera; belgium; imidacloprid

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Effects of humic acids extracted from mined lignite or composted vegetable residues on plant growth and soil microbial populations.
Valdrighi, M. M.; Pera, A.; Scatena, S.; Agnolucci, M.; Vallini, G. Compost-sci- util v.31(1): p.30-38. (1995 Winter)
Includes references.
Descriptors: humates; sources; comparisons; composts; vegetables; food-wastes; humus; cichorium-intybus; biomass-production; soil-flora; populations; biological-activity-in- soil; population-dynamics; green-composts

NAL Call No.: SB319.2.F6F56
Effects of municipal solid waste compost and trench depth on papaya (Carica papaya L.) yield and fruit quality.
Basso Figuera, C.; Schaffer, B.; Crane, J. H.; Colls, A. M.; Bryan, H. H. Proc-annu-meet- Fla-State-Hort-Soc. [S.l.] : The Society v.107:p.334-337 (1995 June)
Meeting held October 30-November 1, 1994, Orlando, Florida.
Descriptors: carica-papaya; solid-wastes; refuse; composts; waste-utilization; application-rates; soil-amendments; trenching; depth; crop-yield; precocity; fruiting; crop- quality; fruits

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Effects of turning frequency, leaves to grass mix ratio and windrow vs. pile configuration on the composting of yard trimmings.
Michel, F. C. Jr.; Forney, L. J.; Huang, A. J. F.; Drew, S.; Czuprenski, M.; Lindeberg, J. D.; Reddy, C. A. Compost-sci-util v.4(1): p.26-43. (1996 Winter)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composting; yards; wastes; litter-plant; leaves; grass-clippings; mixtures; ratios; windrows; mixing; frequency; composts; temperature; oxygen; concentration; ph; organic-matter; moisture-content; fatty-acids; volatile-compounds; bulk-density; stability; humification; nutrient-content; nutrient-availability; particle-size; distribution; seed-germination; indexes; compost-quality

NAL Call No.: 80-Ac82
Effects of various growing media on eggplant and pepper seedling quality.
Eltez, R. Z.; Gul, A.; Tuzel, Y. Acta-hortic (366): p.257-264. (1994 Aug.)
Paper presented at the Second Symposium on Protected Cultivation of Solanacea in Mild Winter Climates, April 13-16, 1993, Adana, Turkey.
Descriptors: solanum-melongena; capsicum; growing-media; seedlings; composts; turkey

NAL Call No.: QR1.M562
Effects of water extracts of a composted manure-straw mixture on the plant pathogen Botrytis cinerea.
McQuilken, M. P.; Whipps, J. M.; Lynch, J. M. World-j-microbiol-biotechnol v.10(1): p.20-26. (1994 Jan.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: botrytis-cinerea; plant-pathogenic-fungi; composts; wheat-straw; extracts; incubation-duration; actinomycetales; bacteria; fungi; yeasts- ; efficacy; filtration; autoclaving; conidia; germination; inhibition; biological-control; plant-disease-control; filamentous-fungi

NAL Call No.: SB1.J66
Efficacy of three nitrogen and phosphorus sources in container-grown azalea production.
Warren, S. L.; Bilderback, T. E.; Tyler, H. H. J-environ-hortic v.13(3): p.147-151. (1995 Sept.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: rhododendron; container-grown-plants; slow-release-fertilizers; npk- fertilizers; top-dressings; composts; poultry-manure; effluents; leaching; nutrient-uptake; north- carolina

NAL Call No.: 80-Ac82
Enriched zeolite as a substrate component in the production of pepper and tomato seedlings.
Markovic, V.; Takac, A.; Ilin, Z. Acta-hortic (396): p.321-328. (1995 Mar.)
Paper presented at the XXIVth International Horticultural Congress on Hydroponics and Transplant Production, August 21-27, 1994, Kyoto, Japan.
Descriptors: capsicum-annuum; lycopersicon-esculentum; zeolites; composts; peat; mixtures; seedling-culture; container-grown-plants

NAL Call No.: S592.17.A73A74
Enzymatic activities in a soil amended with organic wastes at semiarid field conditions.
Diaz Marcote, I.; Polo, A.; Ceccanti, B. Arid-soil-res-rehabil v.9(3): p.317-325. (1995 July-1995 Sept.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: soil-enzymes; enzyme-activity; semiarid-soils; hordeum-vulgare; composts; sewage-sludge; fertilizers; cattle-manure; crop-growth-stage

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
EPA streamlines biosolids management programs.
Goldstein, N. Biocycle v.36(7): p.58-60. (1995 July)
Descriptors: sewage-sludge; composts; waste-utilization; regulations; programs; public-agencies; environmental-protection-agency

NAL Call No.: SB319.2.F6F56
Establishment of an evergreen high density blueberry planting in southwest Florida.
Reeder, R. K.; Darnell, R. L.; Obreza, T. A. Proc-annu-meet-Fla-State-Hort-Soc. [S.l.] : The Society v.107: p.326-328 (1995 June)
Meeting held October 30-November 1, 1994, Orlando, Florida.
Descriptors: vaccinium; high-density-planting; crop-establishment; nitrogen- fertilizers; application-rates; dormancy; composts; solid-wastes; refuse; peat; soil-amendments; soil-fertility; soil-ph; growth-rate; plant-height; florida

Go to: Author Index | Subject Index | Top of Document
Citation no.: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 250, 260, 270

NAL Call No.: S590.C63
Estimation of phosphorus availability in composts and compost/peat mixtures by different extraction methods.
Alt, D.; Peters, I.; Fokken, H. Commun-soil-sci-plant-anal v.25(11/12): p.2063- 2080. (1994)
Includes references.
Descriptors: dendranthema; phosphorus; nutrient-availability; determination; composts; peat; mixtures; testing; extraction; extractants; comparisons
Abstract: A trial was carried out with compost and compost/peat mixtures to test several extraction methods for the estimation of availability of phosphorus (P). The test plant was Dendranthema grandiflorum. All composts had a high pH and salt content. Amounts of P extracted by different extraction methods decreased in the order: Formate > CAL > NH4-acetate > CaCl2/DTPA > CaCl2. Dilution of compost with peat decreased pH and increased availability of P. The better availability of P caused by dilution with peat was not reflected by the Formate-, CAL-, and NH4-acetate method. These acid and well-buffered extraction solutions overestimate P, and are therefore not suited to estimate availability of P in composts and compost/peat mixtures. Weak extraction solutions, like CaCl2 and CaCl2/DTPA, gave results which showed a good correlation with P content of plants and P uptake. The advantage of the latter method compared with CaCl2 is the extraction of amounts of P comparable to amounts taken up by the plants. Therefore, of all the extraction methods tested, the CaCl2/DTPA method showed the best suitability to estimate the availability of P in composts and compost/peat mixtures.

NAL Call No.: SB319.2.F6F56
Evaluation of a yard waste compost as a potting medium amendment for production of potted Ageratum.
MacCubbin, T. J.; Henley, R. W. Proc-annu-meet-Fla-State-Hort-Soc. [S.l.] : The Society v.106:p.302-305 (1994 May)
Meeting held October 19-21, 1993, Miami Beach, Florida.
Descriptors: ageratum; growing-media; agricultural-wastes; peat; shading; growth; florida

NAL Call No.: S590.C63
Evaluation of ammonium and soluble salts on grass sod production in compost. I. Addition of ammonium or nitrate salts.
O'Brien, T. A.; Barker, A. V. Commun-soil-sci-plant-anal v.27(1/2): p.57-76. (1996)
Includes references.
Descriptors: lolium-perenne; seed-germination; seedling-growth; phytotoxicity; composts; growing-media; ammonium-sulfate; calcium-nitrate; ammonium-nitrogen; nitrate- nitrogen; electrical-conductivity; salinity; stability; compost-maturity
Abstract: Inhibitions in seed germination and in plant growth in some composts have been associated with high concentrations of ammonium or soluble salts in the media. This experiment was conducted to determine changes in ammonium and soluble salts in fertilizer- amended compost with time and their impacts on plant growth. Turfgrass (Lolium perenne L.) was seeded into an ammonium-depleted municipal solid waste (MSW) or leaf composts or into MSW or leaf composts with 1,500 or 2,300 mg N/kg (dry weight) from (NH4)2SO4 or Ca(NO3)2 added to simulate immature composts. Seeding occurred on the day that the composts were treated and applied to flats. Ammonium-nitrogen (N) and nitrate-N concentrations and electrical conductivity were measured on the day of seeding and after 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. Germination or growth was assessed after 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. Ammonium-N in the compost declined with time, whereas nitrate-N and electrical conductivity initially increased then decreased with time. Ammonium-N from (NH4)2SO4 added to the compost declined by half within seven days, and as the compost ammonium-N declined, germination and growth of grass increased. Electrical conductivity indicated that initial soluble salt levels in the composts with 1,500 or 2,300 mg N/kg from Ca(NO3)2 were sufficient to inhibit seed germination and plant growth. In composts with 1,150 mg N/kg from Ca(NO3)2, germination and growth of grass improved after 14 days, whereas growth in composts with 2,300 mg N/kg from Ca(NO3)2 was inhibited for at least 28 days. Ammonium salts appear to be lost from the compost more rapidly than nitrate salts, which have a
prolonged inhibitory effect on germination and growth.

NAL Call No.: S590.C63
Evaluation of ammonium and soluble salts on grass sod production in compost. II. Delaying seeding after compost application.
O'Brien, T. A.; Barker, A. V. Commun-soil-sci-plant-anal v.27(1/2): p.77-85. (1996)
Includes references.
Descriptors: lolium-perenne; composts; growing-media; stability; ammonium- sulfate; ammonium-nitrogen; nitrate-nitrogen; electrical-conductivity; ph; sowing-date; seed- germination; seedling-growth; inhibition; phytotoxicity; compost-maturity
Abstract: In some composts, seed germination and plant growth have been inhibited by high concentrations of ammonium or soluble salts. Ammonium and salt concentrations in media decrease with time after application to land or placement in containers for growth of plants. This study was conducted to determine if ammonium or soluble salt problems could be avoided by delaying seeding after compost application. Turfgrass (Lolium perenne L.) was seeded into municipal solid waste (MSW) compost depleted of ammonium during storage and into this compost with 1,150 or 2,300 mg ammonium-N/kg (dry weight) added from (NH4)2SO4. Seeding occurred on the day of compost application and after 1, 3, 7, and 14 days from application. Flats of composts were watered daily after seeding but were not watered before seeding. Ammonium-nitrogen (N) and nitrate-N concentrations, electrical conductivity, and pH of the compost were measured on each day of seeding. Ammonium-N, electrical conductivity, and pH for the compost declined, whereas the nitrate-N concentration increased with time. Delaying seeding for 14 days after compost application increased germination and clipping weights. By delaying seeding, ammonium and salt problems were minimized, apparently by the dissipation of the inhibitory factors by ammonia volatilization.

NAL Call No.: 80-Ac82
Evaluation of chemical and non-chemical treatments for the control of ginseng replant disease.

Li, T. S. C. Acta-hortic (363): p.141-146. (1994 May)
Paper presented at the "Third International Symposium on Replant Problems," held July 20-23, 1993, Penticton, Canada.
Descriptors: panax-quinquefolius; replant-disease; seedling-emergence; plant- disease-control; enterobacter-aerogenes; dazomet; chemical-control; soil- sterilization; sewage- products; composts; organic-amendments;
salix; leaves

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Evaluation of farm plot conditions and effects of fish scrap compost on yield and mineral composition of field grown maize.
Brinton, Jr., W. F.; Seekins, M. D. Compost-sci-util v.2(1): p.10-16. (1994 Winter)
Includes references.
Descriptors: fish; composts; npk-fertilizers; zea-mays; crop-yield; plants; mineral- content; soil-analysis; maine

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Evaluation of field-applied fresh composts for production of sod crops.
O'Brien, T. A.; Barker, A. V. Compost-sci-util v.3(3): p.53-65. (1995 Summer)
Includes references.
Descriptors: gramineae; wild-flowers; crop-production; composts; sources; refuse; sewage-sludge; wood-chips; agricultural-wastes; leaves; npk- fertilizers; application-to-land; surface-layers; mulches; incorporation; stand-establishment; weed-control; cultural-control; dry- matter- accumulation; species-diversity; crop-quality; nitrogen-content; ammonium-nitrogen; electrical-conductivity; compost-maturity; sod-production

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Evaluation of fresh and year-old solid waste composts for production of wildflower and grass sods on plastic.
O'Brien, T.; Barker, A. V. Compost-sci-util v.3(4): p.69-77. (1995 Autumn)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composts; sources; refuse; agricultural-wastes; leaves; composting; age; evaluation; growing-media; grasses; wild-flowers; seed- germination; stand-establishment; biomass-production; flowering; sod-production; compost-quality; compost-maturity

NAL Call No.: QH540.J6
Evaluation of nitrogen availability in irradiated sewage sludge, sludge compost and manure compost.
Wen, G.; Bates, T. E.; Voroney, R. P. J-environ-qual v.24(3): p.527-534. (May- June 1995)
Includes references.
Descriptors: sewage-sludge; composts; animal-manures; application-rates; gamma-radiation; nitrogen; ammonium-nitrogen; availability; lactuca- indica; petunia; phaseolus-vulgaris; crop-management; crop-production; crop-yield; ontario
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted during 2 yr to determine plant availability of organic N from organic wastes, and effects of gamma irradiation on organic N availability in sewage sludge. The wastes investigated were: digested, dewatered sewage sludge (DSS), irradiated sewage sludge (DSS), irradiated, composted sewage sludge (DICSS), and composted livestock manure (CLM). The annual application rates were: 10, 20, 30, and 40 Mg solids ha-1. Fertilizer N was added to the control, to which no waste was applied, as well as to the waste applications to ensure approximately equal amounts of available N (110 kg N ha-1) for all treatments. Lettuce (Lactuca indica L.), petunias (Petunia X hybrida Vilm.), and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) were grown in 1990 and two cuts of lettuce were harvested in 1991. Crop yields and plant N concentrations were measured. Assuming that crop N harvested/available N applied would be approximately equal for the control and the waste treatments, the N from organic fraction of the wastes, which is as available as that in fertilizer, was estimated. With petunia in 1990 and the combination of first and second cut of lettuce in 1991, the percentage ranged from 11.2 to 29.7 in nonirradiated sludge, 10.1 to 14.0 in irradiated sludge, 10.5 to 32.1 in sludge compost and 10.0 to 19.7 in manure compost. Most often, the highest values were obtained with the lowest application rates. Yields of petunia and N
concentrations in second cut lettuce in 1991 were lower with irradiated sludge than with nonirradiated sludge suggest that the availability of organic N in digested sludge may have been reduced after irradiation. Irradiation of sludge appears to have released NH4+-N. The.
availability of organic N, however, appears to have been reduced by irradiation by greater amount than the increase in NH4+-N.

NAL Call No.: TD930.A32
Evaluation of parameters related to chemical and agrobiological qualities of wheat- straw composts including different additives.
Blanco, M. J.; Almendros, G. Bioresour-technol v.51(2/3): p.125-134. (1995)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composts; wheat-straw; maturity; additives; organic-matter; phytotoxicity; lepidium-sativum; bioassays; seed-germination; crop-yield; lolium-rigidum; organic-additives; mineral-additives
Abstract: The chemical and agrobiological characteristics of 37 composts from wheat straw with different additives were evaluated through routine tests. In general, the plant yield under greenhouse conditions in soils amended with these composts was unrelated to data from the phytotoxicity germination biotest, but with the chemical parameters reflecting selective biopolymer degradation in straw. This suggests that factors such as microbial immobilization of nutrients had greater influence than phytotoxic inhibitor compounds in the plant yield of the soils amended with the composts studied. Monitoring the composition of the water-soluble fraction was also useful as regards crop yield of soils improved with compost. The factors potentially connected with the positive or depressive effect of composts in soil were assessed through factorial design experiments involving successive harvesting, calcium carbonates and mineral fertilization. In general, mineral fertilization may lead to decreased yields in soils to which immature composts are applied. The effects on compost maturity of the different by-products used as additives are discussed for the system studied.

NAL Call No.: QR1.C78
Expression of intracellular enzymes during hyphal aggregate formation in a fruiting- impaired variant of Agaricus bisporus.
Hammond, J. B. W.; Burton, K. S. Curr-microbiol v.32(5): p.252-255. (1996 May)
Includes references.
Descriptors: agaricus-bisporus; mycelium; hyphae; glucose-6-phosphate- dehydrogenase; mannitol; oxidoreductases; hexokinase; enzyme-activity; growth; mushroom- compost; mannitol-dehydrogenase
Abstract: The specific activity and enzyme protein concentration of the developmentally regulated enzyme glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) were measured in the developing aggregates and supporting mycelium of a fruiting-impaired variant strain of Agaricus bisporus. The nonregulated enzymes mannitol dehydrogenase (MD) and hexokinase (HK) were assayed for comparison. G6PD activity was higher in aggregates than in the mycelium, whereas MD and HK activities varied little between mycelium and aggregates. Enzyme protein levels varied in a way different from enzyme activity, suggesting the presence of inactive enzyme at times during development. The raised level of G6PD in aggregates provides a possible mechanism for the increased mannitol concentration previously observed in aggregates. There was no parallel to the rapid increase in G6PD activity associated with primordium development of normally fruiting strains growing on compost.

NAL Call No.: S590.C63
Extractants for assessing plant-available phosphorus in soilless potting media.
Handreck, K. A. Commun-soil-sci-plant-anal v.26(3/4): p.329-335. (1995)
Includes references.
Descriptors: growing-media; pine-bark; sand; sewage-sludge; composts; rock- phosphate; bone-meal; aluminum-phosphate; iron-phosphates; phosphorus; extraction; extractants; nutrient-availability; nutrient-uptake; hakea; nutrient-content; mineral-content; hakea-leucoptera

NAL Call No.: S661.N55-- 1994
A farmers' guide to Maryland compost regulations.
Nilsson, J.; Strahl, S. D.; Pickering Creek Environmental Center. iii, 12p. (Pickering Creek Environmental Center, Easton, Md. 1994)
Includes bibliographic references (p. 11-12).
Descriptors: compost-maryland; agricultural-wastes-environmental-aspects- maryland; nonpoint-source-pollution-maryland-prevention

NAL Call No.: TD172.C54
Fate of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene in a simulated compost system.
Pennington, J. C.; Hayes, C. A.; Myers, K. F.; Ochman, M.; Gunnison, D.; Felt, D. R.; McCormick, E. F. Chemosphere v.30(3): p.429-438. (1995 Feb.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: explosives; organic-nitrogen-compounds; polluted-soils; composting; microbial-degradation; chemical-reactions; carbon; isotope- labeling; radionuclides; bioremediation; microbial-transformation; degradation-products; soil-decontamination;
rdx; hmx

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Feeding the lily.
Biocycle v.35(6): p.42. (1994 June)
Descriptors: lilium; agricultural-soils; sewage-sludge; litter-plant; composts; application-to-land; texas

Go to: Author Index | Subject Index | Top of Document
Citation no.: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 250, 260, 270

NAL Call No.: S605.5.B5
A five year study on nitrate leaching under crops fertilised with mineral and organic fertilisers in lysimeters.
Leclerc, B.; Georges, P.; Cauwel, B.; Lairon, D. Biol-agric-hortic v.11(1/4): p.301- 308. (1995)
Paper presented at a workshop on Nitrate Leaching in Ecological Agriculture held October 1993, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Descriptors: crops; rotations; organic-fertilizers; composts; npk-fertilizers; nutrient-sources; nitrogen; losses-from-soil; leaching; nutrient-uptake; soil-fertility; france; organic-versus-inorganic-fertilizers; manure-compost; urban-compost; brushwood-compost

NAL Call No.: QR100.F45
Flow cytometric detection of viable bacteria in compost.
Diaper, J. P.; Edwards, C. FEMS-microbiol-ecol v.14(3): p.213-220. (1994 July)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composts; bacillus-subtilis; genetic-engineering; detection; viability; flow-cytometry; genetically-engineered-microorganisms; compost-bacteria
Abstract: Flow cytometry employing several vital stains was used to study the colonisation of sterile compost by Bacillus subtilis 168 (pAB224). The dyes used included rhodamine 123 (Rh123), carboxyfluorescein diacetate (CFDA) and chemchrome B. The results demonstrated the ability of flow cytometry to detect and enumerate viable bacteria in filtered compost extracts. Flow cytometry was also used to detect and study the viability of an indigenous compost community. Although it was possible to detect a viable bacterial population, the numbers of viable bacteria estimated were significantly different to those estimated from cfu.

NAL Call No.: TX341.E5
For a healthier earth, richer diet, try organic gardening.
Volain, N. Environ-nutr v.18(4): p.2. (1995 Apr.)
Descriptors: organic-foods; organic-farming; layout; composts

NAL Call No.: S590.C63
Forecasting agrobiological properties of wheat straw with different additives-- multiple regression models including chemical parameters.
Blanco, M. J.; Almendros, G. Commun-soil-sci-plant-anal v.26(15/16): p.2473- 2484. (1995)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composts; wheat-straw; quality; additives; comparisons; stability; chemical-properties; lolium-rigidum; yields; crop-growth-stage; compost-maturity; compost- quality
Abstract: The agrobiological properties of 37 composts prepared from wheat straw with a series of organic or mineral additives have been determined through standard chemical analyses and greenhouse experiments with soils of different carbonate content and in the presence, or absence of mineral fertilization. Plant yield on soils treated with the composts was studied in successive stages of development of rye grass (Lolium rigidum), showing significant differences that paralleled the values of a limited number of compost parameters. Under greenhouse conditions and in the presence of mineral supply, the least matured composts led to improved plant yield only in the early harvests, decreasing thereafter which points to a behavior typical for the microbial immobilization of the additional nutrients. The germination (phytotoxicity) index was found poorly correlated with the yield in the different soils, whereas the N and lignin contents provided the most significant information, the results suggesting no cause-to-effect relationship in such correlations. The multiple regression models showed significant differences as regards the system studied when the limiting influence of nitrogen (N) was reduced through additional fertilization. The most significant coefficients for the plant yield were those reflecting the total mineralization rates of the compost, the composition of the water- soluble fraction, and the concentration of lipids whereas, when no mineral solution was added, the yield was explained mainly by the N content in compost and in water-soluble products. In successive harvests, the significance level of the compost N level tended to increase, whereas that of lipid decreased, the former factor showing the greatest influence when carbonates are present in the soil.

NAL Call No.: S590.C63
Forms and extractability of manganese in potting media.
Handreck, K. A. Commun-soil-sci-plant-anal v.26(3/4): p.317-328. (1995)
Includes references.
Descriptors: manganese; nutrient-availability; pine-bark; bark; composts; picea- sitchensis; pinus-radiata; peat; sawdust; rice-husks; extraction; mineral-uptake; ph; acidity; lycopersicon-esculentum; avena-sativa; extractable-manganese

NAL Call No.: S592.7.A1S6
Germination and growth of plants in media containing unstable refuse-derived compost.
Keeling, A. A.; Paton, I. K.; Mullett, J. A. J. Soil-biol-biochem v.26(6): p.767-772. (1994 June)
Includes references.
Descriptors: allium-cepa; brassica-oleracea; brassica-oleracea-var; -botrytis; lactuca-sativa; lepidium-sativum; lolium-perenne; lycopersicon-esculentum; composts; stability; growing-media; seed-germination; seedling-growth; phytotoxicity; refuse; municipal-solid- waste-composts
Abstract: Refuse-derived compost (RDC) was produced by mechanical separation of organic matter from domestic refuse followed by a thermophilic composting phase. Fresh (unstable) compost was used in a variety of plant growth trials. Addition of peat, sand or dolomite limestone substantially improved germination. Extended growth trials showed the slow-nutrient releasing properties of RDC. With ryegrass at 6 months growth, identical total yields were obtained with unamended RDC and 150 kg ml RDC in a sand-grit substrate. Phytotoxicity was confined to the low molecular weight (mol. wt) fraction, while the high mol. wt fraction possessed slight growth-stimulating properties.

