Note: SERC Quarterly Newsletter is undergoing a redesign Look for our new on-line version at the end of 2008.

Back Issues:
Summer 2007
(download in pdf):

Mercury Hot Spots?
What goes into the marshes may come out more toxic (go to article on the web>>)

Field Notes:
•Mitten Crab Invasion:
Following a pattern.

•A New Tool for the Watershed:
rethinking how sedimentation predictions are made

•Diggin' Around SERC: on site
archaeology on site (>>)
Plus Current News from Education, Internships and Fellowships, grants and awards, new publications and more.

Previous Issues:

Spring 2007 (pdf)

Mangroves in the Margin

Only time and careful science will reveal the human impacts on the wetlands of the tropics >>

>> Sink or Source: how will soil respond to rising carbon dioxide?
>> Sun Bleaching in the Marshes
>>Traveling Cities and Other Concerns

Winter 2006/2007 (pdf)

Small World Big Impact

In his quest to understand how the tiniest organisms work, protistan ecologist Wayne Coats is laying the foundation for controlling harmful algal blooms.>>

>> Forest Monitoring Network
>> Jellyfish may influence young oyster survival
--Beyond An Inconvenient Truth, can plants help us slow global warming? Bert Drake takes his message on the road.

Fall 2006 (pdf)

Alaskan Frontier

Deputy Director Dennis Whigham leads a Watershed survey to help conserve Alaskan Salmon. >>

>> Chinese Mitten Crab New to Bay Waters.
>> Attenuating Circumstances: an international study of aerosols and UV.
>> Small Bites Add Up: the impacts of herbivores on forests.

Summer 2006 (pdf)

On the CO2 trail:Twenty years of exploring the impact of increasing Carbon Dioxide on plants.>>
Going Underground: New work at the CO2 field site investigating the role of underground processes in carbon cycling. >>

>> Scaling up the Clue Crab Enhancement Project
>> Oyster reef research underway
>> Primatologist takes a lesson from forest ecology

Spring 2006 (pdf)

Form and Function:
Forest Ecologyist, Jess Parker explores the relationship between the shape of forest ecosystems and how they function. >>


>> Turning the Tide on Harmful Algal Blooms.
• • Landscape Geometry

Winter 2005/2006 (pdf)

Filling in the Gaps: A scientist's quest to understand the fate of mercury in the environment. >>

>>Native wards off invasive species
>>Antarctic Expedition
>>Mapping the impacts of land use
>>Turmoil below the Soil

Fall 2005 (pdf): Metal Detectors: the first in a two-part exploration of SERC's research into trace metal ecology. / Rewards of Time: twenty years of studying increasing carbon dioxide earns Bert Drake the Distinguished Lecturer Award. / Civil Science in Action: lending scientific perspective to oyster restoration.

Summer 2005 (pdf) : Untangling Fish Tales: understanding the effects of multiple stressors on aquatic food webs / Taking the Field Trip to the Kids: 17.5 milions participated in SERC's electronic field trip "Biological Invasions".