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U.S.-born Children of Immigrants May Have Higher Risk for Mental Disorders Than Parents
January 17, 2007 • Science Update
In the first studies to examine the effects of immigration and years of residence on the mental health of Caribbean Black, Latino, and Asian populations in the United States, NIMH-funded researchers found that immigrants in general appear to have lower rates of mental disorders than their U.S.-born counterparts.
Mental Illness Exacts Heavy Toll, Beginning in Youth
June 6, 2005 • Press Release
all lifetime cases of mental illness begin by age 14, and that despite effective treatments, there are long delays — sometimes decades — between first onset of symptoms and when people seek and receive treatment.
“Care Managers” Help Depressed Elderly Reduce Suicidal Thoughts
March 2, 2004 • Press Release
An intervention that includes staffing doctors' offices with depression care managers helps depressed elderly patients reduce suicidal thoughts, a study funded by NIMH has found. Martha Bruce, Ph.D., Cornell University, Charles Reynolds, III, M.D., University of Pittsburgh, and colleagues report on the outcome of the intervention in three major Eastern U.S. metropolitan areas.
New Program Treats Rural Youth And Targets Barriers To Care
July 29, 2003 • Press Release
Adolescents and teens with emotional and behavioral problems will receive treatment as part of a new study in eight of the poorest Appalachian counties in Eastern Tennessee.
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