NAL Call No.: SB1.J66
Greenhouse rose production in media containing coal bottom ash.
Butler, S. H.; Bearce, B. C. J-environ-hortic v.13(4): p.160-164. (1995 Dec.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: rosa; container-grown-plants; growing-media; soil; peat; bark; coal; ash; composts; byproducts; waste-utilization; crop-production; trace-elements; macronutrients; soil-physical-properties; industrial-byproducts

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Growing a market for biosolids compost.
Biocycle v.35(11): p.69-71. (1994 Nov.)
Descriptors: composts; sewage-sludge; marketing

NAL Call No.: 80-Ac82
Growth and nutritional status of apple trees and grapevines in municipal solid- waste-amended soil.
Pinamonti, F.; Zorzi, G.; Gasperi, F.; Silvestri, S.; Stringari, G. Acta-hortic (383): p.313-321. (1995 Apr.)
In the series analytic: Mineral nutrition of deciduous fruit plants / edited by M. Tagliavini, G.H. Neilsen and P. Millard. 1993, Trento, Italy.
Descriptors: malus-pumila; vitis-vinifera; refuse-compost; mulching; soil-fertility; soil-organic-matter; nutrient-availability; phosphorus; potassium; porosity; nutrient-uptake; mineral-uptake; nutrient-content; mineral-content; orchard-soils; vineyard-soils; vigor; crop- yield; soil-water

NAL Call No.: 81-SO12
Growth and yields of bell pepper and winter squash grown with organic and living mulches.
Roe, N. E.; Stoffella, P. J.; Bryan, H. H. J-Am-Soc-Hortic-Sci v.119(6): p.1193- 1199. (1994 Nov.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: capsicum-annuum; cucurbita-pepo; crop-production; live-mulches; stenotaphrum-secundatum; arachis-glabrata; organic-amendments; polyethylene; wood-chips; refuse-compost; sewage-sludge; refuse; crop-yield; application-rates; growth; soil-temperature; soil-chemistry; raised-beds; florida
Abstract: Increasing disposal problems with polyethylene (PL) mulch and greater availability of compost prompted an investigation into the effects of using compost as a mulch on horizontal raised bed surfaces with living mulches (LMs) on vertical surfaces. Wood chips (WC), sewage sludge-yard trimming (SY) compost, and municipal solid waste (MW) compost were applied at 224 t.ha-1 on bed surfaces. Sod strips of 'Jade' (JD) or 'Floratam' (FT) St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secundatum Kuntze) or perennial peanut (Arachis glabrata Benth.) (PP) or seeds of a small, seed-propagated forage peanut (Arachis sp.) (SP) were established on the vertical sides of the raised beds before transplanting bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) into the beds. Phytophthora capsici reduced pepper plant stand in PL-mulched plots compared with organic mulch (OM) and LM. Despite the stand reduction, total pepper yields were highest in PL plots and, in the OM plots, decreased in the order SY > MW > WC. Early fruit yields and yield per plant were highest from plants in PL plots followed by SY. Among LMs, plants in SP plots produced highest early yields and FT produced the lowest. Plants in PL plots produced the largest fruit. When the same plots were seeded with winter (butternut) squash (Cucurbita pepo L.), plant stands were higher in MW than WC and SY. Squash yields were similar between PL and OM plots.

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Growth of Rhododendron, Rudbeckia and Thujia and the leaching of nitrates as affected by the pH of potting media amended with biosolids compost.
Bugbee, G. J. Compost-sci-util v.4(1): p.53-59. (1996 Winter)
Includes references.
Descriptors: rhododendron; rudbeckia; thuja; growing-media; composts; sewage- sludge; yards; wastes; application-rates; ph; nitrogen-content; ammonium-nitrogen; nitrate- nitrogen; leaching; nitrate; growth; dry-matter-accumulation

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Growth of Rudbeckia and leaching of nitrates in potting media amended with composted coffee processing residue, municipal solid waste and sewage sludge.
Bugbee, G. J. Compost-sci-util v.2(1): p.72-79. (1994 Winter)
Includes references.
Descriptors: rudbeckia-hirta; growth;
leaching; nitrates; growing-media; amendments; composts; coffee; processing; residues; solid- wastes; refuse; sewage-sludge; wood-chips; wood-ash; liquid-fertilizers

NAL Call No.: 448.3-Ap5
Growth of the fungus Cladosporium sphaerospermum with toluene as the sole carbon and energy source.
Weber, F. J.; Hage, K. C.; Bont, J. A. M. de. Appl-environ-microbiol v.61(10): p.3562-3566. (1995 Oct.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: cladosporium; toluene; microbial-degradation; metabolism; waste- treatment; waste-gases; composts; oxygen-consumption; enzyme- activity; oxygenases; oxidoreductases; compost-biofilters
Abstract: The fungus Cladosporium sphaerospermum was isolated from a biofilter used for the removal of toluene from waste gases. This is the first report describing growth of a eukaryotic organism with toluene as the sole source of carbon and energy. The oxygen consumption rates, as well as the measured enzyme activities, of toluene-grown C. sphaerospermum indicate that toluene is degraded by an initial attack on the methyl group.

NAL Call No.: S530.J6
Heavy metal veggies: a decision case for environmental and nutrition education.
Schramm, J.; Lammers, E.; Simmons, S. R.; Duin, A. H.; Hassel, C.; Reicks, M. J-nat- resour-life-sci-educ v.23(2): p.103-108. (1994 Fall)
Includes references.
Descriptors: environmental-education; nutrition-education; educational-courses; case-studies; vegetables; contamination; heavy-metals; composts; refuse; application-to-land; polluted-soils; health-hazards

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Heavy metals leachability as affected by pH of compost-amended growth medium used in container-grown rhododendrons.
Sawhney, B. L.; Bugbee, G. J.; Stilwell, D. E. Compost-sci-util v.3(2): p.64-73. (1995 Spring)
Includes references.
Descriptors: rhododendron; container-grown-plants; composts; application-rates; ph; heavy-metals; leaching; cadmium; chromium; copper; nickel- ; lead; zinc

Go to: Author Index | Subject Index | Top of Document
Citation no.: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 250, 260, 270

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Impact of compost on vegetable yields.
Maynard, A. A.; Hill, D. E. Biocycle v.35(3): p.66-67. (1994 Mar.)
Descriptors: vegetables; crop-production; composts; leaves; fertilizers; application-to-land; crop-yield; soil-properties

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Impact on water quality of high and low density applications of spent mushroom substrate to agricultural lands.
Kaplan, L. A.; Standley, L. J.; Newbold, J. D. Compost-sci-util v.31(1): p.55-63. (1995 Winter)
Paper presented at the Spent Mushroom Substrate symposium, March 11-14, 1994, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Descriptors: mushroom-compost; agricultural-wastes; waste-utilization; application-to-land; agricultural-soils; woodland-soils; application-rates; environmental-impact; water-quality; groundwater; soil-water; chemical-composition

NAL Call No.: SB476.G7
Improving turf soils with compost.
Landschoot, P. Grounds-maint v.30(6): p.33, 35, 37, 39. (1995 June)
Descriptors: lawns-and-turf; clay-soils; soil-texture; soil-amendments; composts

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Improving turf with compost.
Landschoot, P.; McNitt, A. Biocycle v.35(10): p.54-57. (1994 Oct.)
Descriptors: lawns-and-turf; land-improvement; composts; evaluation; application- to-land

NAL Call No.: S590.C63
Increasing plant-available phosphorus in an ultisol with a yard-waste compost.
Hue, N. V.; Ikawa, H.; Silva, J. A. Commun-soil-sci-plant-anal v.25(19/20): p.3291-3303. (1994)
Includes references.
Descriptors: ultisols; acid-soils; tropical-soils; mineral-deficiencies; phosphorus; nutrient-availability; composts; yards; litter-plant; triple- superphosphate; application-rates; gypsum; lime; sorption-isotherms; shoots; nutrient-content; growth; dry-matter-accumulation; phosphorus-sorption-capacity

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Increasing tomato yields with MSW compost.
Maynard, A. A. Biocycle v.36(4): p.104, 106. (1995 Apr.)
Descriptors: lycopersicon-esculentum; refuse; composts; application-rates; crop- yield; soil-fertility; connecticut

NAL Call No.: S590.C63
Influence of compost maturity on nutrient status of sunflowers.
Baca, M. T.; Delgado, I. C.; De Nobili, M.; Esteban, E.; Sanchez Raya, A. J. Commun- soil-sci-plant-anal v.26(1/2): p.169-181. (1995)
Includes references.
Descriptors: helianthus-annuus; composts; sugarcane-bagasse; olive-cake; poultry- manure; maturity; nutrient-availability; iron; zinc; boron; trace- element-deficiencies; plant- nutrition; mineral-nutrition; immobilization; nitrogen; phosphorus; nitrification; crop-yield; soil- fertility; nutrient-uptake; mineral-uptake

NAL Call No.: QH84.8.B46
Influence of low-molecular-weight organic acids on the solubilization of phosphates.
Bolan, N. S.; Naidu, R.; Mahimairaja, S.; Baskaran, S. Biol-fertil-soils v.18(4): p.311-319. (1994)
Includes references.
Descriptors: organic-acids; adsorption; rhizosphere; litter-plant; composts; poultry-manure; phosphorus; solubilization; nutrient-uptake; phosphorus-fertilizers; lolium- rigidum

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Influence of rates and timing on incorporation of dairy manure compost on sweet corn yield, composition and soil fertility.
Warman, P. R. Compost-sci-util v.3(3): p.66-71. (1995 Summer)
Includes references.
Descriptors: zea-mays; composts; cattle-manure; application-rates; timing; incorporation; surface-treatment; crop-yield; macronutrients; nutrient- content; nutrient-uptake; soil-fertility; nutrient-availability; soil-depth; nitrogen; potassium; phosphorus; magnesium; soil- water-content; quebec

NAL Call No.: 56.8-C162
Influence of soil temperature and moisture on water-soluble phenolic compounds in manured soil.
Paul, J. W.; Covert, J. A.; Beauchamp, E. G. Can-j-soil-sci v.74(1): p.111-114. (1994 Feb.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: cattle-manure; barley-straw; chemical-composition; phenolic- compounds; composts; decomposition; anaerobic-conditions; soil-water- content; soil- temperature

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Inner city composting yields diversion and vegetables.
Rockwell, F. Biocycle v.35(8): p.74-77. (1994 Aug.)
Descriptors: reclamation; land-improvement; urban-areas; composting; composts; application-to-land

NAL Call No.: S441.S8552
Integration of animal waste, winter cover crops and biological antagonists for sustained management of Columbia lance and other associated nematodes on cotton.
Barker, K. R.; Koenning, S. R.; Mikkelsen, R. L.; Edmisten, K. L. Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education SARE research projects Southern Region. p.31. (1995)
SARE Project Number: LS94-60. Record includes floppy disk.
Descriptors: gossypium; plant-parasitic-nematodes; poultry-manure; composts; cover-crops; secale-cereale; green-manures; paecilomyces; biological- control-agents; nitrogen- fertilizers; use-efficiency; nematode-control; cultural-control; biological-control; sustainability; north-carolina; municipal-waste-compost

NAL Call No.: TD420.A1P7
Iron and manganese release in coal mine drainage wetland microcosms.
Tarutis, W. J. J.; Unz, R. F. Water-sci-technol v.32(3): p.187-192. (1995)
In the series analytic: Wetland systems for water pollution control 1994 / edited by R. H. Kadlec and H. Brix.
Descriptors: iron-oxides; manganese-oxides; manganese-dioxide; hematite; iron; manganese; release; mushroom-compost; sulfate; reduction; simulation; wetlands; wetland-soils; waste-water-treatment; drainage-water; coal-mine-spoil; coal-mined-land

NAL Call No.: 448.3-Ap5
Isolation, characterization, and distribution of denitrifying toluene degraders from a variety of habitats.
Fries, M. R.; Zhou, J.; Chee Sanford, J.; Tiedje, J. M. Appl-environ-microbiol v.60(8): p.2802-2810. (1994 Aug.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: denitrifying-microorganisms; soil-bacteria; gram-negative-bacteria; toluene; benzene; microbial-degradation; aromatic-hydrocarbons; ribosomal-rna; nucleotide- sequences; agricultural-soils; composts; polluted-soils; molecular-sequence-data; genbank; l33687; genbank; l33688; genbank; l33689; genbank; l33690; genbank; l33691; genbank; l33692; genbank; l33693; genbank; l33694; ethylbenzene; chlorobenzene
Abstract: Enrichments capable of toluene degradation under O2-free denitrifying conditions were established with diverse inocula including agricultural soils, compost, aquifer material, and contaminated soil samples from different geographic regions of the world. Successful enrichment was strongly dependent on the initial use of relatively low toluene concentrations, typically 5 ppm. From the enrichments showing positive activity for toluene degradation, 10 bacterial isolates were obtained. Fingerprints generated by PCR-amplified DNA, with repetitive extragenic palindromic sequence primers, showed that eight of these isolates were different. Under aerobic conditions, all eight isolates degraded toluene, five degraded ethylbenzene, three consumed benzene, and one degraded chlorobenzene. meta-Xylene was the only other substrate used anaerobically and was used by only one isolate. All isolates were motile gram-negative rods, produced N2 from denitrification, and did not hydrolyze starch. All strains but one fixed nitrogen as judged by ethylene production from acetylene, but only four strains hybridized to the
nifHDK genes. All strains appeared to have heme nitrite reductase since their DNA hybridized to the heme (nirS) but not to the Cu (nirU) genes. Five strains hybridized to a toluene ortho- hydroxylase catabolic probe, and two of those also hybridized to a toluene meta- hydroxylase probe. Partial sequences of the 16S rRNA genes of all isolates showed substantial similarity to 16S rRNA sequences of Azoarcus sp. Physiological, morphological, fatty acid, and 16S rRNA analyses indicated that these strains were closely related to each other and that they belong to the genus Azoarcus. The activity and isolation of at least one toluene-degrading denitrifier from the majority of the habitat types studied suggest that microbes with the capacity to grow anaerobically on toluene are common in nature.

NAL Call No.: 448.3-Ap5
Isolation of Thermus strains from hot composts (60 to 80 degrees C).
Beffa, T.; Blanc, M.; Lyon, P. F.; Vogt, G.; Marchiani, M.; Fischer, J. L.; Aragno, M. Appl-environ-microbiol v.62(5): p.1723-1727. (1996 May)
Includes references.
Descriptors: thermophilic-bacteria; gram-negative-bacteria; isolation; refuse- compost; composting; sewage-sludge; plant-residues; identification; ribosomal-dna; restriction- fragment-length-polymorphism; bacterial-proteins; oxygen-consumption; thermus- thermophilus.
Abstract: High numbers (10(7) to 10(10) cells per g [dry weight]) of heterotrophic, gram-negative, rod-shaped, non-sporeforming, aerobic, thermophilic bacteria related to the genus Thermus were isolated from thermogenic composts at temperatures between 65 and 82 degrees C. These bacteria were present in different types of wastes (garden and kitchen wastes and sewage sludge) and in all the industrial composting systems studied (open-air windows, boxes with automated turning and aeration, and closed bioreactors with aeration). Isolates grew fast on a rich complex medium at temperatures between 40 and 80 degrees C, with optimum growth between 65 and 75 degrees C. Nutritional characteristics, total protein profiles, DNA- DNA hybridization (except strain JT4), and restriction fragment length polymorphism profiles of the DNAs coding for the 16S rRNAs (16S rDNAs) showed that Thermus strains isolated from hot composts were closely related to Thermus thermophilus HB8. These newly isolated T. thermophilus strains have probably adapted to the conditions in the hot-compost ecosystem. Heterotrophic, oval-spore-forming, thermophilic bacilli were also isolated from hot composts, but none of the isolates was able to grow at temperatures above 70 degrees C. This is the first report of hot composts as habitats for a high number of thermophilic bacteria related to the genus Thermus. Our study suggests that Thermus strains play an important role in organic-matter degradation during the thermogenic phase (65 to 80 degrees C) of the composting process.

Go to: Author Index | Subject Index | Top of Document
Citation no.: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 250, 260, 270

NAL Call No.: 100-C76St-1
Leaching of metals and nitrate from composted sewage sludge.
Frink, C. R.; Sawhney, B. L. Bull-Conn-Agric-Exp-Stn. New Haven, Conn. : The Station v. 923: p.46 (1994 Aug.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: sewage-sludge; composts; storage; usage; groundwater; metals; nitrate-nitrogen; leaching; groundwater-pollution; literature-reviews; connecticut

NAL Call No.: SB118.48.Y26
Leaching of nitrates from potting media containing composted sewage sludge and municipal solid waste.
Bugbee, G. J. Yank-nurs-q. Storrs, CT : University of Connecticut, Dept. of Plant Science v.4 (1): p.13-14 (1994 Spring)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composts; sewage-sludge; solid-wastes; growing-media; nitrates; leaching; carbon-nitrogen-ratio

NAL Call No.: 79.9-N814
A living mulch (white clover)/dead mulch (compost) weed control system for winter squash.
Mohler, C. L. Proc-annu-meet-Northeast-Weed-Sci-Soc. [v.p.] v. 49: p.5-10 (1995)
Includes references.
Descriptors: cucurbita-moschata; cultural-weed-control; live-mulches; trifolium- repens; composts; mulching

NAL Call No.: TP995.M35-- 1995
Making waste work : a strategy for sustainable waste management in England and Wales : summary. Sustainable waste management.
Great Britain. Dept. of the Environment. col. ill., 16p. (The Dept, [London?] , [1995])
Cover title.
Descriptors:salvage-waste,-etc-great-britain; compost-plants-great-britain; school- recycling-programs-great-britain

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Manufacturing soil at container nursery.
Biocycle v.35(5): p.48-50. (1994 May)
Descriptors: composting; composts; manufacture; growing-media; pot-culture; nurseries

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Market strength in horticultural industries.
Gouin, F. R. Biocycle v.36(8): p.68-70. (1995 Aug.)
Descriptors: composts; uses; agricultural-sector; markets; green-industries

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Marketing compost as a pest control product.
Segall, L. Biocycle v.36(5): p.65-67. (1995 May)
Descriptors: composts; biological-control; product-development; composting; biological-control-agents; inoculation-methods; biopesticides

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Metal levels in garden vegetables raised on biosolids amended soil.
Dixon, F. M.; Preer, J. R.; Abdi, A. N. Compost-sci-util v.3(2): p.55-63. (1995 Spring)
Includes references.
Descriptors: phaseolus-vulgaris; cucurbita-pepo; varieties; zea-mays; lactuca- sativa; spinacia-oleracea; brassica; composts; sewage-sludge; application-to-land; application- rates; heavy-metals; ion-uptake; lead; nickel; zinc; copper; cadmium; soil-ph; metal-ions; bioavailability; brassica-fimbriata

NAL Call No.: 448.3-Ap5
Microbial properties of composts that suppress damping-off and root rot of creeping bentgrass caused by Pythium graminicola.
Craft, C. M.; Nelson, E. B. Appl-environ-microbiol v.62(5): p.1550-1557. (1996 May)
Includes references.
Descriptors: agrostis-stolonifera-var.-palustris; pythium-graminicola; fungal- diseases; root-rots; fungus-control; composts; sewage-sludge; brewing- industry; sludges; poultry-manure; cattle-manure; food-wastes; bacteria; actinomycetales; fungi; enumeration; fungal-antagonists; bacterial-count; suppressive-composts
Abstract: Composts prepared from a variety of feedstocks were tested for their ability to suppress seedling and root diseases of creeping bentgrass caused by Pythium graminicola. Among the most suppressive materials in laboratory experiments were different batches of a brewery sludge compost and a biosolids compost from Endicott, N.Y. Batches of these composts that were initially not suppressive to Pythium damping-off became more suppressive with increasing compost age. Leaf, yard waste, food, and spent mushroom composts as well as certain biosolids, cow manure, chicken-cow manure, and leaf-chicken manure composts were not suppressive to Pythium damping-off. In some cases, turkey litter, chicken manure, chicken-leaf, and food waste composts were inhibitory to creeping bentgrass seed germination in laboratory experiments. Microbial populations varied among all of the composts tested. Bacterial populations were high in all composts except the turkey litter compost, in which populations were 1,000- to 10,000-fold lower than in the other composts tested. Among the highest populations of heterotrophic fungi and antibiotic-producing actinomycetes were those found in all batches of the brewery sludge compost, whereas the lowest populations were found in turkey litter, chicken manure, and food waste composts. Heat treatment of suppressive composts reduced populations of bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes in all composts tested. Disease suppressiveness was also reduced or eliminated in heated composts. Amending heated composts with small amounts of nonheated compost restored suppressive properties and partially restored microbial populations to wild-type levels. A strong negative relationship between compost microbial activity (as measured by the hydrolysis of fluorescein diacetate) and Pythium damping-off severity was observed. When composts were applied to creeping bentgrass in field experiments, a significant level of suppressiveness was evident with some composts when disease pressure was high (i.e., disease ratings high in uninoculated plots). A 1991 batch of turkey litter compost and the 1990 batch of Endicott biosolids were consistently suppressive to foliar symptoms of Pythium root rot on creeping bentgrass. This study indicates that suppression of Pythium diseases of creeping bentgrass in batches of brewery sludge and Endicott biosolids composts, and possibly in other suppressive composts examined in less detail in this study, is related directly to the microbial activities in the composts. On the other band, the mechanisms of Pythium suppression in turkey litter and perhaps other poultry-based composts is not related directly to the compost microbial activity. Although turkey litter showed a lack of suppressiveness in laboratory bioassays and low microbial populations and activity, it resulted in a significant and consistent level of suppressiveness in field experiments. Therefore, the microbiological properties of Pythium-suppressive composts may differ substantially, and measurements of microbial populations and activity may not be predictive of the level of disease suppression in all composts.

NAL Call No.: QR53.J68
Microbiological degradation of the herbicide dicamba.
Fogarty, A. M.; Tuovinen, O. H. J-ind-microbiol v.14(5): p.365-370. (1995 May)
Includes references.
Descriptors: dicamba; grasses; soil; composts; pseudomonas; microbial- degradation; temperature; ph; growth; pseudomonas-paucimobilis
Abstract: Pseudomonas paucimobilis was isolated from a consortium which was capable of degrading dicamba (3,6-dichloro-2-methoxybenzoic acid) as the sole source of carbon. The degradation of dicamba by P. paucimobilis and the consortium was examined over a range of substrate concentration, temperature, and pH. In the concentration range of 100-2000 mg dicamba L(-1) (0.5-9.0 mM), the degradation was accompanied by a stoichiometric release of 2 mol of Cl(-) per mol of dicamba degraded. The cultures had an optimum pH 6.5-7.0 for dicamba degradation. Growth studies at 10 degrees C, 20 degrees C, and 30 degrees C yielded activation energy values in the range of 19-36 kcal mol(-1) and an average Q(10) value of 4.0. Compared with the pure culture P. paucimobilis, the consortium was more active at the lower temperature.

