Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics
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January-March, Year - 2009 | Volume - 3 | Issue - 1     Table ofContents  RSS Feed 
Let's analyze the year passed
Gupta V B
While we move ahead with the year 2009, let's devote some time analyzing the year ended. This stock-taking is prudent to all the stakeholders of AJP, particularly, as AJP still does not enjoy impact f...
Review Article
Cancer nanotechnology
Jagdale Swati C, Shah Tejas P, Kuchekar Bhanudas S, Chabukswar Aniruddha R, Baviskar Dhiraj T
Cancer nanotechnology is the latest trend in cancer therapy. It helps the pharmacist to formulate the product with maximum therapeutic value and minimum or negligible range side effects. Cancer is the...
Research Article
Behavior of suspending and wetting agents in aqueous environment
Dhawale Shashikant C, Wadodkar Sudhir G, Dorle Avinash K
This work describes the changes in viscosity, conductivity, pH, electrical conductivity, dielectric constant, zeta potential, UV, and IR spectra of aqueous solutions/dispersions of sodium carboxy meth...
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Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics