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January 15, 2009

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Monitoring, Accounting and Reporting on Greenhouse Gases

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Monitoring, Accounting and Reporting encompasses the institutional, legal and procedural arrangements necessary to ensure that Canada meets its United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Kyoto Protocol reporting obligations, that quality inventories are prepared, and that proper documentation and archiving occurs in order to facilitate third party review and to assess compliance with UNFCCC reporting obligations and with Canada's Kyoto Protocol target.

This site features a variety of information on GHGs, the greenhouse effect, FAQs, data tables of Canada's GHG emissions, and all the latest information and tools you need for measuring, verifying and reporting facility GHG emissions.

There are two main sources of information for GHG emissions available on this website. The first is the Canada's GHG Inventory which contains GHG emissions data at the national, provincial and sectoral levels and is submitted to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) annually. This is the source to be used for all-inclusive national and provincial totals.

The second source is the GHG Emissions Reporting program. The GHG emissions reporting program specifically targets facilities in Canada that emit the equivalent of 100,000 tonnes or more of Greenhouse Gases (in CO2 equivalent units) annually. It is important to note that the emissions information collected and published by this program represent only a portion of industrial emitters in Canada. The totals published by the GHG Emissions Reporting program represent a subset of the larger picture provided by the National Inventory.

What's New

January 2009: Publication of Canada's Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Understanding the Trends (1990-2006) (PDF, 1.64MB)

December 2008: Release of the 2007 facility level GHG emissions data collected under the GHG Emission Reporting program are now available.

December 2008: Publication of Canada's National Greenhouse Gas Inventory (1990-2006) (PDF, 5.54MB)

The Green LaneTM, Environment Canada's World Wide Web site
Last updated: 2008-12-11
Last reviewed: 2008-12-11