NAL Call No.: S590.C63
Mineral nitrogen accumulation in soils as affected by water-soluble organic carbon extracted from composted dairy manure.
Liang, B. C.; Gregorich, E. D.; Schnitzer, M. Commun-soil-sci-plant-anal v.26(15/16): p.2711-2723. (1995)
Includes references.
Descriptors: soil-types-textural; nitrogen; mineralization; biological-activity-in- soil; nitrogen-cycle; composts; cattle-manure; extracts; carbon; organic-compounds; solubility; clay; soil-texture
Abstract: The soluble organic matter in composted manure contains labile carbon (C)
and nitrogen (N) that may stimulate microbial activity. Evaluating the effects of water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) on N mineralization will improve our understanding of the short-term N turnover in soil. Three soils with textures varying from 3 to 54% clay were amended with water extracts from composted dairy manure (0-80 mg C/kg soil) and incubated for 11 weeks at 23 degrees C. Water-soluble organic C additions enhanced net N mineralization only in the soil containing the largest amount of clay; the increased net N mineralization was similar to the amounts of organic N added in the water extract. The WSOC in the composted manure had little effect on net N mineralization, particularly in coarse textured soils. The short-term effect of WSOC inputs on the net N mineralization in soils may depend on the mineral N concentration of the water extract.

NAL Call No.: 26-T754
Mineral nutrient content, growth, and yield of papaya (Carica papaya L.) as influenced by trench depth and municipal solid waste compost.
Basso Figuera, C.; Schaffer, B.; Crane, J. H.; Colls, A. M.; Bryan, H. H. Trop-agric v.72(3): p.231-235. (1995 July)
Includes references.
Descriptors: carica-papaya; trenching; depth; seedlings; refuse-compost; application-rates; growth; plant-height; stems; roots; size; rooting-depth; foliar-diagnosis; mineral-nutrition; heavy-metals; fruits; crop-yield; experimental-plots; florida

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Mineralization of atrazine during composting with untreated and pretreated lignocellulosic substrates.
Rao, N.; Grethlein, H. E.; Reddy, C. A. Compost-sci-util v.3(3): p.38-46. (1995 Summer)
Paper presented at the symposium on the Biogeochemistry of Compost held August 1994 as part of the 36th Rocky Mountain Conference.
Descriptors: atrazine; biodegradation; mineralization; composting; lignocellulosic- wastes; waste-wood; pretreatment; steam; ammonia; newspapers; composts; substrates; comparisons

NAL Call No.: S605.5.B5
Mineralization of composted 15N-labelled farmyard manure during soil incubations.
Cheneby, D.; Nicolardot, B.; Godden, B.; Penninckx, M. Biol-agric-hortic v.10(4): p.255-264. (1994)
Includes references.
Descriptors: silty-soils; nitrogen; carbon; mineralization; nutrient-availability; composts; farmyard-manure; soil-organic-matter; decomposition

NAL Call No.: S592.7.A1S6
Mineralization of composted manure and microbial dynamics in soil as affected by long-term nitrogen management.
Hadas, A.; Kautsky, L.; Portnoy, R. Soil-biol-biochem v.28(6): p.733-738. (1996 June)
Includes references.
Descriptors: xerosols; carbon; nitrogen; mineralization; cattle-manure; composts; application-rates; nutrients; soil-management; history; soil-flora; microbial-activities; soil- enzymes; proteinases; oxidoreductases; enzyme-activity; biological-activity-in-soil; nitrate- nitrogen; ammonium- nitrogen;
recovery; carbon-dioxide; soil-organic-matter; decomposition; nutrient-availability; carbon- cycle; nitrogen-cycle; nutrient-management; soil-management-history
Abstract: Evaluation of the mineralization dynamics of composted manures is essential for their efficient use as a major source of available nitrogen in crop production. The objective was to determine the effect of long-term management on the rate of mineralization of compost, in relation to soil biological activity. A compost was added at a rate of 5 or 15% (wt/wt) to soil samples obtained from two treatments of a 30 year old N-management experiment: M0--without any N input, and M2--with 10 applications of 90 t cattle manure ha-1. Inorganic N accumulation and weekly rates of CO2 evolution were determined periodically during an incubation of 33 weeks. Microbial counts and dehydrogenase and protease activity were determined during 42 days. Net N mineralization was higher in M2 than in M0 soil, and was proportional to the amount of compost added. The recovery of compost-N as inorganic N was independent of soil management history and of compost application rate. The amount of N released was estimated (by difference) to be 26% of compost N added. Initially 7-10% was inorganic N and 8% soluble organic N, therefore only 8-11% was released from insoluble N in the compost. CO2 evolution was greater from M2 than from M0 soil only during the first week, but it was significantly affected by compost application throughout the experiment. The percentage recovery of compost-C as CO2 was smaller at the high application rate. Microbial counts and enzyme activities exhibited a periodical behavior. They were significantly affected by soil management history, and by compost, but the effect of compost was greater. The difference in biological activity between soils seemed to be related to the difference in their initial readily-available C and it did not significantly affect the rate of compost decomposition.

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Citation no.: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 250, 260, 270

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Modification of soil water retention and biological properties by municipal solid waste compost.
Serra Wittling, C.; Houot, S.; Barriuso, E. Compost-sci-util v.4(1): p.44-52. (1996 Winter)
Includes references.
Descriptors: loam-soils; composts; refuse; application-rates; soil-water-retention; carbon; mineralization; soil-enzymes; enzyme-activity; soil-flora; biological-activity-in-soil

NAL Call No.: SB476.G7
MSW compost for turf.
Cisar, J. L. Grounds-maint v.29(3): p.52, 54, 58. (1994 Mar.)
Descriptors: lawns-and-turf; refuse; composts; solid-wastes; municipal-refuse- disposal; waste-utilization

NAL Call No.: 56.9-So32
Municipal solid waste compost in irrigated vegetable production.
Clark, G. A.; Stanley, C. D.; Maynard, D. N. Proc-Soil-Crop-Sci-Soc-Fla. [S.l.] : Soil and Crop Science Society of Florida v.54: p.49-53 (1995)
Meeting held September 21-23, 1994, Daytona Beach Shores, FL.
Descriptors: capsicum; lycopersicon; crop-production; sandy-soils; irrigated- stands; subsurface-irrigation; trickle-irrigation; irrigation-scheduling; nitrogen-fertilizers; composts; refuse; application-rates; soil-water-retention; nutrients; retention; crop-yield; dry- matter-accumulation; florida

NAL Call No.: 56.9-So32
Municipal solid waste compost use in tomato/watermelon successional cropping.
Obreza, T. A.; Reeder, R. K. Proc-Soil-Crop-Sci-Soc-Fla. [S.l.] : The Society v.53p.13-19 (1994)
Meeting held September 22-25, 1993, Gainesville, FL.
Descriptors: lycopersicon-esculentum; citrullus-lanatus; sequential-cropping; refuse; poultry-manure; composts; application-to-land; application-rates; npk-fertilizers; crop- yield; growth; irrigation; soil-water-content; soil-water-retention; soil-ph; nutrient-availability; florida

NAL Call No.: SB319.2.F6F56
Municipal solid waste (MSW) soil amendments: influence on growth and yield of snap beans.
Ozores Hampton, M.; Bryan, H. H. Proc-annu-meet-Fla-State-Hort-Soc. [S.l.] : The Society v.106:p.208-210 (1994 May)
Meeting held October 19-21, 1993, Miami Beach, FL.
Descriptors: phaseolus-vulgaris; composts; municipal-refuse-disposal; stand- characteristics; growth; crop-yield; application-rates; fertilizers

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Municipal tropical compost: effects on crops and soil properties.
Paino, V.; Peillex, J. P.; Montlahuc, O.; Cambon, A.; Bianchini, J. P. Compost-sci- util v.4(2): p.62-69. (1996 Spring)
Includes references.
Descriptors: zea-mays; tropical-soils; inceptisols; mollisols; oxisols; composts; refuse; application-rates; growth; biomass; dry-matter- accumulation; copper; zinc; heavy- metals; uptake; plant-composition; soil-organic-matter; carbon-nitrogen-ratio; cation-exchange- capacity; nitrogen-content; soil-ph; lead; cadmium; french-polynesia; above-ground-biomass

NAL Call No.: S605.5.B5
N effects of organic manures on leeks. Influence of raised beds and mulching on N availability.
Ekbladh, G. Biol-agric-hortic v.11(1/4): p.157-171. (1995)
Paper presented at a workshop on Nitrate Leaching in Ecological Agriculture held October 1993, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Descriptors: allium-porrum; farmyard-manure; composts; green-manures; raised- beds; mulching; plastic-film; grass-clippings; legumes; crop- residues; nitrogen; mineralization; nutrient-availability; nutrient-uptake; leaching; losses-from-soil; soil; nitrogen-content; seasonal- variation; sweden

NAL Call No.: SB998.N4N4
Nematode population dynamics in municipal solid waste-amended soil during tomato and squash cultivation.
Mannion, C. M.; Schaffer, B.; Ozores Hampton, M.; Bryan, H. H.; McSorley, R. Nematropica v.24(1): p.17-24. (1994 June)
Includes references.
Descriptors: lycopersicon-esculentum; cucurbita-maxima; composts; rotations; plant-parasitic-nematodes; population-density; planting-date; harvesting-date; nematode-control; cultural-control; efficacy

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
New approach to the green.
Biocycle v.36(11): p.39-40. (1995 Nov.)
Descriptors: golf-courses; suppressive-soils; composts; organic-fertilizers; plant- disease-control; new-york

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
A new index of organic matter stability.
Adani, F.; Genevini, P. L.; Tambone, F. Compost-sci-util v.3(2): p.25-37. (1995 Spring)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composts; organic-fertilizers; organic-amendments; humic-acids; chemical-composition; stability; indexes; humification; analytical- methods; quantitative- analysis; compost-maturity; humification-index

NAL Call No.: SB433.T874
New uses for compost are being found.
Sann, C. Turf-grass-trends p.1, 14. (1995 Jan.)
Descriptors: composts; waste-treatment; waste-water; soil-pollution; bioremediation

NAL Call No.: QH540.J6
Nitrogen and carbon mineralization rates of composted manures incubated in soil.
Hadas, A.; Portnoy, R. J-environ-qual v.23(6): p.1184-1189. (1994 Nov.-1994 Dec.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: cattle-manure; composts; decomposition; nitrogen; carbon; mineralization; nitrogen-content; simulation-models
Abstract: Rates of decomposition and inorganic N release from composted manures should be known and predictable on the basis of their composition for their proper use as a source of available N. Four composted cattle manures were analyzed for their inorganic N, soluble organic C and N, and total N and organic matter contents. The composts were incubated in soil for 32 wk at 30 degrees C and 60% water-holding capacity. Inorganic N and CO2 evolution were determined periodically. Inorganic N released from the composts after 32 wk ranged from 11 to 29% of their total N content, 2 to 12% of total N were initially inorganic, and 1 to 5% were soluble organic N. The rates of decomposition of the composts were computed by the simulation model NCSOIL by minimizing the deviation of the model output from the periodically measured CO2 and inorganic N release and by using the soluble and insoluble organic C and N contents of the composts as input. The soluble components decomposed before the end of the first week. The decomposition rate constant obtained for the insoluble components of three composts was 4 to 5 X 10(-4) d-1, whereas for one compost it was 1 X 10(-8) d-1, indicating that this compost was much more stable. To obtain universal rate constants that will fit any compost, components of the insoluble material must be better defined.

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Nitrogen and phosphorus availability in groundfish waste and chitin-sludge cocomposts.
Kuo, S. Compost-sci-util v.31(1): p.19-29. (1995 Winter)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composts; fish-scrap; chitin; sludges; alnus-rubra; tsuga-heterophylla; pseudotsuga-menziesii; sawdust; chemical-composition; nitrogen- ; phosphorus; nutrient- availability; zea-mays; nutrient-content; dry-matter-accumulation; nutrient-uptake; soil-fertility

NAL Call No.: QH84.8.B46
Nitrogen transformations in tropical soils under conventional and sustainable farming systems.
Chao, W. L.; Tu, H. J.; Chao, C. C. Biol-fertil-soils v.21(4): p.252-256. (1996)
Includes references.
Descriptors: tropical-soils; clay-soils; alluvial-soils; nitrogen; transformation; nitrification; biological-activity-in-soil; soil-bacteria; populations; population-density; ammonium; oxidation; nitrite; agricultural-soils; farming-systems; sustainability; fertilizers; composts; pig-manure; nutrient-sources; nitrifying-bacteria; conventional-versus-sustainabable- farming; inorganic-versus-organic-fertilizers
Abstract: Samples of alluvial soil from mixed sandstone shale and slate and of Taiwan clay were collected from two sites, both managed under a similar crop rotation scheme. The fields were further divided into sections which were managed under either conventional farming or sustainable farming practices. When the soil samples were collected in April 1989, after 1 year of operation under conventional or sustainable practices, the nitrification activities of both soils managed under sustainable practices had improved dramatically compared to the conventional practices. The nitrifying activities in Taiwan clay samples collected in April 1993 which had been managed with chemical or with organic fertilizer were not significantly different. However, nitrifying activity in the alluvial soil was higher under sustainable than under conventional practices. Numbers of NH4-oxidizing bacteria were not significantly different in any of the soil samples irrespective of the different management practices. In contrast, higher numbers of NO2-oxidizing bacteria were detected in both soils managed sustainably. The results also indicated that the composition of NH4-oxidizing bacteria differed in the alluvial soil when managed with different kinds of fertilizer.

NAL Call No.: TD930.A32
A note on the utilisation of spent mushroom composts in animal feeds.
Zhang, C. K.; Gong, F.; Li, D. S. Bioresour-technol v.52(1): p.89-91. (1995)
Includes references.
Descriptors: mushroom-compost; fermentation; aspergillus; yeasts; crude-protein; protein-content; crude-fiber; fiber-content; in-vitro-digestibility; waste-utilization; fodder; spent- mushroom-substrate; endomycopsis-fibuliger
Abstract: An Aspergillus species (Aspergillus candidus 362) was isolated from contaminated spent Lentinus edodes compost. Using synchronous saccharification and fermentation (SSF) by the isolate and a yeast strain (Endomycopsis fibuliger 253) under solid- state conditions, the crude protein contents were increased from 24.1 to 32.3% and from 28.4 to 36.7% for Pleurotus ostreatus- and Lentinus edodes-spent-compost media, respectively. The crude fibre contents of the composts were substantially decreased. After fermentation the in vitro digestibility of crude protein was improved to 70%. The total and essential amino acid contents made up 73.3 and 37.1% of the crude protein, respectively. The fermented spent composts media were highly-nutritious fodder for poultry and animals.

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Citation no.: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 250, 260, 270

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Nurseries find new value in composted products.
Hoitink, H. A. J.; Grebus, M. E. Biocycle v.35(5): p.51-52. (1994 May)
Descriptors: composts; growing-media; plant-disease-control; biological-control

NAL Call No.: SB1.H6
Nutrient concentrations, growth, and yield of tomato and squash in municipal solid- waste-amended soil.
Ozores Hampton, M.; Schaffer, B.; Bryan, H. H.; Hanlon, E. A. HortScience v.29(7): p.785-788. (1994 July)
Includes references.
Descriptors: lycopersicon-esculentum; cucurbita-maxima; refuse-compost; sewage-sludge; refuse; mixtures; composts; calcareous-soils; plant-height; crop-yield; nutrient- content; mineral-content; calcium; zinc; magnesium; leaves; roots; manganese; lead; florida
Abstract: The effects of municipal solid waste (MSW) materials on growth, yield, and mineral element concentrations in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) (1991 and 1992) and squash (Cucurbita maxima Duch. Ex Lam.) (1992 and 1993) were evaluated. Agrisoil compost (composted trash), Eweson compost (co-composted trash and sewage sludge), or Daorganite sludge (chemically and heat-treated sewage sludge) were incorporated into calcareous limestone soil of southern Florida. The control had no MSW material added to the soil. The effect of MSW on crop growth, yield, and mineral element concentrations varied considerably between years for tomato and squash. In 1991, tomato plants grown in soil amended with Eweson or Daorganite had a greater canopy volume than plants in the control treatment. Tomato plants grown in Daorganite had greater total fruit weight (1991) than plants in Agrisoil and more marketable fruit (1992) than control plants. In both years, tomato plants in Agrisoil had higher root Zn concentrations than plants in the other treatments. In 1992, tomato plants in Eweson had lower root Mn concentrations than plants in the other treatments, whereas Mg concentrations in the roots were higher in the Daorganite treatment than in Eweson. Tomato plants in Agrisoil had higher Pb concentrations in the roots than plants in all other treatments. In 1991, leaves of tomato plants in Agrisoil had lower Ca concentrations than leaves of plants in the control treatment. In 1992, leaf Zn concentrations were greater for tomato and squash in Agrisoil than in the control or Daorganite. In 1992, canopy volume and yield of squash were greater for plants in Daorganite than for plants in the control and other MSW treatments. Although canopy. treatments than for those in the control. In 1993, leaf Mg concentrations were greater for squash grown in Daorganite than for plants in the control or Agrisoil. In 1993, fruit Cd concentration was higher for plants with Eweson than for plants in the control or Agrisoil. However, the fruit Cd concentration in squash grown in Eweson compost (1.0 mg/kg dry weight) was far below a hazardous level for human consumption. Our results indicate that amending calcareous soils with MSW materials can increase growth and yield of tomato and squash with negligible increases in heavy metal concentrations in fruit.

NAL Call No.: TD930.A55- 1995
Nutrient cycling from cattle feedlot manure and composted manure applied to Southern High Plains drylands.
Jones, O. R.; Willis, W. M.; Smith, S. J.; Stewart, B. A. Animal waste and the land-water interface (Boca Raton : Lewis Publishers) p.265-272 (1995)
Includes references.
Descriptors: feedlot-wastes; composts; fertilizers; no-tillage; stubble-mulching; soil-depth; nitrogen; phosphorus; application-rates; runoff; nitrate- nitrogen; ammonium- nitrogen; water-pollution; texas

NAL Call No.: 448.3-Ap5
Occurrence and distribution of Legionella species in composted plant materials.
Hughes, M. S.; Steele, T. W. Appl-environ-microbiol v.60(6): p.2003-2005. (1994 June)
Includes references.
Descriptors: legionella; legionella-pneumophila; composts; refuse-compost; leaves; grass-clippings; south-australia; home-composts
Abstract: Legionellae were found in many samples of composted plant matter obtained from home gardeners and from facilities which undertook bulk composting. The predominant species isolated from these composts was Legionella pneumophila, the strains of which belonged to serogroups other than serogroup 1. Other Legionella species were present in many samples. Legionella longbeachae serogroup 1, which is implicated in human infections in South Australia, was present in samples obtained from two of six facilities composting large volumes of material and from 3 of 30 gardeners. Many of the species or strains isolated from composts have not been implicated as causative agents of legionellosis in South Australia, but some cause infection in healthy and immunosuppressed persons.

NAL Call No.: QH541.5.D4J6
Optimizing physical properties of a study soil for higher prductivity using town refuse compost in Saudi Arabia.
Sabrah, R. E. A.; Abdel Magid, H. M.; Abdel Aal, S. I.; Rabie, R. K. J-arid-environ. v. 29(2): p.253-262 (1995 Feb.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: desert-soils; sandy-soils; refuse-compost; application-rates; soil- water; field-capacity; resistance-to-penetration; pore-size-distribution; triticum-aestivum; crop- yield; dry-matter-accumulation; roots; growth; nutrient-uptake; water-use-efficiency; saudi- arabia

NAL Call No.: QH540.J6
Oxygen respirometry to assess stability and maturity of composted municipal solid waste.
Iannotti, D. A.; Grebus, M. E.; Toth, B. L.; Madden, L. V.; Hoitink, H. A. J. J-environ- qual v.23(6): p.1177-1183. (1994 Nov.-1994 Dec.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: refuse-compost; composting; stability; maturation; assays; bioassays; waste-utilization
Abstract: The stability and maturity of compost prepared from municipal solid waste (MSW) at a full-scale composting plant was assessed through chemical, physical, and biological assays. Respiration bioassays used to determine stability (O2 and CO2 respirometry) were sensitive to process control problems at the composting plant and indicated increasing stability with time. Radish (Raphanus sativus L.) and ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) growth bioassays revealed that immature compost samples inhibited growth. Growth of ryegrass in potting mix prepared with cured compost not amended with fertilizer was enhanced as compared to a peat control. Garden cress (Lepidium sativum L.) seed germination, used as an indicator of phytotoxicity, revealed inhibition of germination at all compost maturity levels. The phytotoxicity was thought to be salt-related. Spearman rank-order correlations demonstrated that O2 respirometry, water-soluble organic C, and the water extract organic C to organic N ratio, significantly correlated with compost age and best indicated an acceptable level of stability. Oxygen respirometry also best predicted the potential for ryegrass growth, and an acceptable level of compost maturity.

NAL Call No.: S605.5.B5
Passively aerated layered composting of salmon farm mortalities.
Liao, P. H.; Vizcarra, A. T.; Chen, A.; Lo, K. V. Biol-agric-hortic v.10(4): p.265- 270. (1994)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composting; salmon; aeration; comparisons; carbon-nitrogen-ratio; composts; quality; waste-utilization; static-pile-composting

NAL Call No.: S590.C63
Phosphorus immobilization in wood waste-based potting media.
Handreck, K. A. Commun-soil-sci-plant-anal v.27(9/10): p.2295-2314. (1996)
Includes references.
Descriptors: growing-media; pine-bark; sawdust; composts; peat; mixtures; comparisons; phosphorus; nutrient-availability; temporal-variation; superphosphate; application- rates; immobilization; microbial-activities; nitrogen; ratios; fuchsia; viola; hakea; plant-nutrition; mineral- deficiencies; shoots; weight; nutrient-content; roots; seedling-growth; nutrient-uptake; indexes-of-nutrient-availability; phosphorus-nitrogen-ratios; nitrogen-drawdown-indexes
Abstract: Microbially induced nitrogen (N) immobilisation in potting media is accompanied by immobilisation of soluble phosphorus (P), with the P/N ratio of the immobilised elements being about 0.15. Fertiliser N applied to counter N immobilisation should be accompanied by this amount of soluble P if plants are not to suffer from P deficiency. Essentially none of the immobilised P in potting media that contained aged pine bark or eucalypt sawdust was available for short-term growth of 'Giant Butterfly' pansies or Hakea francisiana subsequently grown in them. One implication of these results is that the N drawdown test for potting media will underestimate N requirements if P is not included in the charging solution.

NAL Call No.: QH540.J6
Physical and chemical characteristics of selected U.S. municipal solid waste composts.
He, X. T.; Logan, T. J.; Traina, S. J. J-environ-qual v.24(3): p.543-552. (1995 May-1995 June)
Includes references.
Descriptors: refuse-compost; characteristics; organic-matter; trace-elements; pollutants;
lead; bioavailability; waste-utilization; usa
Abstract: Municipal said waste (MSW) composting has been increasingly recognized as a promising alternative for solid waste management. Because of the variation in both geographic origin (thus feed stock) and composting technology, the properties of MSW composts generated in various regions are likely to be different. In this study, 10 composts were collected from different facilities throughout the USA. Elemental composition and some physical properties were determined. Trace elements and organic C were partitioned into water soluble, exchangeable, complexed, organically bound, mineral particulate, and residue forms based on sequential extraction with H2O, 1 M KCl, 0.1 M Na4P2O7, 0.1 M NaOH, and 4 M HNO3, respectively. Substantial varieties were observed in both chemical and physical properties the MSW composts generated in different facilities. Our results indicate that the trace element content of MSW composts are in general lower than the average trace element reported for sewage sludges, and below the pollutant concentrations (PC) for sewage sludges regulated by USEPA. The exception is for Pb, which was higher in some of the MSW composts than the average Pb content in sewage sludges and exceeds the PC. Solid particulate was the dominant form of Cd, Mn, Cu, and Pb, but the majority of Zn was organically complexed. Both solid particulate and residue were dominant forms of compost Cr and Ni. The differences in distribution patterns of trace elements in the MSW compost studied indicate that these elements will vary in their potential mobility and bioavailability in the environment.

