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Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory

Seismic Data

Waveform data from the GSN and ANSS backbone are transmitted from the station to the USGS National Earthquake Information Center in near-real time, where they are used for rapid earthquake response.  A small number of stations do not have telemetry, and data from those sites are transmitted to the USGS via media such as tapes or CDs.  As part of GSN and backbone operations, waveform data are reviewed during quality control.  GSN and backbone data are available from the IRIS Data Management Center.

Available data:

Data available from IRIS - Information on how to access data from the IRIS Data Management Center
Live Internet Seismic Server - Plots of GSN and ANSS backbone data and information on how to access data via the LISS
Instrument response information

Dataless SEED volumes:

RESP files (compatible with EVALRESP software):

Travel Time Dataset--A dataset compiled during the QC operations at the ASL
Probability Density Function plots:

NEIC real-time channels (includes many stations in addition to the GSN & backbone)
GSN archive (includes historical networks)


Data Latency - Plots of 00/BHZ data latency for IU and IC GSN stations at the ASL LISS.
Telemetry Bandwidth - Plots of current bandwidth usage for GSN stations.
Data Availability - Comprehensive listings of all GSN data in the ASL archive.
Tape Browser - Browse the status of GSN station tapes


Timing errors in the GSN Q680 dataloggers
WWSSN historical data


Earthquake Examples--New Mexico and other nearby earthquakes