NAL Call No.: 56.9-So32
Physical characteristics of a sandy soil amended with municipal solid waste compost.
Turner, M. S.; Clark, G. A.; Stanley, C. D.; Smajstrla, A. G. Proc-Soil-Crop-Sci-Soc-Fla. [S.l.] : The Society v.53:p.24-26. (1994)
Meeting held September 22-25, 1993, Gainesville, FL.
Descriptors: sandy-soils; refuse; composts; application-to-land; application-rates; soil-water-retention; bulk-density; particle-size; distribution; available-water; seasonal-variation; florida

NAL Call No.: RA1270.P35A1
Phytotoxicity of compost treated with lawn herbicides containing 2,4-D, dicamba, and MCPP.
Bugbee, G. J.; Saraceno, R. A. Bull-environ-contam-toxicol v.52(4): p.606-611. (1994 Apr.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: grass-clippings; refuse-compost; 2,4-d; dicamba; mecoprop; lycopersicon-esculentum; phytotoxicity; yard-waste-compost

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Pilot study of coal ash compost.
Beaver, T. Compost-sci-util v.2(3): p.18-21. (1994 Summer)
Includes references.
Descriptors: coal; ash; composting; composts; mixtures; waste-treatment; temperature; ph; electrical-conductivity; soil-fertility; lycopersicon- esculentum; biomass- production; hordeum-vulgare; crop-yield; triticum-aestivum; seed-germination; metals; nutrient- content

NAL Call No.: QD1.A45- no.563
Plant and microbial establishment in pesticide-contaminated soil amended with compost.
Cole, M. A.; Liu, X.; Zhang, L. Bioremediation through rhizosphere technology (Washington, DC : American Chemical Society) p.210-222. (1994)
Developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Agrochemicals and the Division of Environmental Chemistry at the 206th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, August 23-27, 1993, Chicago, Illinois.
Descriptors: rhizosphere; soil-pollution; pesticides; soil-bacteria; soil-fungi; zea- mays; growth; composts
Abstract: Pesticide-contaminated soil (obtained from an agrichemical retail facility) was mixed with uncontaminated soil or with compost to determine the impact of compost compared to soil on plant establishment and growth, rhizosphere populations, and development of soil microbial populations and activity. Plants were established and grew well in pesticide-containing soil when consideration was given to compatibility between plant herbicide tolerance and the specific herbicide(s) present. Rhizosphere fungal and bacterial populations developed to a range of 100,000 to several billion units get root, respectively. Soil bacterial populations were significantly higher in compost-containing mixes when compared to contaminated soil alone, while populations in soil mixes were not affected by any treatment. Fungal populations were significantly higher in planted mixes and in unplanted mixes with compost than they were in contaminated soil alone. Dehydrogenase activity was significantly higher in compost-containing mixes than in soil mixes.

NAL Call No.: 56.9-So3
Plant response to organic amendments and decreasing inorganic nitrogen rates in soils from a long-term experiment.
Fauci, M. F.; Dick, R. P. Soil-Sci-Soc-Am-j. v.58(1): p.134-138. (1994 Jan.-1994 Feb.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: zea-mays; cattle-manure; poultry-manure; composts; legumes; crop- residues; nitrogen-fertilizers; application-rates; soil-organic-matter; biological-activity-in-soil; nitrogen-cycle; nutrient-availability; nutrient-uptake; dry-matter-accumulation; nitrogen; mineralization; long-term- experiments; nutrient-sources; organic-versus-inorganic-nitrogen- sources
Abstract: To decrease the potential for adverse environmental impacts of N in agroecosystems, there is increasing emphasis on improving N efficiency of organic and inorganic sources. Greater reliance on organic N sources can cause short-term crop yield decreases. Consequently, a study was conducted to determine the effect of decreasing rates of inorganic N during a transition from inorganic to organic N sources. The approach was to grow four crops of maize (Zea mays L.) during a period of 306 d in the greenhouse on soils that varied widely in organic matter and biological activity because of long-term residue and fertilizer management. Treatments were arranged as a complete factorial with the following factors: four soils obtained from the Residue Utilization Plots (RUP), Columbia Basin Research Center, Pendleton, OR (beef manure or pea [Pisum sativum L.) vine residue, 0 or 90 kg N ha(-1), applied biennially since 1931); four greenhouse amendments (pea vine, composted beef or poultry manure, or control); and four rates of N fertilizer (0-1600 mg N [2 kg]-1 soil as NH4NO3). In the absence of organic residue or N fertilizer, soil from the manure RUP produced greater dry matter yield (DMY) and plant N uptake than soil from the other RUP treatments. There was no net N mineralization from beef manure added in the greenhouse. Between 10 and 30% of the total poultry manure and pea vine N added was taken up by the four maize crops. Results showed that, by the fourth crop, when inorganic N applications had decreased to zero, plant productivity by organic residues was best maintained by pea vine residue or poultry manure.

NAL Call No.: SB319.2.F6F56
Pole bean yield as influenced by composted yard waste soil amendments.
Kostewicz, S. R. Proc-annu-meet-Fla-State-Hort-Soc. [S.l.] : The Society v.106: p.206-208. (1994 May)
Meeting held October 19-21, 1993, Miami Beach, Florida.
Descriptors: phaseolus-vulgaris; composts; sandy-soils; fertilizers; application- rates; nitrogen; crop-yield

Go to: Author Index | Subject Index | Top of Document
Citation no.: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 250, 260, 270

NAL Call No.: S590.C63
A possible flaw in EPA's 1993 new sludge rule due to heavy metal interactions.
Wallace, A.; Wallace, G. A. Commun-soil-sci-plant-anal v.25(1/2): p.129-135. (1994)
In the special issue devoted to perspectives on relationships between sustainability of soil and the environment / edited by A. Wallace.
Descriptors: composts; sewage-sludge; application-to-land; regulations; heavy- metals; interactions; phytotoxicity; usa

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Potential of spent mushroom substrate for bioremediation purposes.
Buswell, J. A. Compost-sci-util v.2(3): p.31-36. (1994 Summer)
Paper presented at the symposium, "Spent Mushroom Substrate, March 11-14, 1994, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Descriptors: bioremediation; polluted-soils; contaminants; mushroom-compost; phanerochaete-chrysosporium; enzyme-activity; biodegradation; kraft-mill-effluent; pulp-mill- effluent; waste-treatment

NAL Call No.: SB317.5.H68
Potential utilization of yardwaste compost in Virginia: a survey of nursery operations.
May, J. H.; Simpson, T. W.; Relf, D. HortTechnology v.4(3): p.288-290. (1994 July-1994 Sept.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composts; growing-media; nurseries; surveys; leaves; pruning-trash; grass-clippings; virginia

NAL Call No.: TJ163.4.U6E36
Producing garden vegetables with organic soil amendments.
Stephens, J. M.; Kostewicz, S. R. EES. Gainesville, Fla. : Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida v.327: p.6 (1994 Mar.)
Descriptors: organic-amendments; vegetable-growing; organic-matter; organic- fertilizers; green-manures; cover-crops; mulches; composting; composts; animal-manures; florida

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Production of tomato seedlings on composts of vine branches and grape prunings, husks and seeds.
Kostov, O.; Tzvetkov, Y.; Kaloianova, N.; Cleemput, O. v. Compost-sci-util v.4(2): p.55-61. (1996 Spring)
Includes references.
Descriptors: lycopersicon-esculentum; seedlings; growing-media; composts;
mixtures; peat; comparisons; vitis; branches; pruning-trash; husks; seeds; composting; microbial- activities; microbial-flora; biomass; carbon; respiration; carbon-dioxide; ammonium-nitrogen; nitrate-nitrogen; seedling-growth; dry-matter-accumulation; stems; length; diameter; leaves; specific-respiration

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Programs for improved compost rate calibration.
Fitzpatrick, G. E.; Tyler, R. W. Compost-sci-util v.3(2): p.93-96. (1995 Spring)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composts; application-to-land; application-rates; calibration; calculation; programming

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
The progress of composting research in Florida.
Compost-sci-util v.2(1): p.51-56. (1994 Winter)
Descriptors: composts; utilization; citrus; lycopersicon; lycopersicon-esculentum; capsicum-annuum; container-grown-plants; ornamental-plants; lawns-and-turf; woody-plants; research-projects; florida

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Protecting groundwater while recycling nutrients.
Maynard, A. A. Biocycle v.35(5): p.40. (1994 May)
Descriptors: vegetable-growing; nutrient-sources; composts; application-to-land; nitrate; nitrogen-content; groundwater; groundwater-pollution; environmental-impact; connecticut

NAL Call No.: 448.3-Ap5
Purification and characterization of thermostable beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase of Bacillus stearothermophilus CH-4 isolated from chitin-containing compost.
Sakai, K.; Narihara, M.; Kasama, Y.; Wakayama, M.; Moriguchi, M. Appl-environ- microbiol v.60(8): p.2911-2915. (1994 Aug.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: bacillus-stearothermophilus; beta-n-acetylhexosaminidase; amino- acid-sequences; purification; enzyme-activity; composts; chitin; crab- waste; food-wastes; shrimps; fish; molecular-sequence-data
Abstract: Thermostable exochitinase was purified to homogeneity from the culture fluid of Bacillus stearothermophilus CH-4, which was isolated from agricultural compost containing shrimp and crabs. The enzyme was a single polypeptide with a molecular mass of 74 kDa, and the N- terminal amino acid sequence was WDKVGVTDLIISLNIPEADAVVVGMTLQLQALHLY. The enzyme specifically hydrolyzed C-4 beta- anomeric bonding of N-acetylchitooligosaccharides, well as their p-nitrophenyl (pNP) derivatives. The enzyme also hydrolyzed pNP-beta-N- acetyl-D-galactosaminide (26% of the activity of pNP-beta-N-acetyl-D-glucosaminide). These results indicated that the enzyme is a beta-N- acetylhexosaminidase (EC Km(s) for acetylchitooligosaccharides were 1 X 10(-)4 to 6 X 10(-4) M, while those for the pNP derivatives were 4 X 10(-3) to 8 X 10(-3) M. The optimum temperature of the enzyme was 75 degrees C, and it retained 100 and 28% reactivity after heating at 60 and 80 degrees C, respectively. The enzyme exhibited 15 to 20% activity in a reaction mixture containing 80% organic solvents and maintained 91% of its original activity after exposure to 8 M urea. The optimum and stable pH was around 6.5. Fe2+, Zn2+, and Ca2+ activated the enzyme, but Hg2+ was inhibitory. N-acetyl-D-glucosamine inhibited the enzyme competitively (Ki = 4.3 X 10(-4) M), whereas N-acetyl-D-galactosamine did not; in contrast, D-glucosamine and D-galactosamine activated it.

NAL Call No.: QR53.J68
Putative anaerobic activity in aerated composts.
Atkinson, C. F.; Jones, D. D.; Gauthier, J. J. J-ind-microbiol v.16(3): p.182-188. (1996 Mar.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composts; solid-wastes; aeration; aerobes; anaerobes; growth; enzymes; biosynthesis; measurement; microenvironments; municipal-solid-wastes; pulp-and- paper-mill-primary-solid-wastes; exoenzymes
Abstract: It has been suggested that anaerobic microenvironments develop in aerobic composts, regardless of the aeration system used, and that anaerobic activity is responsible for odor generation and nitrogen losses. This study was designed to measure levels of microorganisms capable of anaerobic growth in two aerated composts: municipal solid waste, a relatively nutrient-rich compost, and pulp and paper-mill solid waste, which is relatively nutrient-poor. Anaerobic microorganisms were isolated from both composts at mesophilic and thermophilic temperatures. The majority of the anaerobic mesophiles were facultative anaerobes, whereas facultative, anaerobic thermophiles varied from 0 to 100%. Serially-diluted samples were spot-plated onto various media to preserve microbial consortia. Levels of aerobic and anaerobic exoenzyme production on spot-plates were similar on cell-wall, starch, and casein media. Although microbial levels on spread plates indicate that aerobes are present in much higher numbers than anaerobes (in 47 of 56 subsamples, 90% of the population were aerobes), microbial growth levels and exoenzyme production on spot-plates indicate that anaerobes may be responsible for a large portion (greater than or equal 72%) of the metabolic activity in anaerobic microenvironments of aerobic composts.

NAL Call No.: 56.8-C162
Quantification of nitrogen mineralization and immobilization in soil in the presence of organic amendments. Quantification des processus de mineralisation et d'organisation de l'azote dans un sol en presence d'amendements organiques.
Jedidi, N.; Cleemput, O. v.; M'Hiri, A. Can-j-soil-sci v.75(1): p.85-91. (1995 Feb.)
Anniversary issue.
Descriptors: clay-loam-soils; nitrogen; mineralization; immobilization; potassium- nitrate; organic-amendments; composts; age; farmyard-manure; stability; nitrogen-content; carbon-nitrogen-ratio; cellulose; lignin

NAL Call No.: 80-Ac82
Raised bog peat as the basic material for the production of Rhododendron and azaleas--formation, excavation, processing, substitutes.
Schmilewski, G. K.; Harig, R. Acta-hortic (364): p.101-110. (1994 May)
Paper presented at the Fifth International Rhododendron Conference, May 18-24, 1992, Bad Zwischenahn, Germany.
Descriptors: rhododendron; peat; horticulture; bogs; peat-soils; bark-compost; growing-media; raised-bogs

NAL Call No.: TD930.A32
The recovery of lignocellulose-degrading enzymes from spent mushroom compost.
Ball, A. S.; Jackson, A. M. Bioresour-technol v.54(3): p.311-314. (1995)
Includes references.
Descriptors: mushroom-compost; extracts; hydrolases; enzyme-activity; lignocellulose; lignin; cellulose; xylan; wheat-straw; fodder
Abstract: The recovery of lignocellulose-degrading enzymes from spent mushroom compost was assessed using a variety of physical and chemical treatments. Maximum recoveries of active xylanase activity were detected in extracts from spent compost which had been physically treated by blending. A range of lignocellulose-degrading activities was also recovered from blended compost extracts; peroxidases, the xylan-debranching enzymes acetylesterase and arabinofuranosidase, and the cellulose-degrading activities endoglucanase, cellobiohydrase and beta-glucosidase. The compost extract was also shown to be capable of releasing reducing sugars (12 nmol min-1 g compost-1) from wheat straw. Characterization of the stability of this enzyme activity showed that maximum activity could be detected between pH 7 and 9 and after 1 h incubation at 65 degrees C. The activity and stability of the enzymes suggest a potential role for enzyme cocktails from compost extracts in the biological upgrading of grass lignocelluloses to animal fodder.

NAL Call No.: SB435.5.A645
Recycling: is there a tub grinder in your future.
Ingham, D. Arbor-age v.15(5): p.14-17. (1995 May)
Descriptors: waste-wood; grinders; waste-utilization; composts; mulches; recycling; composting

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Recycling of spent mushroom substrates by aerobic composting to produce novel horticultural substrates.
Szmidt, R. A. K. Compost-sci-util v.2(3): p.63-72. (1994 Summer)
Paper presented at the Spent Mushroom Substrate symposium, March 11-14, 1994, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Descriptors: mushroom-compost; composting; recycling; aerobic-treatment; leaching; physicochemical-properties; gas-production; waste-utilization; substrates; growing- media

Go to: Author Index | Subject Index | Top of Document
Citation no.: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 250, 260, 270

NAL Call No.: SB952.B75I57- 1995
Reduction of Fusarium crown and root rot of tomato by combining soil solarization and metam sodium.
McGovern, R. J.; Vavrina, C. S.; Obreza, T. A.; Capece, J. C. 1995 Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions / International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions p.34/1- 34/4. (1995)
Meeting held on November 6-8, 1995, San Diego, California.
Descriptors: lycopersicon-esculentum; fusarium-oxysporum-f; sp; -radicis- lycopersici; fungal-diseases; plant-disease-control; metam; soil-solarization; composts; polyethylene-film; sewage-products; methyl-bromide; chloropicrin; disease-prevalence; crop- yield; soil-temperature; preplanting- treatment; florida

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Remediation of pesticide contaminated soil by planting and compost addition.
Cole, M. A.; Zhang, L.; Liu, X. Compost-sci-util v.3(4): p.20-30. (1995 Autumn)
Paper presented at the 36th Rocky Mountain Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Compost, August 1994.
Descriptors: polluted-soils; herbicide-residues; contamination; bioremediation; soil;
mixtures; composts; yards; wastes; zea-mays; growth; soil- flora; biological-activity-in-soil; microbial-activities; yard-trimmings-composts

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Response of container-grown nursery crops to raw and composted paper mill sludges.
Chong, C.; Cline, R. A. Compost-sci-util v.2(3): p.90-96. (1994 Summer)
Includes references.
Descriptors: paper-mill-sludge; composts; bark-compost; mixtures; growing- media; cornus-alba; cotoneaster-dammeri; weigela; container-grown- plants; shoots; roots; biomass-production; leaves; nutrients; nutrient-uptake

NAL Call No.: SB319.2.F6F56
Response of cucumber to organic soil amendments.
Stephens, J. M.; Kostewicz, S. R. Proc-annu-meet-Fla-State-Hort-Soc. [S.l.] : The Society v.107: p.382-384. (1995 June)
Includes references.
Descriptors: cucumis-sativus; soil-amendments; organic-fertilizers; composts; solid-wastes; animal-manures; waste-utilization; crop-yield; fruits; florida

NAL Call No.: TD172.W36
Restoring the capacity of spent mushroom compost to treat coal mine drainage by reducing the inflow rate: a microcosm experiment.
Stark, L. R.; Wenerick, W. R.; Williams, F. M.; Stevens, S. E. Jr.; Wuest, P. J. Water-air- soil-pollut v.75(3/4): p.405-420. (1994 June)
Includes references.
Descriptors: mushroom-compost; acid-mine-drainage; coal-mined-land; coal- mine-spoil; ph; redox-potential; iron; manganese; oxidation; reduction; chemical-precipitation

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
The roles of spent mushroom substrate for the mitigation of coal mine drainage.
Stark, L. R.; Williams, F. M. Compost-sci-util v.2(4): p.84-94. (1994 Autumn)
Includes references.
Descriptors: mushroom-compost; substrates; coal-mined-land; drainage; wetlands; waste-water-treatment; biological-treatment; waste-utilization; appalachian-states-of-usa; constructed-wetlands; mine-water-treatment

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Ryegrass utilization of nutrients released from composted biosolids and cow manure.
Chen, L.; Dick, W. A.; Streeter, J. G.; Hoitink, H. A. J. Compost-sci-util v.4(1): p.73-83. (1996 Winter)
Includes references.
Descriptors: lolium-perenne; composts; sewage- sludge; cattle-manure; fertilizers; application-rates; nutrient-sources; nutrients; release; nutrient- availability; nitrogen; nutrient- uptake; dry-matter-accumulation; phosphorus; potassium; plant-composition; nutrient-content

NAL Call No.: S592.7.A1S6
Sample size requirements to evaluate spore germination inhibition by compost extracts.
Yohalem, D. S.; Voland, R.; Nordheim, E. V.; Harris, R. F.; Andrews, J. H. Soil-biol- biochem v.28(4/5): p.519-525. (1996 Apr.-1996 May)
Includes references.
Descriptors: malus; venturia-inaequalis; conidia; fungal-diseases; plant-disease- control; biological-control; composts; extracts; efficacy; assessment- ; spore-germination; inhibition; samples; size; determination
Abstract: We examined the effect of compost sample size (50 to 5000 g) on the precision of estimates of inhibition of Venturia inaequalis (Cke) Winter conidial germination induced by extracts of anaerobically-incubated composts. Composts were prepared from vegetable material; some were amended with manure. Variability due to sample size was considered as a function of extract efficacy (high, medium or low) and compost heterogeneity (high or low). Extract efficacy was characterized as ability to inhibit more than 75% of the conidia (high), 75 to 40% (medium), or fewer than 40% (low). Heterogeneity was characterized as visual or tactile presence (high) or absence (low) of parent material in the compost. To address the question of sample size-related variability we partitioned individual extract incubations (samples) into aliquots (sub- samples), and aliquots into microtiter plate wells (sub- sub-samples). For this nested design, the largest component of variation was consistently found to be that associated with wells; aliquots were a negligible source of variation. Sample size over the range examined was generally of small importance for extracts of medium and high efficacy, but not low efficacy, independent of compost heterogeneity. For previously untested composts, particularly those of high heterogeneity, statistical analyses of our data suggest that samples of at least 500 g circumvent potentially large errors and consequent difficulties to detect differences among composts or effects of experimental variables.

NAL Call No.: S592.7.A1S6
Seasonal variation of soil protease activities and their relation to proteolytic bacteria and Bacillus spp in paddy field soil.
Watanabe, K.; Hayano, K. Soil-biol-biochem v.27(2): p.197-203. (1995 Feb.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: soil-bacteria; bacillus; proteinases; enzyme-activity; proteolysis; seasonal-variation; paddy-soils; bacterial-spores; plate-count; ammonia- ; application-rates; rice- straw; composts; caseinase
Abstract: Hydrolytic activities toward benzyloxycarbonyl-L-phenylalanyl-L- leucine (z-FLase) and casein (caseinase) in soil were measured during rice cultivation, before irrigation, before and after midsummer drainage, and before and after the final drainage. The activities were maintained at a high level in three paddy fields, an organic-manure field (z- FLase, 191-684 pKat g-1 dry wt soil; caseinase, 220-652 pKat g-1 dry wt soil), a chemical- fertilizer field (z-FLase, 368-472 pKat g-1 dry wt soil; caseinase, 319-773 pKat g-1 dry wt soil) and a no-fertilizer field (z-FLase, 358-702 pKat g-1 dry wt soil; caseinase, 424-758 pKat g-1 dry wt soil). The total numbers of bacteria did not correlate with soil protease activities. Numbers of proteolytic bacterial groups, counted on azocoll agar plates and with a MPN method, correlated well with the soil z- FLase activity (r = 0.625 to 0.767). Numbers of vegetative cells and total cells of Bacillus spp decreased after irrigation and continued to decrease until after the final drainage, with only a weak negative correlation between their number and soil water content (r = -0.488 and - 0.555). The ratio of spores-to-total cell numbers of Bacillus spp increased after irrigation and reached a maximum after 1-2 months, when 43- 100% of Bacillus cells existed as spores. The number of spores of Bacillus spp was weakly correlated with the soil caseinase activity (r = 0.459).

NAL Call No.: 80-Ac82
Seedling production in Solanaceae crops.
Seniz, V. Acta-hortic (366): p.243-250. (1994 Aug.)
Paper presented at the Second Symposium on Protected Cultivation of Solanacea in Mild Winter Climates, April 13-16, 1993, Adana, Turkey.
Descriptors: lycopersicon-esculentum; seedlings; composts; sowing; transplanting; agronomic-characteristics; perlite; peat; fertilizers; turkey

NAL Call No.: SB433.T874
Selecting composts to improve your turf.
Landschoot, P.; McNitt, A. Turf-grass-trends p.1-5. (1994 Dec.)
Descriptors: composts; lawns-and-turf; application-methods; soil-management

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Sequential extraction of heavy metals found in MSW-derived compost.
Bourque, C. L.; LeBlanc, D.; Losier, M. Compost-sci-util v.2(3): p.83-89. (1994 Summer)
Includes references.
Descriptors: refuse-compost; heavy-metals; bioavailability; extraction; leaching; methodology

NAL Call No.: S631.F422
Sequential extraction of nine tree elements from sludge-amended soils.
El Demerdashe, S.; Dahdoh, M. S. A.; Hassan, F. A. Fertil-res v.41(2): p.77-85. (1995)
Includes references.
Descriptors: agricultural-soils; waste-utilization; sewage-sludge; composts; effluents; application-to-land; duration; soil-analysis; fractionation; extraction; heavy-metals; zinc; copper; iron; manganese; chromium; nickel; cobalt; lead; cadmium; chemical-analysis; bioavailability; soil-depth; chemical-forms
Abstract: Three separate samples taken from particular location of El-Gabal El- Asfar soils treated with composted sludge and irrigated with liquid sludge effluent were compared with untreated soil. These soils were sampled at 5 depths. i.e. 0-15, 15-30, 30-45, 45- 60 and 60-75 cm to estimate the forms of nine trace metals in the solid phase. The soils had been amended with sewage sludge and irrigated with sludge liquids for different periods, i.e. 20, 40 and 60 years. The soil samples were fractionated by sequential extraction to estimate the quantities of these metals in "exchangeable", "sorbed" "organic", "carbonate", and "sulfide" forms. Data reveal that most of these elements were concentrated (preferential fixation) in the surface layer (0-15 cm), possibly because of the slight decrease in soil apparent density resulting from sludge application. The trace metal contents in exchangeable and sorbed forms of most metals were very low. Sulfide, carbonate and organic forms were shown to be the dominant fractions for most trace metals under study and varied from one element to another. Nevertheless, at least 6 of these metals have a common behaviour. At the longterm addition of sludge application, the predominant metals were: Zn, Fe, Mn, Cr, Ni and Co in sulfide form; Cu in organic form, and Pb and Cd in the carbonate form.

NAL Call No.: HC79.E5E5
Shoot biomass of turfgrass cultivars grown on composted waste.
Roberts, B. R.; Kohorst, S. D.; Decker, H. F.; Yaussy, D. Environ-manage. (New York, Springer-Verlag) v.19(5): p.735-739 (1995 Sept.-1995 Oct.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: sewage-sludge; composts; grass-clippings; cultivars; biomass- production; heavy-metals; lolium-perenne; festuca-arundinacea; festuca- longifolia; festuca- rubra; poa-pratensis; dry-matter-accumulation

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Short-term and long-term impact of an initial large scale SMS soil amendment on vegetable crop productivity and resource use efficiency.
Steffen, K. L.; Dann, M. S.; Fager, K.; Fleischer, S. J.; Harper, J. K. Compost-sci- util v.2(4): p.75-83. (1994 Autumn)
Includes references.
Descriptors: mushroom-compost; lycopersicon-esculentum; zea-mays; phaseolus- vulgaris; brassica; wheat-straw; soil-organic-matter; crop-yield; plant- composition; economic- analysis; costs; spent-mushroom-substrate

Go to: Author Index | Subject Index | Top of Document
Citation no.: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 250, 260, 270

NAL Call No.: 56.8-C162
Short-term nitrogen dynamics in soil amended with fresh and composted cattle manures.
Paul, J. W.; Beauchamp, E. G. Can-j-soil-sci v.74(2): p.147-155. (1994 May)
Includes references.
Descriptors: zea-mays; nitrogen; nutrient-uptake; nutrient-availability; cattle- manure; composts; ammonium-nitrogen; mineral-ization; immobilization- ; soil-temperature

NAL Call No.: HD9484.C65P54-- 1994
The skin of the earth : a life story of environmental stewardship.
Philippe, P. 1.; Benner, P. xiv, 121 p., ill., map. (Escart Press, Waterloo, Ont., 1994)
Includes bibliographical references: p. 119-121.
Descriptors: Philippe,-Pierre,-1912-; grow-rich-waste-recycling-systems; farmers- channel-islands-biography; businessmen-canada-biography; compost

NAL Call No.: TD419.R47
Sludge management using the biodegradable organic fraction of municipal solid waste as a primary substrate.
Kayhanian, M.; Rich, D. Water-environ-res v.68(2): p.240-252. (1996 Mar.-1996 Apr.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composting; anaerobic-digestion; sewage-sludge; activated-sludge; refuse; mixtures; waste-treatment; anaerobic-digesters; composts; refuse-compost; anaerobic- composting; aerobic-biodrying

NAL Call No.: 56.8-C162
Soil amendments and water-stable aggregation of a desurfaced Dark Brown Chernozem.
Sun, H.; Larney, F. J.; Bullock, M. S. Can-j-soil-sci v.75(3): p.319-325. (1995 Aug.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: chernozems; eroded-soils; erodibility; aggregates; stability; animal- manures; composts; crop-residues; fertilizers; comparisons; erosion-control; efficacy; soil-water- content; soil-organic-matter; alberta; aggregate-soil-water-content; soil-aggregation

NAL Call No.: QH84.8.B46
Soil enzymatic response to addition of municipal solid-waste compost.
Serra Wittling, C.; Houot, S.; Barriuso, E. Biol-fertil-soils v.20(4): p.226-236. (1995)
Includes references.
Descriptors: refuse-compost; soil-flora; biological-activity-in-soil; soil-enzymes; enzyme-activity; mineralization; organic-matter; organic-compounds; decomposition; vermiculture; loam-soils; carbon-mineralization
Abstract: Modifications of soil microbiological activity by the addition of municipal solid-waste compost were studied in laboratory incubations. Three composts were compared, one lumbricompost and two classical composts with different maturation times. Organic C mineralization and nine enzyme activities (dehydrogenase, peroxidase, cellulase, beta-glucosidase, beta-galactosidase, N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase, protease, amidase, and urease) were determined in the composts and the amended soil. Initial enzyme activities varied in the soil according to the sampling date (winter or summer) and were greater in the composts than in the soil, except for urease. Generally, the youngest compost exhibited greater activity than the oldest one. In the amended soil, the composts did not increase enzyme activity in an additive way. Dehydrogenase, the only strictly endocellular enzyme, was the only one for which the activity in the amended soil increased significantly in proportion to the addition of compost. During the incubations, C mineralization and dehydrogenase activity were significantly correlated, indicating that dehydrogenase was a reliable indicator of global microbial activity. Peroxidase activity in the soil remained constant, but increased in the composts and amended soil. Addition of the oldest compost had no effect on the activity of the C cycle enzymes, but the youngest compost increased soil activity at the higher application rate. Enzymes of the N cycle were stimulated by all compost amendments, but the increase was only transient for amidase and urease. Lumbricomposting had no marked effect on compost enzyme activity, either before or during the incubation.

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Soil science with a palette of composts.
Riggle, D. Biocycle v.36(5): p.74-77. (1995 May)
Descriptors: soil; composts; soil-amendments; mixtures; product-development

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Soilless growing media amended with sugarcane filtercake compost for citrus rootstock production.
Stoffella, P. J.; Li, Y. C.; Calvert, D. V.; Graetz, D. A. Compost-sci-util v.4(2): p.21-25. (1996 Spring)
Includes references.
Descriptors: citrus-aurantium; citrus-reticulata; rootstocks; seedlings; seedling- growth; growing-media; soilless-culture; amendments; filter-cake; composts; sugarcane-bagasse; peat; mixtures; seed-germination; seedling-emergence; plant-height; shoots; roots;
weight; root-shoot-ratio; chlorophyll; leaves; nutrient-content; plant-composition; plant-nutrition; mean-days-to-emergence

NAL Call No.: S623.G47-- 1995
The soul of soil : a guide to ecological soil management.
Gershuny, G.; Smillie, J. xvii, 174p. (agAccess, Davis, CA , 1995)
3rd ed.; Includes bibliographical references (p.159-165) and index.
Descriptors: soil-conservation; soil-management; soil-physics; agricultural- conservation; compost

NAL Call No.: TD172.C54
Sources of PCDD/PCDF and impact on the environment.
Fiedler, H. Chemosphere v.32(1 ): p.55-64. (1996 Jan.)
In the special issue: Chlorinated dioxins, PCB and related compounds 1994. I / edited by H. Fiedler, O. Hutzinger, S. Safe and S. Sakai.
Descriptors: polychlorinated-dibenzofurans; organochlorine-compounds; air- pollutants; air-pollution; emission; sewage-sludge; composts; refuse- compost; application-to- land; soil-pollution; germany; polychlorinated-dibenzo-p-dioxins

NAL Call No.: QH84.8.B46
Soybean nodulation and nitrogen fixation on soil amended with plant residues.
Heckman, J. R.; Kluchinski, D. Biol-fertil-soils v.20(4): p.284-288. (1995)
Includes references.
Descriptors: glycine-max; rhizobium; nodulation; nitrogen-fixation; inhibition; litter-plant; leaves; crop-residues; organic-amendments; composts; nitrogen; nutrient- deficiencies; dry-matter-accumulation; leaf-composts
Abstract: Residues from some tree species may contain allelopathic chemicals that have the potential to inhibit plant growth and symbiotic N2- fixing microorganisms. Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr] was grown in pots to compare nodulation and N2-fixation responses of the following soil amendments: control soil, leaf compost, red oak (Quercus rubra L.) leaves, sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh) leaves, sycamore (Platanus occidentalis L.) leaves, black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) leaves, rye (Secale cereale L.) straw, and corn (Zea mays L.) stover. Freshly fallen leaves were collected from urban shade trees. Soil was amended with 20 g kg-1 air-dried, ground plant materials. Nodulating and nonnodulating isolines of "Clark" soybean were grown to the R2 stage to determine N2-fixation by the difference method. Although nodulation was not adversely affected, soybean grown on leaf-amended soil exhibited temporary N deficiency until nodulation. Nodule number was increased by more than 40% for soybean grown on amended soil, but nodule dry matter per plant generally was not changed compared with control soil. Nonnodulating plants were severely N deficient and stunted as a consequence of N immobilization. Nodulating soybean plants grown on leaf or crop residue amended soil were more dependent on symbiotically fixed N and had lower dry matter yields than the controls. When leaves were composted, the problem of N immobilization was avoided and dry matter yield was not reduced. No indication of an allelopathic inhibition on nodulation or N2-fixation from heavy applications of oak, maple, sycamore, or walnut leaves to soil was observed.

NAL Call No.: 421-En895
Spectral reflectance from a broccoli crop with vegetation or soil as background: influence on immigration by Brevicoryne brassicae and Myzus persicae.
Costello, M. J. Entomol-exp-appl v.75(2): p.109-118. (1995 May)
Includes references.
Descriptors: brassica-oleracea-var; -botrytis; brevicoryne-brassicae; myzus- persicae; populations; reflectance; wavelengths; spectral-data; light- intensity; phototaxis; intercropping; cover-crops; monoculture; composts; nitrogen-fertilizers; california; background- reflectance; bare-soil-reflectance; synthetic-fertilizers

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
State strategies for part 503 implementation.
O'Dette, R. G. Biocycle v.36(2): p.69-70, 72-73. (1995 Feb.)
Descriptors: composts; sewage-sludge; application-to-land; regulations; usa; biosolids

NAL Call No.: 448.3-Ap5
Straw compost and bioremediated soil as inocula for the bioremediation of chlorophenol-contaminated soil.
Laine, M. M.; Jorgensen, K. S. Appl-environ-microbiol v.62(5): p.1507-1513. (1996 May)
Includes references.
Descriptors: polluted-soils; bioremediation; pentachlorophenol; microbial- degradation; mineralization; composts; rye-straw; wheat-straw; bacteria; actinomycetales; inoculum; soil-inoculation; bacterial-count; biological-activity-in-soil; biotransformation
Abstract: We evaluated the use of straw compost and remediated soil as inocula for bioremediation of chlorophenol-contaminated soil. The in situ biotransformation of pentachlorophenol (PCP) and mineralization of radiolabeled [U-14C]PCP by straw compost and remediated soil were studied under field-simulating conditions before and after 3 months of adaptation with PCP in a percolator. After PCP adaptation, the straw compost mineralized up to 56% of the [14C]PCP. No partial dechlorination of PCP was found. The native straw compost did not mineralize PCP, but partial dechlorination of PCP occurred (i) at pH 8 under near- thermophilic conditions (45 degrees C) and (ii) at pH 7 under aerobic and mesophilic conditions. No biotransformation reactions occurred at room temperature (25 degrees C) at pH 8. Enrichment in the percolator enhanced the mineralization rate of remediated soil to 56% compared with that of the native remediated soil, which mineralized 24% of [14C]PCP added. Trace amounts of chloroanisoles as the only biotransformation products were detected in PCP- adapted remediated soil. Both inoculants studied here showed effective mineralization of PCP when they were adapted to PCP in the precolator. No harmful side reactions, such as extensive methylation, were observed.

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Successful bioremediation with compost.
Biocycle v.36(2): p.57-59. (1995 Feb.)
Descriptors: polluted-soils; petroleum; contamination; bioremediation; composts; poultry-manure

240.NAL Call No.: SB952.B75I57- 1995
Suitability of organic compost and broccoli mulch soil treatments for commercial strawberry production on the California central coast.
Sances, F. V.; Ingham, E. L. 1995 Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions / International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions p.19. (1995)
Meeting held on November 6-8, 1995, San Diego, California.
Descriptors: fragaria-ananassa; mushroom-compost; forest-litter; brassica- oleracea-var -italica; crop-residues; plant-pathogenic-fungi; cultural-control; incorporation; mulches; preplanting-treatment; low-input-agriculture; crop-yield; pesticides; california; chemical-vs; -cultural-disease-control

Go to: Author Index | Subject Index | Top of Document
Citation no.: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 250, 260, 270

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Superfund crosses the compost line.
Biocycle v.36(8): p.71. (1995 Aug.)
Descriptors: soil-pollution; bioremediation; composts; application-to-land

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Suppressing disease in field crops.
Ozores Hampton, M.; Bryan, H.; McMilan, R. Jr. Biocycle v.35(7): p.60-61. (1994 July)
Descriptors: horticultural-crops; plant-pathogens; plant-diseases; plant-disease- control; cultural-control; suppression; composts; application-to-land; florida

NAL Call No.: S671.A66
Survival of weed seeds and seed pathogen propagates in composted grass seed straw.
Churchill, D. B.; Alderman, S. C.; Mueller Warrant, G. W.; Elliott, L. F.; Bilsland, D. M. Appl-eng-agric v.12(1): p.57-63. (1996 Jan.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composting; lolium-perenne; crop-residues; poa-annua; lolium- multiflorum; festuca-arundinacea; weeds; seeds; viability; helotiales; claviceps-purpurea; survival; composts; turning; temperature; collection; windrows; quality; compost-quality; gloeotinia-temulenta; windrow-composting; fungal-propagules
Abstract: Seeds of annual bluegrass (Poa annua), annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreber), and propagules of two fungal pathogens of grass Gloeotinia temulenta (blindseed) and Claviceps purpurea (ergot) were placed in mesh packets and inserted into compost windrows of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) straw. Compost treatments included three types of straw, two methods of turning, and three depths of seed or propagule placement. Packets were inserted to depths of 0.3, 0.6, and 0.9 m (1, 2, and 3 ft) and corresponding internal compost temperatures were recorded weekly. Windrows were turned either zero, two, four, or six times over eight months. During the 1992-1993 season, windrows were turned with a commercial straddle-type compost turner and in the 1993-1994 season, windrows were turned with a tractor front-end loader. Composting proceeded without addition of nitrogen except for that present in the straw and without water beyond normal rainfall. Survival of weed seeds and pathogen propagules decreased with numbers of turns, but was not related to straw collection method, depth of packet placement, or method of turning.

NAL Call No.: 436.8-J82
The susceptibility of different species of sciarid flies to entomopathogenic nematodes.
Gouge, D. H.; Hague, N. G. M. J-helminthol v.69(4): p.313-318. (1995 Dec.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: sciaridae; insect-pests; steinernema; strains; heterorhabditis; entomophilic-nematodes; mortality; susceptibility; temperature; dispersal; composts; insect- control; biological-control; efficacy

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Sustained vegetable production for three years using composted animal manures.
Maynard, A. A. Compost-sci-util v.2(1): p.88-96. (1994 Winter)
Includes references.
Descriptors: vegetables; crop-production; mushroom-compost; poultry-manure; composts; sustainability; connecticut

NAL Call No.: 290.9- Am32T
Temporal variation of soil hydraulic properties on municipal solid waste amended mine soils.
Felton, G. K. Trans-ASAE v.38(3): p.775-782. (1995 May-1995 June)
Includes references.
Descriptors: soil; mined-land; reclamation; solid-wastes; composts; organic- matter; bulk-density; soil-water-retention; hydraulic-conductivity; sorption; kentucky
Abstract: Composted municipal solid waste (MSW) was applied to reclaimed surface mine spoil to quantify the impacts on the saturated hydraulic conductivity, bulk density, soil water retention, and sorptivity in the surface soil. Treatment levels of 14.0 and 28.0 Mg/ha were incorporated to approximately 130 mm on a relatively flat 0.93-ha site in eastern Kentucky. The logarithm of hydraulic conductivity increased from log(8.45 X 10(-8) m/s) to log(3.58 X 10(-6) m/s) and the bulk density decreased from 1.74 to 1.49 Mg/m3. For hydraulic conductivity results to be meaningful, hydraulic conductivity data should be transformed logarithmically prior to any statistical operation, including averaging. There was no significant difference in any parameter between the two treatment levels. Linear time variations over the three-year study were significant for the bulk density and for soil water retention, both of which decreased with time. A seasonal variation, which was statistically significant over some growing seasons and not others, occurred in hydraulic conductivity, bulk density, and soil water retention.

NAL Call No.: S590.S68
Testing a low-quality urban compost as a fertilizer for arable farming.
Murillo, J. M.; Lopez, R.; Cabrera, F.; Martin Olmedo, P. Soil-use-manage v.11(3): p.127-131. (1995 Sept.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: arable-soils; composts; refuse; quality; application-to-land; application-rates; lolium; crop-yield; dry-matter-accumulation; nitrogen; mineralization; nutrient-uptake; copper; nickel; cadmium; lead; heavy-metals; uptake; organic-fertilizers; efficiency; spain; agronomic-efficiency
Abstract: A coarse urban compost, low in organic matter but mature, was tested for agricultural use. The response of Tewera ryegrass to this compost (applied at 12 and 48 t/ha) was evaluated in a field trial over two years. For a satisfactory yield the larger dose was necessary. This dose also gave greater values for the apparent recovery of N in both years. However, the N concentration in ryegrass was always below the sufficiency ranges proposed for N. The values of the potentially mineralizable N of the compost showed that the applied N at the greater rate of compost application was not sufficient to cover crop removal of N. In contrast, concentrations of P, S, K, Mn and Zn were within their corresponding sufficiency ranges. The dose of 48 t/ha did not increase Cu, Ni, Pb and Cd concentrations in the ryegrass.

NAL Call No.: 448.3-In8
Thermocrispum gen. nov., a new genus of the order Actinomycetales, and description of Thermocrispum municipale sp. nov. and Thermocrispum agreste sp. nov.
Korn Wendisch, F.; Rainey, F.; Kroppenstedt, R. M.; Kempf, A.; Majazza, A.; Kutzner, H. J.; Stackebrandt, E. Int-j-syst-bacteriol v.45(1): p.67-77. (1995 Jan.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: actinomycetales; thermophilic-actinomycetes; new-genus; new- species; composts; refuse; mushroom-compost; morphology; chemotaxonomy; phenotypes; phylogeny; descriptions; germany

NAL Call No.: SB1.H6
Time-domain reflectometry for measuring water content of organic growing media in containers.
Anisko, T.; NeSmith, D. S.; Lindstrom, O. M. HortScience v.29(12): p.1511-1513. (1994 Dec.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: time-domain-reflectometry; water-content; sand; bark-compost; pine- bark; peat; growing-media; containers; metro-mix-300
Abstract: The time domain reflectometry (TDR) method of measuring water content teas been applied to mineral soils but not to organic growing media. We investigated the applicability of TDR for measuring the water content of organic media in containers. TDR calibration was conducted for sand, peat, composted pine bark, sand and peat mix, sand and bark mix, and a commercial growing medium (Metro Mix 300). Regression analysis of volumetric water content was conducted with the ratio of apparent: physical length of the probe (La:L) as an independent variable. The calibration curve for Metro Mix 300 was compared to curves generated for a range of soils by other investigators. Additionally, water content and La:L changes were monitored in Metro Mix 300 for 10 months end were compared to predicted values from the calibration curve. Organic media had a higher water content than sand for the same La:L value. Equations developed by previous authors generally underestimated water content when compared with the calibration curve for Metro Mix 300. We attribute this difference to a large fraction of highly decomposed organic matter or vermiculite and, thus, to the presence of more bound water. Specific calibration of TDR may be required to determine the absolute water content of organic growing media.

NAL Call No.: S590.C63
Total and extractable copper and zinc as assessors of phytotoxicity in soilless potting media.
Handreck, K. A. Commun-soil-sci-plant-anal v.25(13/14): p.2313-2340. (1994)
Includes references.
Descriptors: agrostis-capillaris; horticultural-crops; pine-bark; soilless-culture; copper-sulfate; zinc-sulfate; composts; copper; zinc; nutrient- availability; nutrient-content; phytotoxicity; correlation; heavy-metals

NAL Call No.: TD930.A32
Transference of heavy metals from a calcareous soil amended with sewage-sludge compost to barley plants.
Moreno, J. L.; Garcia, C.; Hernandez, T.; Pascual, J. A. Bioresour-technol v.55(3): p.251-258. (1996 Mar.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: hordeum-vulgare; calcareous-soils; composts; sewage-sludge; heavy- metals; contaminants; uptake; barley; barley-straw; yields; correlation; chemical-composition; grain-yield; straw-yield
Abstract: Barley plants were cultivated in a calcareous soil (pH 8.77) amended, at different rates, with sewage-sludge composts containing different heavy-metal contents and the transference of these heavy metals to the plant was studied. The addition to the soil of contaminated compost (mainly in Cd) at a high rate led to a decrease in grain yield but did not affect straw yield. Cadmium and Zn were easily absorbed by barley plants, increasing their concentration with respect to the control in plants grown in the soil amended with compost containing high amounts of these metals. However, Ni and particularly Cu were retained by organic matter and were not transferred to plants. Regardless of the compost heavy-metal contents, plants grown in amended soils showed higher N and P contents than control plants. The concentrations of Cd and Zn in soils were positively correlated with Cd and Zn contents in the plants, while no correlation was found between the concentrations of Cu or Ni in soil and plant. After cultivation, amended soils showed a better nutritional state than control soil (higher N- NO3(-) and total- and available-P than the control).

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Transitional farmers expand compost markets.
Biocycle v.35(4): p.54-55. (1994 Apr.)
Descriptors: composts; application-to-land; markets; alternative-farming

NAL Call No.: TP995.A1I5
Treatment of carbamate insecticide rinsates using media from the mushroom production industry.
Kuo, W. S.; Regan, R. W. Sr. Proc-Ind-Waste-Conf. (Chelsea, Mich. : Lewis Publishers) v.48: p.663-675. (1994)
Meeting held on May 10-12, 1993, West Lafayette, Indiana.
Descriptors: carbaryl; carbofuran; aldicarb; waste-water; insecticide-residues; waste-water-treatment; adsorption; mushroom-compost; microbial- degradation; biological- treatment; aerobic-treatment; spent-mushroom-compost

NAL Call No.: 442.8-An72
Tuber surface microorganisms influence the susceptibility of potato tubers to late blight.
Clulow, S. A.; Stewart, H. E.; Dashwood, E. P.; Wastie, R. L. Ann-appl-biol v.126(1): p.33-43. (1995 Feb.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: solanum-tuberosum; tubers; phytophthora-infestans; blight; bacteria; fungal-antagonists; disease-resistance; genetic-resistance; composts; soil-water; varietal- susceptibility; cultivars

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Uniformity of spent mushroom substrate (SMS) and factors in applying recommendations of use.
Szmidt, R. A. K.; Chong, C. Compost-sci-util v.31(1): p.64-71. (1995 Winter)
Paper presented at the Spent Mushroom Substrate Symposium, March 11-14, 1994, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Descriptors: mushroom-compost; agricultural-wastes; chemical-composition; nutrient-content; chemical-properties; variation; waste-utilization

Go to: Author Index | Subject Index | Top of Document
Citation no.: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 250, 260, 270

NAL Call No.: TD172.W36
Uptake of multielements by corn form fly ash-compost amended soil.
Ghuman, G. S.; Menon, M. P.; Chandra, K.; James, J.; Adriano, D. C.; Sajwan, K. S. Water-air-soil-pollut v.72(1/4): p.285-295. (1994 Jan.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: zea-mays; nutrient-uptake; mineral-uptake; fly-ash; composts; application-to-land; mineral-content; potassium; magnesium; copper; growth; dry-matter- accumulation; application-rates

NAL Call No.: 80-J825
Urban and agricultural wastes for use as mulches on avocado and citrus and for delivery of microbial biocontrol agents.
Casale, W. L.; Minassian, V.; Menge, J. A.; Lovatt, C. J.; Pond, E.; Johnson, E.; Guillement, F. J-hortic-sci v.70(2): p.315-332. (1995 Mar.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: mangifera-indica; citrus; crop-production; mulches; agricultural- wastes; wood-chips; grass-clippings; leaves; rice-husks; alfalfa-hay; cattle-manure; hay; poultry- manure; almonds; hulls; peanut-husks; orange-peel; composts; sewage-sludge; mushroom- compost; refuse- compost; orchards; substrates; biological-control-agents; trichoderma- harzianum; gliocladium-virens; pseudomonas-fluorescens; growth; phytotoxicity; ammonia; chemical-composition; cellulose; carbohydrates; nitrogen-content; california; sudangrass-hay; chicken-manure; wood-compost

NAL Call No.: QH540.J6
Urban waste compost: effects on physical, chemical, and biochemical soil properties.
Giusquiani, P. L.; Pagliai, M.; Gigliotti, G.; Businelli, D.; Benetti, A. J-environ- qual v.24(1): p.175-182. (1995 Jan.-1995 Feb.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composts; calcareous-soils; porosity; bulk-density; soil-water- retention; carbon; zinc; lead; cadmium; concentration; soil-enzymes; enzyme-activity
Abstract: A long-term field experiment was conducted to determine the effect of the additions of urban waste compost on the physical and chemical properties and enzymatic activities in a calcareous soil (Fluventic Xerochrept). Total porosity (pores > 50 micrometers measured on thin soil sections from undisturbed samples by image analysis) was greater in the plots treated with compost than the control plots due to a larger amount of elongated pores. In the amended plots total and humified organic C, Pb, Cu, and Zn showed a significant increase compared with nonamended plots. Enzymatic activities (L-asparaginase, arylsulphatase, dehydrogenase, phosphodiesterase, and alkaline phosphomonoesterase) were significantly enhanced by the compost addition thus indicating no inhibiting influence of the heavy metals present. The increased levels of the arylsulphatase, dehydrogenase, phosphodiesterase, and phosphomonoesterase activities were significantly correlated with total porosity: the first three with pores ranging from 50 to 1000 micrometers, mainly with pores 50 to 200 micrometers in size, and phosphomonoesterase only with pores whose size was < 500 micrometers. L- asparaginase activity was not correlated with porosity. Only arylsulphatase, dehydrogenase, and phosphodiesterase were negatively correlated with bulk density.

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
The use of compost for the reclamation of saline and alkaline soils.
Avnimelech, Y.; Shkedy, D.; Kochva, M.; Yotal, Y. Compost-sci-util v.2(3): p.6- 11. (1994 Summer)
Includes references.
Descriptors: alkaline-soils; saline-soils; composts; gypsum; application-rates; soil- fertility; soil-depth; soil-structure; profiles; soil-organic-matter; calcium; magnesium; sodium; chloride; electrical-conductivity; soil-ph

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Use of MSW compost in commercial sod production.
Breslin, V. T. Biocycle v.36(5): p.68-72. (1995 May)
Includes references.
Descriptors: composts; refuse; waste-utilization; application-to-land; lawns-and- turf; performance-testing; soil-fertility; environmental-impact; groundwater-pollution; new-york; municipal-solid-wastes

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Use of raw and composted paper sludge as a soil additive or mulch for cottonwood plants.
Tripepi, R. R.; Zhang, X. G.; Campbell, A. G. Compost-sci-util v.4(2): p.26-36. (1996 Spring)
Includes references.
Descriptors: populus-deltoides; clones; sandy-soils; paper-mill-sludge; composts; mulches; application-rates; incorporation; surface-treatment; electrical-conductivity; cation- exchange-capacity; chlorine; solubility; bulk-density; soil-air; water-holding-capacity; porosity; stems; diameter; plant-height; growth; raw-versus-composted-paper-mill-sludge

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Use of SMS as a compost matrix to degrade pesticide residuals.
Regan, R. W. Sr. Compost-sci-util v.2(3): p.56-62. (1994 Summer)
Paper presented at the Spent Mushroom Substrate symposium, March 11-14, 1994, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Descriptors: mushroom-compost; adsorption; pesticide-residues; carbaryl; carbofuran; aldicarb; biodegradation; microorganisms; waste-water- treatment; spent-mushroom- substrate; pesticide-rinsates

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Use of spent mushroom substrate in stabilizing disturbed and commercial sites.
Rupert, D. R. Compost-sci-util v.31(1): p.80-83. (1995 Winter)
Paper presented at the Spent Mushroom Substrate symposium, March 11-14, 1994, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Descriptors: abandoned-land; mined-land; reclamation; mushroom-compost; agricultural-wastes; waste-utilization; organic-fertilizers; mulches; evaluation; application-rates

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
The use of spent mushroom substrate (SMS) as an organic manure and plant substrate component.
Maher, M. J. Compost-sci-util v.2(3): p.37-44. (1994 Summer)
Paper presented at the symposium, "Spent Mushroom Substrate, March 11-14, 1994, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Descriptors: mushrooms; mushroom-compost; peat; mixtures; organic-fertilizers; application-rates; lolium; lycopersicon; seedling-growth; phosphorus; potassium; magnesium; electrical-conductivity; nitrate-nitrogen; biomass-production; dry-matter; leaching; waste- utilization

NAL Call No.: TD796.5.C58
Use of spent mushroom substrate (SMS) for corn (maize) production and its effect on surface water quality.
Wuest, P. J.; Fahy, H. K.; Fahy, J. Compost-sci-util v.31(1): p.46-54. (1995 Winter)
Paper presented at the spent mushroom substrate symposium held on March 11-14, 1994, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Descriptors: zea-mays; mushroom-compost; agricultural-wastes; waste-utilization; application-to-land; application-rates; crop-yield; grain; maize- stover; nitrogen-content; environmental-impact; surface-water; water-quality; pennsylvania

NAL Call No.: 80-Ac82
The use of waste materials as potting media in fruit tree production.
Burroni, F.; Ponzio, C.; Tafani, R.; Tattini, M. Acta-hortic (361): p.612-619. (1994 June)
Paper presented at the International Symposium on New Cultivation Systems in Greenhouse held April 26-30, 1993, Cagliari, Italy.
Descriptors: olea-europaea; prunus-persica; growing-media; refuse-compost; sewage-sludge; composts; dairy-wastes; bark; forest-litter; crop-residues; container-grown- plants; nutrient-content; mineral-content; phosphorus; potassium; nitrogen-content; humic-acids; fulvic-acids

NAL Call No.: SB319.2.F6F56
Using air root pruning containers to enhance compost efficacy.
Fitzpatrick, G. E.; Sackl, R.; Henry, J. H. Proc-annu-meet-Fla-State-Hort-Soc. [S.l.] : The Society v.107: p.432-434. (1995 June)
Includes references.
Descriptors: swietenia-mahagoni; container-grown-plants; containers; root- pruning; growing-media; composts; sewage-sludge; organic-wastes; solid- wastes; waste- utilization; growth-rate; plant-height; dry-matter-accumulation; girth

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Using composts to grow wildflower sod.
Mitchell, W. H.; Molnar, C. J.; Barton, S. S. Biocycle v.35(2): p.62-63. (1994 Feb.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: wild-flowers; seed-mixtures; growing-media; comparisons; seed- germination; growth

NAL Call No.: S590.C63
Wageningen evaluating programmes for analytical laboratories (WEPAL), organization and purpose.
Houba, V. J. G.; Uittenbogaard, J.; Pellen, P. Commun-soil-sci-plant-anal v.27(3/4): p.421-431. (1996)
Paper presented at the 1995 International Symposium on Soil Testing and Plant Analysis: Quality of Soil and Plant Analysis in View of Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment held August 5-10, 1995, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Descriptors: soil-analysis; plant-analysis; sediment; composts; manures; sludges; chemical-analysis; quality; laboratory-methods; laboratories; evaluation; programs; quality- controls; netherlands; laboratory-evaluating-programs; laboratory-evaluating-exchange- programs; analytical-quality
Abstract: Quality control of analytical procedures for soils, plants, sediments, manure, compost, and sludges is of utmost importance to produce reliable and reproducible analytical data. For this purpose first, second, and third line quality control measures are taken in analytical laboratories. For first line control certified reference materials (CRM's) are preferred. However, the number and matrix variation in CRM's for environmental analytical research is still very limited. For second line control internal reference samples are often used, but again here the values for many element and parameter concentrations are questionable since almost no check versus CRM's is possible. For third line control participation in laboratory evaluating exchange programmes (LEEP's) is recommended. The number of LEEP's is fortunately increasing nowadays. One of the reasons for this increase is the fact that accredited laboratories are recommended, and in some countries, obliged to participate in LEEP's--if they exist--for their analytical programs. In this article the Wageningen Evaluating Programmes for Analytical Laboratories (WEPAL) for plants, soils, sediments, manures, composts, and sludges are described and examples of results achieved and further use of tested bulk samples are given.

NAL Call No.: TD419.R47
Water quality changes during soil aquifer treatment of tertiary effluent.
Wilson, L. G.; Amy, G. L.; Gerba, C. P.; Gordon, H.; Johnson, B.; Miller, J. Water- environ-res v.67(3): p.364-370. (1995 May-1995 June)
Includes references.
Descriptors: activated-sludge; composts; sewage-sludge; salmonella; microbial- contamination; bacterial-counting; enumeration; anaerobically-digested-wasterwater-sludges; most-probable-number

Go to: Author Index | Subject Index | Top of Document
Citation no.: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, 250, 250, 260, 270

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
A whale of a success: compost is key to theme park's beauty.
Logsdon, G. Biocycle v.36(10): p.48-50. (1995 Oct.)
Descriptors: composts; waste-utilization; theme-parks; landscaping; ohio

NAL Call No.: SB433.T874
What will biologicals do for turfgrass management.
Sann, C. Turf-grass-trends p.10-13. (1994 Jan.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: lawns-and-turf; biological-control; plant-diseases; nematode-control; forecasting; fungal-diseases; transgenic-plants; composts; organic- fertilizers; mycoherbicides; fungus-control; entomophilic-nematodes

NAL Call No.: SB1.J66
Wildflower establishment in seedbeds created from an industrial co-product and co- composted municipal waste.
Pill, W. G.; Smith, W. G.; Frett, J. J.; Devenney, D. J-environ-hortic v.12(4): p.193-197. (1994 Dec.)
Includes references.
Descriptors: municipal-refuse-disposal; waste-utilization; soil-amendments; industrial-wastes; composts; seedbeds; establishment; seedling- emergence; achillea-millefolium; centaurea-cyanus; daucus-carota; leucanthemum-vulgare; echinacea-purpurea; rudbeckia-hirta; silene-armeria; wild-flowers; delaware

NAL Call No.: 57.8-C734
Windrows on the links.
Steuteville, R. Biocycle v.35(6): p.30-33. (1994 June)
Descriptors: composting; litter-plant; golf-courses; windrowing; waste-utilization; composts; application-to-land

NAL Call No.: S544.3.N6N62
Worms can recycle your garbage.
Sherman, R. AG-NC-Agric-Ext-Serv. Raleigh : North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service (473-18): p.4 (1994 May)
In subseries: Water Quality & Waste Management.
Descriptors: vermicomposting; food-wastes; eisenia-fetida; refuse-compost; waste- utilization

Author Index

Abak, K. 35
Abdel Aal, S.I. 185
Abdel Magid, H.M. 185
Abdi, A.N. 158
Adani, F. 175
Adeoye, G.O. 43
Adriano, D.C. 256
Agamuthu, P. 53
Agnolucci, M. 96
Alderman, S.C. 243
Alen, R. 24
Almendros, G. 115, 124
Alt, D. 106
Amberger, A. 88
Amor, K. 22
Amy, G.L. 270
Andrews, J.H. 7, 218
Anisko, T. 249
Antoun, H. 81
Aragno, M. 150
Astier, M. 27
Atkinson, C.F. 205
Avnimelech, Y. 259
Baca, M.T. 142
Baere, L. de. 31
Ball, A.S. 208
Banerjee, N.C. 30
Barker, A.V. 108, 109, 112, 113
Barker, K.R. 147
Barriuso, E. 89, 166, 230
Barton, S.S. 268
Baskaran, S. 143
Basso Figuera, C. 97, 162
Bates, T.E. 114
Bearce, B.C. 127
Beauchamp, E.G. 145, 226
Beaver, T. 192
Beffa, T. 150
Benetti, A. 258
Benner, Peter. 227
Benoit, F. 95
Benoit, P. 89
Berends, P.T. 79
Berner, A. 84
Bevacqua, R.F. 69
Bianchini, J.P. 171
Bilderback, T.E. 101
Bilsland, D.M. 243
Bischoff, M. 71
Blanc, M. 150
Blanco, M.J. 115, 124
Boelens, J. 31
Bolan, N.S. 3, 77, 143
Bont, J.A.M. de. 133
Bourque, C.L. 222
Breslin, V.T. 260
Brinton, Jr. W.F. 111
Brinton, R.B. 70
Brinton, W.F. Jr. 70
Brito Alvarez, M.A. de 81
Brobyn, P.J. 57
Bryan, H. 242
Bryan, H.H. 4, 97, 130, 162, 170, 173, 182
Buchanan, M. 27
Buckley, B. 60, 61, 62
Bugbee, G.J. 131, 132, 135, 152, 191
Bullock, M.S. 229
Burroni, F. 266
Burton, K.S. 116
Bush, D. 6
Businelli, D. 258
Bustos, A. 56
Buswell, J.A. 197
Butler, S.H. 127
Caballero, R. 56
Cabrera, F. 59, 247
Calvert, D.V. 232
Cambon, A. 171
Campbell, A.G. 50, 261
Capece, J.C. 211
Cartagena, M.C. 56
Casale, W.L. 257
Cauwel, B. 121
Ceccanti, B. 103
Celikel, G. 35
Ceustermans, N. 95
Chandra, K. 256
Chao, C.C. 179
Chao, W.L. 179
Chee Sanford, J. 149
Chen, A. 54, 187
Chen, L. 217
Cheneby, D. 164
Chong, C. 11, 213, 255
Churchill, D.B. 243
Cisar, J.L. 167
Clark, G.A. 168, 190
Cleemput, O. van. 65, 200, 206
Cline, R.A. 11, 213
Clulow, S.A. 254
Cole, M.A. 8, 193, 212
Colls, A.M. 97, 162
Conrad, P. 28
Cook, F.D. 40
Costello, M.J. 19, 236
Covert, J.A. 145
Craft, C.M. 159
Crane, J.H. 97, 162
Crepaz, C. 22
Crippa, L. 83
Czuprenski, M. 98
Dahdoh, M.S.A. 223
Danai, O. 26
Dann, M.S. 225
Darnell, R.L. 105
Dashwood, E.P. 254
De Bertoldi, M. 52
De Nobili, M. 142
Decker, H.F. 224
Delgado, I.C. 142
Devenney, D. 273
Diaper, J.P. 122
Diaz, M.J. 59
Diaz Marcote, I. 103
Dick, R.P. 194
Dick, W.A. 32, 217
Dickerson, G.W. 39
Diebel, P.L. 79
Diez, J.A. 56
Dik, A.J. 16
Dixon, F.M. 158
Downer, J. 63
Drew, S. 25, 98
Duin, A.H. 134
Edmisten, K.L. 147
Edmondson, R.N. 57
Edwards, C. 122
Ekbladh, G. 172
El Demerdashe, S. 223
Elad, Y. 16, 82
Elliott, L.F. 243
Eltez, R.Z. 99
Epstein, A.H. 75
Esteban, E. 142
Faber, B.A. 63
Fager, K. 225
Fahy, H.K. 265
Fahy, J. 265
Farrell, M. 42
Fauci, M.F. 194
Feinbaum, R. 72
Felt, D.R. 119
Felton, G.K. 246
Fiedler, H. 234
Fiedler, Heidelore. 76
Fischer, J.L. 150
Fitzpatrick, G.E. 201, 267
Fleischer, S.J. 225
Flynn, R.P. 20
Fogarty, A.M. 160
Fokken, H. 106
Forney, L. 25
Forney, L.J. 98
Franz, P.R. 86
Frederick, E.K. 71
Frett, J.J. 273
Fries, M.R. 149
Frink, C.R. 151
Gagne, S. 81
Gallaher, R.N. 66, 91
Garcia, C. 251
Garland, G.A. 47
Gasperi, F. 129
Gauthier, J.J. 205
Gaze, R.H. 58
Genevini, P.L. 175
Georges, P. 121
Gerba, C.P. 270
Gerrits, J.P.G. 36
Gershuny, Grace. 233
Gersper, P.L. 27
Ghuman, G.S. 256
Gibbs, R.A. 33
Gies, G. 41
Gigliotti, G. 258
Gillet, J. 95
Giusquiani, P.L. 258
Godden, B. 164
Goldstein, N. 104
Gong, F. 180
Gordon, H. 270
Gouge, D.H. 244
Gouin, F.R. 156
Gould, M. 73
Graetz, D.A. 232
Great Britain. Dept. of the Environment. 154
Grebus, M.E. 15, 181, 186
Green, R.E. 47
Gregorich, E.D. 161
Gregorich, E.G. 21
Grethlein, H.E. 163
Griffths, B.S. 92
Grist, T.A. 47
Guertal, E.A. 20
Guillement, F. 257
Gul, A. 99
Gunnison, D. 119
Guzman, R. 46
Hadas, A. 165, 177
Hage, K.C. 133
Hague, N.G.M. 244
Hajra, J.N. 30
Hammond, J.B.W. 116
Handreck, K.A. 34, 117, 125, 188, 250
Hanlon, E.A. 4, 182
Hanninen, K. 24
Harig, R. 207
Harper, J.K. 225
Harris, R.F. 7, 218
Hassan, F.A. 223
Hassel, C. 134
Hayano, K. 219
Hayes, C.A. 119
He, X.T. 189
Heckman, J.R. 235
Hedley, M.J. 3, 77
Helyer, N.L. 57
Henley, R.W. 107
Henry, G. 6
Henry, J.H. 267
Hernandez, T. 251
Hill, D.E. 136
Hoitink, H.A.J. 15, 181, 186, 217
Houba, V.J.G. 269
Hountin, J.A. 87
Houot, S. 166, 230
Hu, C.J. 33
Huang, A.J.F. 98
Hue, N.V. 140
Hughes, M.S. 184
Hylton, M. 10
Hyotylanen, J. 24
Iannotti, D.A. 186
Iiyama, K. 37, 38
Ikawa, H. 140
Ilin, Z. 102
Ingham, D. 209
Ingham, E.L. 240
Insam, H. 22
Institute of Wastes Management (Great Britain). Scientific and Technical Committee 78
Isfan, D. 87
Islam, N. 30
Jackson, A.M. 208
James, J. 256
Janzen, R.A. 29, 40
Jedidi, N. 206
John, N.M. 43
Johnson, B. 270
Johnson, C.H. 9
Johnson, E. 257
Jones, D.D. 205
Jones, O.R. 183
Jorgensen, K.S. 238
Kaloianova, N. 65, 200
Kaplan, L.A. 137
Karam, A. 87
Kasama, Y. 204
Kautsky, L. 165
Kayhanian, M. 228
Keeling, A.A. 92, 126
Kempf, A. 248
Keren, R. 18
Kluchinski, D. 235
Knuutinen, J. 24
Kochva, M. 259
Koenning, S.R. 147
Kohorst, S.D. 224
Korn Wendisch, F. 248
Kostewicz, S.R. 195, 199, 214
Kostov, O. 65, 200
Kroppenstedt, R.M. 248
Kuo, S. 178
Kuo, W.S. 253
Kutzner, H.J. 248
Laine, M.M. 238
Lairon, D. 121
Lam, T.B.T. 38
Lammers, E. 134
Landschoot, P. 138, 139, 221
Larney, F.J. 229
LeBlanc, D. 222
Leclerc, B. 121
Leege, P. 73
Leenheer, J.A. 23
Levanon, D. 26
Li, D.S. 180
Li, T.S.C. 110
Li, Y.C. 232
Liang, B.C. 21, 161
Liao, P.H. 54, 187
Ligneau, L.A.M. 94
Lindeberg, J.D. 98
Lindstrom, O.M. 249
Line, M.A. 45
Liu, X. 193, 212
Llaguno, E.C. 23
Lo, K.V. 54, 187
Logan, T.J. 189
Logsdon, G. 49, 271
Lopez, R. 59, 247
Losier, M. 222
Lovatt, C.J. 257
Lozano, C. 59
Lulakis, M.D. 85
Lynch, J.M. 100
Lyon, P.F. 150
M'Hiri, A. 206
Macauley, B.J. 37, 38
MacCubbin, T.J. 107
Madden, L.V. 186
Madejon, E. 59
Maher, M.J. 264
Mahimairaja, S. 3, 77, 143
Majazza, A. 248
Malathrakis, N.E. 16
Manios, V. 90
Manna, M.C. 30
Mannion, C.M. 173
Marchand, S. 95
Marchiani, M. 150
Markovic, V. 102
Martin Olmedo, P. 247
May, J.H. 198
Maynard, A.A. 67, 68, 80, 136, 141, 203, 245
Maynard, D.N. 168
McCormick, E.F. 119
McGill, W.B. 29, 40
McGovern, R.J. 211
McMilan, R. Jr. 242
McNitt, A. 139, 221
McQuilken, M.P. 100
McSorley, R. 66, 91, 173
Meckes, M.C. 9
Mellano, V.J. 69
Menge, J.A. 257
Menon, M.P. 256
Michel, F.C. 25
Michel, F.C. Jr. 98
Miikki, V. 24
Mikkelsen, R.L. 147
Miller, J. 270
Millner, P.D. 93
Minassian, V. 257
Mitchell, W.H. 268
Mohler, C.L. 153
Molnar, C.J. 268
Montlahuc, O. 171
Moreno, J.L. 251
Morgan, W.C. 86
Moriguchi, M. 204
Mueller Warrant, G.W. 243
Muizelaar, T. 13
Mullett, J.A.J. 126
Murillo, J.M. 247
Myers, K.F. 119
Myers, M. 92
Naidu, R. 143
Narihara, M. 204
Nelson, E.B. 17, 159
NeSmith, D.S. 249
Newbold, J.D. 137
Nicolardot, B. 164
Niggli, U. 84
Nilsson, Jon. 118
Noble, R. 58
Nordheim, E.V. 218
Nordstedt, R.A. 55
O'Brien, T. 113
O'Brien, T.A. 108, 109, 112
O'Dette, R.G. 237
Obreza, T.A. 105, 169, 211
Ochman, M. 119
Olson, S.M. 64
Ozores Hampton, M. 4, 170, 173, 182, 242
Pagliai, M. 258
Paino, V. 171
Papadaki, A. 90
Parent, L.E. 87
Pascual, J.A. 251
Paton, I.K. 126
Paul, J.W. 145, 226
Pee, K.C. 60, 61, 62
Peillex, J.P. 171
Pellen, P. 269
Penninckx, M. 164
Pennington, J.C. 119
Peot, C. 48
Pera, A. 96
Perrin, P.S. 38
Peters, I. 106
Petsas, S.I. 85
Philippe, Pierre, 1912 227
Pichtel, J.R. 32
Pickering Creek Environmental Center 118
Pill, W.G. 273
Pinamonti, F. 129
Polo, A. 103
Pond, E. 257
Ponzio, C. 266
Portnoy, R. 165, 177
Pratt, Wendy B. 2
Preer, J.R. 158
Rabie, R.K. 185
Rainey, F. 248
Rao, N. 163
Reddy, C.A. 25, 98, 163
Reeder, R.K. 105, 169
Regan, R.W. Sr. 253, 262
Reicks, M. 134
Relf, D. 198
Renner, M. 22
Rhoads, F.M. 64
Rice, E.W. 9
Rich, D. 228
Richardson, P.N. 57
Riggle, D. 231
Ringer, C.H. 93
Rinker, D.L. 11
Ritz, K. 92
Roberts, B.R. 224
Rock, S. 9
Rockwell, F. 146
Roe, N.E. 130
Roley, W.H. Jr. 10
Roman, R. 56
Rouchard, J. 95
Rupert, D.R. 263
Sabrah, R.E.A. 185
Sackl, R. 267
Sajwan, K.S. 256
Sakai, K. 204
Sances, F.V. 240
Sanchez Raya, A.J. 142
Sann, C. 176, 272
Saraceno, R.A. 191
Sawhney, B.L. 135, 151
Scatena, S. 96
Schaffer, B. 4, 97, 162, 173, 182
Scherrer, D. 84
Schlegel, A.J. 79
Schmilewski, G.K. 207
Schnitzer, M. 21, 161
Schramm, J. 134
Seekins, M.D. 111
Segall, L. 157
Seniz, V. 220
Serra Wittling, C. 166, 230
Sherman, R. 275
Shireman, William K. 2
Shkedy, D. 259
Shtienberg, D. 82
Silva, J.A. 140
Silvestri, S. 129
Simmons, S.R. 134
Simpson, T.W. 198
Singh, C.P. 88
Sinha, N.B. 30
Sivapalan, A. 86
Sivasithamparam, K. 5
Smajstrla, A.G. 190
Smillie, Joseph. 233
Smith, S.J. 183
Smith, W.G. 273
Smith, W.H. 12, 55
Sridhar, M.K.C. 43
St J Hardy, G.E. 5
Stackebrandt, E. 248
Standley, L.J. 137
Stanley, C.D. 168, 190
Stark, L.R. 215, 216
Steele, T.W. 184
Steene, F. van de. 95
Steffen, K.L. 225
Stephens, J.M. 199, 214
Steuteville, R. 274
Stevens, S.E. Jr. 215
Stewart, B.A. 183
Stewart, H.E. 254
Stilwell, D.E. 135
Stoffella, P.J. 130, 232
Stone, B.A. 37, 38
Strahl, Stuart D. 118
Streeter, J.G. 217
Stringari, G. 129
Sukesan, S. 14
Sun, H. 229
Sutton, P. 32
Szmidt, R.A.K. 210, 255
Tafani, R. 266
Takac, A. 102
Tambone, F. 175
Tarutis, W.J. Jr 148
Tattini, M. 266
Tavoularis, K. 90
Termeer, W.C. 13, 51
Thirion, A. 95
Thompson, D. 48
Throssell, C.S. 71
Tiedje, J.M. 149
Toth, B.L. 186
Traina, S.J. 189
Tripepi, R.R. 50, 261
Trondle, E. 25
Truhett, C. 74
Tu, H.J. 179
Tuovinen, O.H. 160
Turco, R.F. 71
Turner, M.S. 190
Tuzel, Y. 99
Tyler, H.H. 101
Tyler, R.W. 201
Tzvetkov, Y. 65, 200
Uittenbogaard, J. 269
Unz, R.F. 148
Valdrighi, M.M. 96
Vallejo, A. 56
Vallini, G. 96
Van Horn, M. 44
Vanparys, L. 95
Vavrina, C.S. 211
Vizcarra, A.T. 54, 187
Vogt, G. 150
Volain, N. 123
Voland, R. 218
Voland, R.P. 75
Voroney, R.P. 21, 114
Wakayama, M. 204
Wallace, A. 196
Wallace, G.A. 196
Warman, P.R. 13, 51, 144
Warren, S.L. 101
Wastie, R.L. 254
Watanabe, K. 219
Watson, M.E. 15
Watt, T.A. 94
Watwood, M.E. 14
Wauters, A. 95
Weber, F.J. 133
Wen, G. 114
Wenerick, W.R. 215
Wershaw, R.L. 23
Whipps, J.M. 100
Wilde, B. de. 31
Williams, F.M. 215, 216
Williams, J.R. 79
Willis, W.M. 183
Wilson, L.G. 270
Wood, C.W. 20
Wuest, P.J. 215, 265
Yaussy, D. 224
Yermiyahu, U. 18
Yohalem, D.S. 7, 218
Yotal, Y. 259
Zaccheo, P. 83
Zhang, C.K. 180
Zhang, L. 193, 212
Zhang, X.G. 50, 261
Zhou, J. 149
Zorzi, G. 129

Go to: Author Index | Subject Index | Top of Document
Citation no.: 1, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210, 220, 230

Subject Index

2,4-d- 191
2,4-dichlorophenol- 89
4-chlorophenol- 89
abandoned-land 263
abelmoschus-esculentus 66, 91
above-ground-biomass 171
achillea-millefolium 273
acid-mine-drainage 215
acid-soils 140
acidity- 125
acremonium- 86
acremonium-butyri 86
actinomycetales- 81, 100, 159, 238, 248
activated-sludge 24, 228, 270
additives- 53, 115, 124
adsorption- 14, 95, 143, 253, 262
aeration- 54, 187, 205
aerobes- 205
aerobic-biodrying 228
aerobic-treatment 210, 253
agaricus-bisporus 37, 38, 116
age- 50, 92, 113, 206
ageratum- 107
aggregate-soil-water-content 229
aggregates- 229
agricultural-byproducts 59
agricultural-conservation 233
agricultural-sector 156
agricultural-soils 4, 56, 120, 137, 149, 179, 223
agricultural-wastes 24, 26, 65, 92, 107, 112, 113, 137, 255, 257, 263, 265
agricultural-wastes-environmental-aspects- maryland 118
agronomic-characteristics 220
agronomic-efficiency 247
agrostis-capillaris 250
agrostis-stolonifera 94
agrostis-stolonifera-var 159
air-pollutants 234
air-pollution 234
alberta- 229
aldicarb- 95, 253, 262
alfalfa-hay 257
alfisols- 18
alkaline-soils 259
allium-cepa 69, 126
allium-porrum 172
alluvial-soils 56, 179
almonds- 257
alnus-rubra 178
alternative-farming 252
aluminum-phosphate 117
amendments- 77, 132, 232
amino-acid-sequences 204
ammonia- 163, 219, 257
ammonium- 179
ammonium- bicarbonate 4
ammonium-nitrate 32
ammonium-nitrogen 3, 68, 77, 83, 108, 109, 112, 114, 131, 165, 183, 200, 226
ammonium-sulfate 27, 83, 108, 109
anaerobes- 205
anaerobic-composting 228
anaerobic-conditions 145
anaerobic-digesters 228
anaerobic-digestion 228
anaerobically-digested-wasterwater-sludges 270"
analytical- methods 175
analytical-quality 269
animal-manures 36, 53, 79, 114, 199, 214, 229
antibiotics- 81
appalachian-states-of-usa 216
application-date 64, 68
application-methods 221
application-rates 4, 30, 41, 56, 59, 64, 67, 69, 79, 80, 87, 97, 105, 114, 130, 131, 135, 137, 140, 141, 144, 158, 162, 165, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 183, 185, 188, 190, 194, 195, 201, 217, 219, 247, 256, 259, 261, 263, 264, 265
application- to-land 4, 6, 48, 59, 67, 68, 112, 120, 134, 136, 137, 139, 146, 158, 169, 190, 196, 201, 203, 223, 234, 237, 241, 242, 247, 252, 256, 260, 265, 274
arable-soils 247
arachis-glabrata 130
arboriculture- 10
aromatic-hydrocarbons 149
ash- 127, 192
aspergillus- 180
assays- 186
assessment- 8, 9, 218
atrazine- 163
autoclaving- 100
autumn- 68, 69
availability- 114
available-water 190
avena-fatua 94
avena-sativa 125
azospirillum- 40
azospirillum-brasilense 29, 40
bacillus- 40, 219
bacillus-stearothermophilus 204
bacillus-subtilis 17, 122
background-reflectance 236
bacteria- 100, 159, 238, 254
bacterial- count 159, 238
bacterial-counting 270
bacterial-proteins 150
bacterial-spores 219
bare-soil-reflectance 236
bark- 32, 125, 127, 266
bark-compost 5, 11, 207, 213, 249
barley- 251
barley-straw 58, 145, 251
belgium- 31, 95
benzene- 149
beta-n-acetylhexosaminidase- 204
beta-vulgaris 13, 95
beta-vulgaris-var 95
bioassays- 115, 186
bioavailability- 13, 51, 158, 189, 222, 223
biodegradation- 14, 89, 163, 197, 262
biofiltration- 14
biological-activity-in-soil 21, 83, 89, 96, 161, 165, 166, 179, 194, 212, 230, 238
biological-control 5, 7, 16, 17, 57, 82, 90, 100, 147, 157, 181, 218, 244, 272
biological-control-agents 16, 86, 147, 157, 257
biological-transformation 89
biological-treatment 216, 253
biology- 15
biomass- 50, 171, 200
biomass-production 22, 32, 96, 113, 192, 213, 224, 264
biopesticides- 157
bioremediation- 14, 119, 176, 197, 212, 238, 239, 241
biosolids- 237
biosynthesis- 81, 205
biotransformation- 238
blight- 254
bogs- 207
bone-meal 34, 117
boron- 18, 142
botrytis 19, 126, 236
botrytis-cinerea 16, 82, 100
branches- 200
brassica- 158, 225
brassica-fimbriata 158
brassica-oleracea 126
brassica-oleracea-var 3, 19, 27, 61, 126, 236, 240
brevicoryne-brassicae 19, 236
brewing- industry 159
broilers- 20
brushwood-compost 121
bulk-density 98, 190, 246, 258, 261
businessmen-canada-biography 227
byproducts- 127
cadmium- 135, 158, 171, 223, 247, 258
calcareous-soils 4, 88, 182, 251, 258
calcium- 68, 77, 182, 259
calcium-nitrate 108
calculation- 44, 201
calibration- 201
california- 19, 27, 44, 46, 236, 240, 257
canes-and-rattans 85
capsicum- 68, 99, 168
capsicum-annuum 39, 60, 82, 102, 130, 202
carbaryl- 253, 262
carbofuran- 253, 262
carbohydrate-metabolism 37
carbohydrates- 257
carbon- 21, 23, 52, 119, 161, 164, 165, 166, 177, 200, 258
carbon-cycle 165
carbon-dioxide 165, 200
carbon-mineralization 230
carbon-nitrogen-ratio 44, 50, 152, 171, 187, 206
carica-papaya 97, 162
case-studies 31, 134
caseinase- 219
cation-exchange-capacity 171, 261
cattle-manure 21, 22, 75, 95, 103, 144, 145, 159, 161, 165, 177, 194, 217, 226, 257
cell-culture 33
cell-wall-components 37
cellulose- 206, 208, 257
centaurea-cyanus 273
chaetomium-globosum 86
change- 38
characteristics- 189
characterization- 23, 26, 50
chelating-agents 4
chemical-analysis 29, 223, 269
chemical-composition 4, 13, 23, 36, 37, 38, 45, 51, 82, 137, 145, 175, 178, 251, 255, 257
chemical-control 57, 110
chemical-forms 223
chemical-precipitation 215
chemical-properties 124, 255
chemical-reactions 119
chemical-vs 240
chemotaxonomy- 248
chenopodium-album 94
chernozems- 229
chicken-manure 257
chitin- 178, 204
chloride- 259
chlorinated-hydrocarbons 89
chlorine- 261
chlorobenzene- 149
chloroneb- 71
chlorophyll- 232
chloropicrin- 211
chopping- 58
chromium- 135, 223
cichorium-intybus 96
citrullus-lanatus 169
citrus- 202, 257
citrus-aurantium 232
citrus-reticulata 232
cladosporium- 133
claviceps-purpurea 243
clay- 161
clay-loam-soils 88, 206
clay-soils 21, 138, 179
clones- 261
clubs- 46
coal- 127, 192
coal-mine-spoil 148, 215
coal-mined-land 148, 215, 216
cobalt- 223
cocomposting- 59
coffee- 132
coliform-bacteria 9
collection- 243
community-ecology 29
comparisons- 3, 4, 34, 38, 56, 88, 96, 106, 124, 163, 187, 188, 200, 229, 268
compost- 78, 227, 233
compost-age 50, 92
compost-bacteria 122
compost-biofilters 133
compost-congresses 76
compost-economic-aspects-united-states 2
compost-growing-media 13
compost-maryland 118
compost-maturity 22, 50, 52, 108, 109, 112, 113, 124, 175
compost-microflora 29
compost-plants-great-britain 154
compost-quality 9, 98, 113, 124, 243
compost-residue-mixtures 59
compost-united-states-marketing 2
composted-sludge 33
composting- 8, 10, 12, 22, 24, 25, 31, 36, 37, 38, 42, 44, 45, 46, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 58, 59, 65, 70, 73, 77, 98, 113, 119, 146, 150, 155, 157, 163, 186, 187, 192, 199, 200, 209, 210, 228, 243, 274
composts- 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 149, 151, 152, 153, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 181, 182, 183, 184, 187, 188, 190, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 209, 211, 212, 213, 214, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 223, 224, 226, 228, 229, 231, 232, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 250, 251, 252, 254, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 266, 267, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274
concentration- 98, 258
conidia- 7, 100, 218
connecticut- 68, 141, 151, 203, 245
constructed-wetlands 216
container-grown-plants 5, 11, 101, 102, 127, 135, 202, 213, 266, 267
containers- 249, 267
contaminants- 14, 197, 251
contamination- 134, 212, 239
conventional-versus-sustainabable-farming 179
conversion- 27
copper- 24, 135, 158, 171, 223, 247, 250, 256
copper-sulfate 250
cornus-alba 11, 213
correlation- 13, 34, 250, 251
costs- 79, 225
cotoneaster-dammeri 11, 213
cotton-gin-trash 60, 61, 62, 74
cotton-waste 74
cover-crops 19, 147, 199, 236
crab- waste 204
criconemella- 66
crop-establishment 66, 105
crop-growth-stage 84, 103, 124
crop-management 114
crop-mixtures 19
crop-production 30, 58, 112, 114, 127, 130, 136, 168, 245, 257
crop-quality 35, 59, 97, 112
crop-residues 95, 172, 194, 229, 235, 240, 243, 266
crop-yield 3, 19, 27, 30, 35, 41, 58, 59, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 79, 84, 87, 91, 97, 111, 114, 115, 129, 130, 136, 141, 142, 144, 162, 168, 169, 170, 182, 185, 192, 195, 211, 214, 225, 240, 247, 265
crops- 121
crude-fiber 180
crude-protein 180
cucumis-sativus 65, 214
cucurbita-maxima 4, 173, 182
cucurbita-moschata 153
cucurbita-pepo 64, 66, 91, 130, 158
cultivars- 224, 254
cultural-control 19, 39, 66, 75, 91, 112, 147, 173, 240, 242
cultural-disease-control 240
cultural-methods 93
cultural- weed-control 93, 153
culture-media 33
dactylis-glomerata 32
dairy-wastes 266
damping-off 75
daucus-carota 273
dazomet- 110
decomposition- 68, 145, 164, 165, 177, 230
degradation- 24, 71
degradation-products 119
delaware- 273
demonstration-gardens 72
dendranthema- 106
denitrification- 40
denitrifying-microorganisms 149
depth- 94, 97, 162
descriptions- 248
desert-soils 185
detection- 33, 122
determination- 4, 9, 34, 77, 106, 218
deuteromycotina- 5
diameter- 200, 261
dicamba- 160, 191
diethylenetriaminepentaacetic-acid 4
dioxins-congresses 76
disease-incidence 75
disease-prevalence 211
disease-resistance 75, 254
disease-severity 75
dispersal- 244
dissolved-organic-carbon 23
distribution- 98, 190
domestic-gardens 31
dormancy- 105
drainage- 56, 216
drainage-water 148
drug-resistance 81
dry-matter 86, 264
dry-matter-accumulation 11, 84, 88, 112, 131, 140, 168, 171, 178, 185, 194, 200, 217, 224, 235, 247, 256, 267
duration- 223
echinacea-purpurea 273
ecology- 52
economic-analysis 79, 225
educational-courses 134
educational-methods 72
efficacy- 57, 66, 90, 100, 173, 218, 229, 244
efficiency- 247
effluents- 101, 223
eisenia-fetida 275
electrical-conductivity 50, 108, 109, 112, 192, 259, 261, 264
emission- 234
endomycopsis-fibuliger 180
england- 72
enrichment- 14
enterobacter-aerogenes 110
enterobacter-cloacae 17
entomophilic-nematodes 57, 244, 272
enumeration- 159, 270
environmental-control 38
environmental-education 134
environmental-impact 137, 203, 260, 265
environmental-protection-agency 104
enzyme-activity 103, 116, 133, 165, 166, 197, 204, 208, 219, 230, 258
enzymes- 205
eroded-soils 229
erodibility- 229
erosion-control 229
erysiphales- 16
establishment- 273
ethylbenzene- 149
eucalyptus- 5, 69
eucalyptus-calophylla 5
european-communities 52
evaluation- 113, 139, 263, 269
exoenzymes- 205
experimental-plots 162
explosives- 119
extractable-manganese 125
extractants- 4, 34, 106, 117
extraction- 4, 34, 106, 117, 125, 222, 223
extracts- 7, 40, 82, 100, 161, 208, 218
farmers-channel-islands-biography 227
farming-systems 179
farmyard-manure 84, 164, 172, 206
fatty-acid-esters 29
fatty-acid-methyl-esters 29
fatty-acids 98
feasibility- 52, 79
fecal-coliforms 9
feedlot-wastes 183
fermentation- 180
fertilizers- 87, 103, 136, 170, 179, 183, 195, 217, 220, 229
festuca-arundinacea 32, 69, 224, 243
festuca- longifolia 224
festuca-rubra 224
fiber- 45
fiber-content 180
fiber-quality 59
field-capacity 185
field-experimentation 41
filamentous-fungi 100
filter-cake 232
filters- 14, 28
filtration- 100
fish- 54, 111, 204
fish-composts 54
fish-scrap 87, 178
florida- 6, 12, 55, 66, 91, 105, 107, 130, 162, 168, 169, 182, 190, 199, 202, 211, 214, 242
flow-cytometry 122
flowering- 113
flowers- 86
fly-ash 32, 256
fodder- 180, 208
foliar-diagnosis 162
food-processing 52
food-wastes 52, 73, 96, 159, 204, 275
forecasting- 272
forest-litter 240, 266
forsythia-intermedia 11
fractionation- 37, 223
fragaria-ananassa 240
france- 121
frankliniella-occidentalis 57
french-polynesia 171
frequency- 22, 98
fruiting- 97
fruits- 86, 97, 162, 214
fuchsia- 188
fulvic-acids 85, 266
fungal-antagonists 5, 17, 81, 159, 254
fungal-diseases 5, 17, 159, 211, 218, 272
fungal-propagules 243
fungi- 100, 159
fungicide-residues 71
fungus-control 82, 90, 159, 272
fusarium-oxysporum-f 90, 211
galium-aparine 94
gamma-radiation 114
gardening- 72
gardens- 72
gas-production 210
genbank 149
genetic-engineering 122
genetic-resistance 254
genetically-engineered-microorganisms 122
germany- 70, 234, 248
germination- 100
girth- 267
gliocladium-roseum 86
gliocladium-virens 257
gloeotinia-temulenta 243
glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase 116
glycine-max 41, 235
goats- 53
golf-courses 174, 274
gossypium- 147
gossypium-hirsutum 59
grain- 84, 87, 265
grain-yield 251
gram-negative-bacteria 149, 150
gramineae- 112
granules- 1
grass-clippings 51, 71, 98, 172, 184, 191, 198, 224, 257
grasses- 113, 160
grassland-management 32
green-composts 96
green-industries 156
green-manures 95, 147, 172, 199
greenhouse-crops 16
greenhouse-culture 65
greenhouses- 35
grinders- 209
groundwater- 80, 137, 151, 203
groundwater-pollution 151, 203, 260
grow-rich-waste-recycling-systems 227
growing-media 5, 11, 13, 20, 34, 51, 65, 86, 99, 107, 108, 109, 113, 117, 126, 127, 131, 132, 152, 155, 181, 188, 198, 200, 207, 210, 213, 232, 249, 266, 267, 268
growth- 19, 38, 41, 50, 51, 61, 69, 85, 87, 90, 92, 107, 116, 130, 131, 132, 140, 160, 162, 169, 170, 171, 185, 193, 205, 212, 256, 257, 261, 268
growth-rate 84, 86, 105, 267
gypsum- 140, 259
hakea- 34, 117, 188
hakea-leucoptera 117
half-life 95
hardwoods- 23
harvesting-date 173
hay- 257
health-hazards 134
heavy-metals 4, 8, 13, 36, 45, 51, 69, 134, 135, 158, 162, 171, 196, 222, 223, 224, 247, 250, 251
helianthus-annuus 142
helotiales- 243
hematite- 148
herbicide-residues 212
heterorhabditis- 57, 244
heterorhabditis-megidis 57
hexokinase- 116
high-density-planting 105
history- 165
hmx- 119
home-composts 184
hordeum-vulgare 87, 94, 103, 192, 251
horse-manure 51
horticultural-crops 242, 250
horticulture- 207
household-composts 94
hplc- 24
hulls- 257
humates- 96
humic-acids 24, 85, 175, 266
humification- 24, 89, 98, 175
humification-index 175
humus- 96
husks- 200
hydraulic-conductivity 246
hydrolases- 208
hydroxyapatite- 29
hyper-rock-phosphate 88
hyperparasitic-fungi 16
hyperparasitism- 16
hyphae- 90, 116
iaa- 81
identification- 150
imidacloprid- 95
immobilization- 89, 142, 188, 206, 226
in-vitro-digestibility 180
inceptisols- 68, 171
incidence- 75
incorporation- 91, 112, 144, 240, 261
incubation-duration 100
indexes- 98, 175
indexes-of-nutrient-availability 188
industrial-applications 28
industrial-byproducts 127
industrial-wastes 273
infestation- 19, 75
inhibition- 7, 90, 100, 109, 218, 235
inoculation-methods 157
inoculum- 238
inorganic-versus-organic-fertilizers 179
insect-control 19, 244
insect-pests 244
insecticide-residues 253
insecticides- 95
integrated-control 16
interactions- 196
intercropping- 19, 236
interspecific-competition 19
ion-uptake 13, 158
iowa- 75
iron- 142, 148, 215, 223
iron-oxides 148
iron-phosphates 117
irrigated-soils 4
irrigated-stands 79, 168
irrigation- 169
irrigation-rates 4
irrigation-scheduling 168
irrigation-water 56
isolation- 5, 150
isotope-labeling 83, 119
kansas- 79
kentucky- 246
kitchen-waste 31
korea-republic 73
kraft-mill-effluent 197
laboratories- 269
laboratory-evaluating-exchange-programs 269
laboratory-evaluating-programs 269
laboratory-methods 269
lactuca- indica 114
lactuca-sativa 20, 69, 126, 158
land-improvement 139, 146
landfill-diversion 31
landscaping- 271
lawns-and-turf 17, 71, 138, 139, 167, 202, 221, 260, 272
layout- 123
leachates- 23, 51, 94
leaching- 3, 8, 56, 80, 101, 121, 131, 132, 135, 151, 152, 172, 210, 222, 264
lead- 135, 158, 171, 182, 189, 223, 247, 258
leaf-area 19, 86
leaf-composts 235
leaves- 19, 23, 68, 98, 110, 112, 113, 136, 182, 184, 198, 200, 213, 232, 235, 257
legionella- 184
legionella-pneumophila 184
legislation- 36
legumes- 27, 172, 194
leguminosae- 75
length- 200
lepidium-sativum 115, 126
leucanthemum-vulgare 273
light- 94
light- intensity 236
lignin- 37, 38, 206, 208
lignocellulose- 208
lignocellulosic-wastes 163
lilium- 120
lime- 32, 140
liquid-fertilizers 132
literature-reviews 16, 151
litter- 75
litter-plant 8, 9, 31, 46, 69, 92, 98, 120, 140, 143, 235, 274
live-mulches 19, 130, 153
loading-rate 4
loam-soils 21, 166, 230
lolium- 247, 264
lolium-multiflorum 243
lolium-perenne 83, 88, 92, 108, 109, 126, 217, 224, 243
lolium-rigidum 115, 124, 143
long-term-experiments 68, 194
losses-from-soil 56, 121, 172
lotus-corniculatus 19, 32
louisiana- 60, 61, 62
low-input-agriculture 93, 240
lycopersicon- 168, 202, 264
lycopersicon-esculentum 4, 35, 50, 62, 64, 67, 81, 82, 85, 86, 102, 125, 126, 141, 169, 173, 182, 191, 192, 200, 202, 211, 220, 225
macronutrients- 38, 51, 127, 144
magnesium- 68, 144, 182, 256, 259, 264
maine- 111
maize- stover 265
malus- 218
malus-pumila 7, 129
manganese- 125, 148, 182, 215, 223
manganese-dioxide 148
manganese-oxides 148
mangifera-indica 257
mannitol- 116
mannitol-dehydrogenase 116
manufacture- 155
manure-compost 121
manures- 13, 18, 269
marketing- 128
marketing-techniques 74
markets- 156, 252
mathematical-models 18
maturation- 186
maturity- 15, 22, 115, 142
mean-days-to-emergence 232
measurement- 205
mecoprop- 191
meloidogyne-incognita 66
metabolism- 133
metal-ions 158
metals- 151, 192
metam- 211
metarhizium-anisopliae 57
methane- 14
methodology- 38, 44, 222
methyl-bromide 211
metro-mix-300 249
microbial-activities 14, 52, 165, 188, 200, 212
microbial-contamination 9, 270
microbial-degradation 37, 119, 133, 149, 160, 238, 253
microbial-ecology 52
microbial-flora 22, 29, 44, 86, 200
microbial-transformation 119
microbiology- 92
microenvironments- 205
microorganisms- 262
mine-spoil 32
mine-water-treatment 216
mined-land 32, 246, 263
mineral-additives 115
mineral-content 82, 111, 117, 129, 182, 256, 266
mineral-deficiencies 140, 188
mineral-nutrition 142, 162
mineral-uptake 125, 129, 142, 256
mineralization- 21, 52, 83, 84, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 172, 177, 194, 206, 226, 230, 238, 247
minerals- 23
mixing- 98
mixtures- 13, 18, 51, 59, 77, 87, 88, 98, 102, 106, 182, 188, 192, 200, 212, 213, 228, 231, 232, 264
moisture-content 50, 53, 98
molecular-sequence-data 149, 204
mollisols- 171
monoculture- 236
morphology- 248
mortality- 244
most-probable-number 270
movement-in- soil 3
mulches- 10, 55, 63, 112, 199, 209, 240, 257, 261, 263
mulching- 91, 129, 153, 172
municipal-refuse-disposal 167, 170, 273
municipal-solid-waste-compost 67
municipal-solid-waste-composts 126
municipal-solid-wastes 205, 260
municipal-waste-compost 147
mushroom-compost 7, 11, 26, 35, 36, 37, 38, 58, 64, 116, 137, 148, 180, 197, 208, 210, 215, 216, 225, 240, 245, 248, 253, 255, 257, 262, 263, 264, 265
mushrooms- 58, 264
mussoorie-rock-phosphate 88
mycelium- 116
mycoherbicides- 272
myzus-persicae 236
nematode-control 66, 91, 147, 173, 272
neoaplectana-feltiae 57
netherlands- 36, 269
new-genus 248
new-species 248
new-york 174, 260
newspapers- 163
nickel- 135, 158, 223, 247
nigeria- 43
nitrate- 3, 56, 131, 203
nitrate-nitrogen 3, 19, 59, 67, 68, 77, 80, 83, 108, 109, 131, 151, 165, 183, 200, 264
nitrates- 132, 152
nitrification- 142, 179
nitrifying-bacteria 179
nitrite- 179
nitrogen- 3, 52, 83, 84, 92, 114, 121, 142, 144, 161, 164, 165, 172, 177, 178, 179, 183, 188, 194, 195, 206, 217, 226, 235, 247
nitrogen-content 19, 59, 64, 67, 77, 84, 112, 131, 171, 172, 177, 203, 206, 257, 265, 266
nitrogen-cycle 161, 165, 194
nitrogen-drawdown-indexes 188
nitrogen-fertilizers 56, 64, 79, 105, 147, 168, 194, 236
nitrogen-fixation 29, 40, 235
nitrogen-metabolism 92
no-tillage- 183
nodulation- 235
nonpoint-source-pollution-maryland-prevention 118
north-carolina 101, 147
npk-fertilizers 64, 84, 101, 111, 112, 121, 169
nuclear-magnetic-resonance-spectroscopy 23
nucleotide-sequences 149
nurseries- 49, 155, 198
nutrient-availability 34, 64, 67, 84, 88, 92, 98, 106, 117, 125, 129, 140, 142, 144, 164, 165, 169, 172, 178, 188, 194, 217, 226, 250
nutrient-content 4, 32, 34, 44, 64, 69, 87, 88, 98, 117, 129, 140, 144, 178, 182, 188, 192, 217, 232, 250, 255, 266
nutrient-deficiencies 235
nutrient-management 165
nutrient-sources 34, 84, 88, 121, 179, 194, 203, 217
nutrient-uptake 3, 20, 29, 34, 40, 84, 88, 101, 117, 121, 129, 142, 143, 144, 172, 178, 185, 188, 194, 213, 217, 226, 247, 256
nutrients- 8, 165, 168, 213, 217
nutrition-education 134
ohio- 32, 271
olea-europaea 266
olive-cake 142
on-farm-processing 42
ontario- 41, 114
optimization- 64
orange-peel 257
orchard-soils 42, 129
orchards- 42, 257
oregon- 42
organic-acids 23, 143
organic-additives 115
organic-amendments 83, 110, 130, 175, 199, 206, 235
organic-coatings 23
organic-compounds 23, 161, 230
organic-culture 72
organic-farming 27, 42, 123
organic-fertilizers 1, 19, 59, 121, 174, 175, 199, 214, 247, 263, 264, 272
organic-foods 123
organic-matter 63, 98, 115, 189, 199, 230, 246
organic-nitrogen-compounds 119
organic-versus-inorganic-fertilizers 84, 87, 121
organic-versus-inorganic-nitrogen-sources 194
organic-wastes 25, 78, 267
organochlorine-compounds 234
ornamental-plants 202
oxidation- 24, 179, 215
oxides- 24
oxidoreductases- 116, 133, 165
oxisols- 171
oxygen- 98
oxygen-consumption 133, 150
oxygenases- 133
paddy-soils 219
paecilomyces- 147
panax-quinquefolius 110
paper-mill-sludge 32, 50, 213, 261
parasites- 16
paratrichodorus-minor 66
particle-size 98, 190
peanut-husks 257
peat- 11, 35, 60, 61, 62, 87, 102, 105, 106, 107, 125, 127, 188, 200, 207, 220, 232, 249, 264
peat-soils 207
pelleting- 43
pennisetum-americanum 64
pennisetum-purpureum 53
pennsylvania- 265
pentachlorophenol- 238
percolation- 56
performance-testing 260
perlite- 60, 61, 62, 220
persistence- 95
pesticide-residues 89, 262
pesticide-rinsates 262
pesticides- 8, 57, 193, 240
petioles- 59
petroleum- 239
petunia- 114
ph- 20, 50, 53, 77, 98, 109, 125, 131, 135, 160, 192, 215
phanerochaete-chrysosporium 29, 197
phaseolus-vulgaris 64, 114, 158, 170, 195, 225
phenol- 54
phenolic-compounds 24, 145
phenols- 68
phenotypes- 248
Philippe,-Pierre,-1912-- 227
phosphate-solubilization 81
phosphates- 34, 36, 81
phosphocomposts- 3
phospholipids- 29
phosphorus- 3, 29, 34, 40, 64, 68, 77, 88, 106, 117, 129, 140, 142, 143, 144, 178, 183, 188, 217, 264, 266
phosphorus-fertilizers 30, 34, 143
phosphorus-nitrogen-ratios 188
phosphorus-solubilization 29, 40
phosphorus-sorption-capacity 140
phototaxis- 236
phylogeny- 248
physicochemical-properties 15, 210
phytophthora- 39
phytophthora-drechsleri 5
phytophthora-infestans 254
phytotoxicity- 13, 51, 54, 68, 108, 109, 115, 126, 191, 196, 250, 257
picea-sitchensis 125
pig-manure 179
pig-slurry 95
pine-bark 11, 34, 117, 125, 188, 249, 250
pinus-radiata 45, 125
plant-analysis 35, 269
plant-composition 59, 64, 87, 88, 171, 217, 225, 232
plant-disease-control 16, 39, 75, 93, 100, 110, 174, 181, 211, 218, 242
plant-diseases 15, 242, 272
plant-extracts 16
plant-height 50, 86, 87, 105, 162, 182, 232, 261, 267
plant-nutrition 88, 142, 188, 232
plant-parasitic- nematodes 66, 91, 147, 173
plant-pathogenic-fungi 16, 81, 82, 90, 93, 100, 240
plant-pathogens 242
plant-residues 83, 150
plant-tissues 69
planting-date 173
planting-stock 49
plants- 111
plastic-film 172
plate-count 219
poa-annua 94, 243
poa-pratensis 224
pollutants- 8, 189
pollutants-congresses 76
polluted-soils 89, 119, 134, 149, 197, 212, 238, 239
pollution-control 47
polychlorinated-dibenzo-p-dioxins 234
polychlorinated-dibenzofurans 234
polyethylene- 130
polyethylene-film 211
polysaccharides- 37, 38
population-density 66, 86, 91, 173, 179
population-dynamics 96
populations- 96, 179, 236
populus- 50
populus-deltoides 261
pore-size-distribution 185
porosity- 129, 258, 261
pot-culture 20, 155
pot-plants 20
potassium- 64, 68, 129, 144, 217, 256, 264, 266
potassium-fertilizers 32
potassium-nitrate 206
poultry-manure 1, 3, 20, 27, 43, 58, 77, 101, 142, 143, 147, 159, 169, 194, 239, 245, 257
pratylenchus- 66
precocity- 97
preplanting- treatment 211, 240
pretreatment- 163
private-organizations 46
processing- 132
product-development 157, 231
profiles- 259
programming- 201
programs- 104, 269
propane- 14
protein-content 180
proteinases- 165, 219
proteolysis- 219
pruning- 15
pruning-trash 15, 198, 200
prunus-persica 266
pseudomonas- 17, 160
pseudomonas-fluorescens 257
pseudomonas-paucimobilis 160
pseudotsuga-menziesii 178
public-agencies 104
public-opinion 31
pulp-and-paper-industry 24
pulp-and-paper-mill-primary-solid-wastes 205
pulp-mill-effluent 197
pulp-mill-sludge 24
pupae- 57
purification- 204
pythium- 15
pythium-graminicola 159
quality- 9, 25, 31, 70, 124, 187, 243, 247, 269
quality-controls 269
quantitative-analysis 175
quebec- 144
racehorses- 51
radicis-lycopersici 211
radionuclides- 119
raised-beds 130, 172
raised-bogs 207
raphanus-sativus 75
ratios- 45, 98, 188
raw-versus-composted-paper-mill-sludge 261
rdx- 119
reclamation- 32, 47, 48, 146, 246, 263
recovery- 3, 165
recycling- 26, 209, 210
recycling-waste,-etc 78
redox-potential 215
reduction- 40, 148, 215
reflectance- 236
refuse- 4, 12, 31, 67, 92, 97, 105, 112, 113, 126, 130, 132, 134, 141, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 182, 190, 228, 247, 248, 260
refuse-compost 20, 80, 129, 130, 150, 162, 182, 184, 185, 186, 189, 191, 222, 228, 230, 234, 257, 266, 275
regionalization- 70
regulations- 44, 104, 196, 237
release- 148, 217
replant-disease 110
research-projects 43, 202
residential-areas 46
residual-effects 3, 64, 67
residues- 59, 132
resistance-to-penetration 185
respiration- 22, 200
restriction-fragment-length-polymorphism 150
retention- 168
returns- 79
rhizobium- 235
rhizoctonia- 15
rhizoctonia-solani 75, 90
rhizosphere- 81, 143, 193
rhododendron- 101, 131, 135, 207
ribosomal-dna 150
ribosomal-rna 149
rice-husks 125, 257
rice-straw 30, 219
risk- 8
roadsides- 6
rock-phosphate 3, 34, 77, 88, 117
rockwool- 35
root-pruning 267
root-rots 39, 159
root-shoot-ratio 232
rooting-depth 162
roots- 85, 162, 182, 185, 188, 213, 232
rootstocks- 232
rosa- 127
rotations- 121, 173
rudbeckia- 131
rudbeckia-hirta 132, 273
runoff- 28, 183
rye-straw 238
saccharifera 95
saline-soils 259
salinity- 108
salix- 110
salmon- 187
salmonella- 33, 270
salts-in-soil 69
salvage-waste,-etc 154
samples- 218
sand- 11, 34, 117, 249
sandy-soils 21, 87, 168, 185, 190, 195, 261
saprophytes- 16
saudi-arabia 185
sawdust- 125, 178, 188
school-recycling-programs-great-britain 154
sciaridae- 244
seasonal-variation 67, 172, 190, 219
secale-cereale 147
sediment- 269
seed-germination 50, 51, 94, 98, 108, 109, 113, 115, 126, 192, 232, 268
seed-mixtures 268
seedbeds- 273
seedling-culture 102
seedling-emergence 75, 94, 110, 232, 273
seedling-growth 45, 108, 109, 126, 188, 200, 232, 264
seedlings- 7, 51, 85, 99, 162, 200, 220, 232
seeds- 200, 243
semiarid-soils 103
sequential-cropping 169
sewage-products 49, 110, 211
sewage-sludge 4, 13, 24, 32, 33, 34, 39, 45, 48, 49, 51, 69, 103, 104, 112, 114, 117, 120, 128, 130, 131, 132, 150, 151, 152, 158, 159, 182, 196, 217, 223, 224, 228, 234, 237, 251, 257, 266, 267, 270
shading- 107
shoots- 11, 34, 45, 85, 140, 188, 213, 232
shrimps- 87, 204
siderophores- 81
silene-armeria 273
silty-soils 164
simulation- 148
simulation-models 177
size- 162, 218
slow-release-fertilizers 56, 101
sludges- 159, 178, 269
slurries- 84
social- participation 31
sod-production 112, 113
sodium- 259
sodium-humate 85
soil- 13, 64, 69, 71, 127, 160, 172, 212, 231, 246
soil-aggregation 229
soil-air 261
soil-amendments 63, 80, 97, 105, 138, 214, 231, 273
soil-analysis 111, 223, 269
soil-bacteria 29, 40, 81, 93, 149, 179, 193, 219
soil-based-composts 57
soil-chemistry 130
soil-conservation 233
soil-decontamination 119
soil-depth 144, 183, 223, 259
soil-enzymes 103, 165, 166, 230, 258
soil-fertility 41, 64, 105, 121, 129, 141, 142, 144, 178, 192, 259, 260
soil-flora 21, 81, 83, 89, 96, 165, 166, 212, 230
soil- formation 23
soil-fungi 29, 81, 193
soil-inoculation 17, 238
soil-management 165, 221, 233
soil-management-history 165
soil-organic-carbon-pools 21
soil-organic-matter 18, 21, 67, 68, 69, 89, 95, 129, 164, 165, 171, 194, 225, 229, 259
soil-ph 18, 32, 67, 68, 69, 105, 158, 169, 171, 259
soil-phosphorus-fractions 88
soil-physical-properties 127
soil-physics 233
soil-pollution 176, 193, 234, 241
soil-properties 136
soil-solarization 211
soil-solution 56
soil- sterilization 110
soil-structure 259
soil-temperature 130, 145, 211, 226
soil-testing 4
soil-texture 138, 161
soil-types-textural 161
soil-water 84, 129, 137, 185, 254
soil-water-content 144, 145, 169, 229
soil-water-retention 166, 168, 169, 190, 246, 258
soilless-culture 34, 35, 232, 250
solanum-melongena 99
solanum-tuberosum 254
solid-wastes 24, 97, 105, 132, 152, 167, 205, 214, 246, 267
solubility- 21, 77, 88, 161, 261
solubilization- 143
sorghum-bicolor 79
sorption- 18, 246
sorption-isotherms 18, 140
sources- 4, 96, 112, 113
south-australia 184
sowing- 220
sowing-date 109
spain- 56, 247
species-diversity 112
specific-respiration 200
spectral-data 236
spent-mushroom-compost 64, 253
spent-mushroom-substrate 180, 225, 262
sphaerotheca-fuliginea 16
spinacia-oleracea 158
spodosols- 68
spore-germination 7, 218
sporulation- 7
spring- 68, 69
stability- 52, 92, 98, 108, 109, 124, 126, 175, 186, 206, 229
stable-isotopes 83
stand-characteristics 170
stand-establishment 69, 112, 113
static-pile-composting 187
steam- 163
steinernema- 57, 244
steinernema-carpocapsae 57
stellaria-media 94
stems- 162, 200, 261
stenotaphrum-secundatum 130
storage- 151
storms- 28
strains- 244
straw- 75, 87
straw-yield 251
streptomyces- 5
structure- 38
stubble-mulching 183
substrates- 35, 163, 210, 216, 257
subsurface-irrigation 168
sudangrass-hay 257
sugarbeet- 59
sugarcane-bagasse 142, 232
sulfate- 40, 148
sulfate-reducing-bacteria 40
sulfocomposts- 3
sulfur- 3, 77
supermarkets- 25
superphosphate- 32, 88, 188
suppression- 15, 69, 242
suppressive-composts 159
suppressive-soils 39, 75, 174
surface-layers 23, 112
surface-treatment 144, 261
surface-water 265
surveys- 198
survival- 243
susceptibility- 244
sustainability- 147, 179, 245
sweden- 172
swietenia-mahagoni 267
switzerland- 84
synthetic-fertilizers 19, 236
telopea-speciosissima 5
temperature- 53, 58, 98, 160, 192, 243, 244
temporal-variation 188
tending- 63
tennessee- 9
testing- 106
texas- 120, 183
thatch- 71
theme-parks 271
thermophilic-actinomycetes 248
thermophilic-bacteria 150
thermus-thermophilus 150
thiofanox- 95
thuja- 131
time-domain-reflectometry 249
timing- 41, 69, 144
toluene- 133, 149
top-dressings 84, 101
topsoil- 32
total-phosphorus-versus-phosphate- phosphorus-content 34
trace- element-deficiencies 142
trace-elements 51, 127, 189
transformation- 89, 179
transgenic-plants 272
transplanting- 60, 61, 62, 220
trees- 63
trenching- 97, 162
triadimefon- 71
trichloroethylene- 14
trichoderma-hamatum 86
trichoderma-harzianum 29, 257
trickle-irrigation 168
trifolium-fragiferum 19
trifolium-hybridum 32
trifolium-pratense 19
trifolium-repens 19, 32, 153
triple- superphosphate 140
triticum-aestivum 84, 185, 192
tropical-soils 140, 171, 179
tsuga-heterophylla 178
tubers- 254
tuff-soils 35
turkey- 35, 99, 220
turning- 22, 243
ultisols- 140
undecomposed-versus-composted-leaves 68
uptake- 171, 247, 251
urban-areas 146
urban-compost 121
urea- 3, 56, 75
usa- 189, 196, 237
usage- 151
use-efficiency 3, 147
uses- 12, 26, 49, 156
utilization- 44, 70, 202
vaccinium- 105
value-added 1
variation- 255
varietal-susceptibility 254
varieties- 158
vector-borne-diseases 93
vegetable-growing 199, 203
vegetables- 96, 134, 136, 245
venturia-inaequalis 7, 218
vermicomposting- 275
vermiculture- 230
verticillium- lecanii 57
viability- 122, 243
vigna-radiata 30
vigna-unguiculata 91
vigor- 129
vinasse- 59
vinclozolin- 71
vineyard-soils 129
viola- 188
virginia- 198
vitis- 200
vitis-vinifera 82, 85, 129
volatile-compounds 90, 98
volatile-fatty-acids 54
waste-disposal 31, 36
waste-gases 133
waste-paper 31
waste-treatment 133, 176, 192, 197, 228
waste-utilization 1, 10, 12, 25, 26, 28, 31, 36, 45, 47, 50, 52, 55, 65, 72, 73, 74, 80, 93, 97, 104, 127, 137, 167, 180, 186, 187, 189, 209, 210, 214, 216, 223, 255, 260, 263, 264, 265, 267, 271, 273, 274, 275
waste-water 176, 253
waste-water-treatment 148, 216, 253, 262
waste-wood 45, 163, 209
wastes- 4, 6, 44, 48, 55, 98, 131, 212
water-content 19, 249
water-holding-capacity 53, 261
water-pollution 8, 56, 183
water-quality 80, 137, 265
water-use-efficiency 185
wavelengths- 236
weed-control 94, 112
weeds- 243
weigela- 213
weigela-florida 11
weight- 86, 188, 232
wetland-soils 48, 148
wetlands- 48, 148, 216
wheat-straw 58, 84, 88, 89, 100, 115, 124, 208, 225, 238
wild-flowers 112, 113, 268, 273
windrow-composting 243
windrowing- 274
windrows- 98, 243
winter-wheat 84
wood-ash 132
wood-chips 112, 130, 132, 257
wood-compost 257
wood-waste-as-mulch,-soil-conditioner,-etc- economic- aspects-united-states 2
wood-waste-as-mulch,-soil-conditioner,-etc- marketing 2
woodland-soils 137
woody-plants 202
xerosols- 165
xylan- 208
yard-trimmings 48
yard-trimmings-composts 212
yard-waste-compost 191
yard-wastes 46
yards- 4, 6, 8, 9, 15, 48, 55, 98, 131, 140, 212
yeasts- 100, 180
yield- components 67, 68, 87
yields- 20, 32, 75, 87, 124, 251
zea-mays 3, 41, 56, 64, 91, 111, 144, 158, 171, 178, 193, 194, 212, 225, 226, 256, 265
zeolites- 102
zinc- 135, 142, 158, 171, 182, 223, 250, 258
zinc-sulfate 250
zygorrhynchus-moelleri 86

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