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 Searched for as a phrase: Idaho in "NAL_subject"
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Records 1 thru 20 of 33

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 01.Title: Agricultural Pesticides Found in Ground Water of the Quincy and Pasco Basins
Author(s): Roberts, L. M.; Jones, J. L.
Publisher: U. S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: groundwater contamination/ agrochemicals/ pesticides/ field crops/ wells/ sampling/ National Water Quality Assessment Program/ Washington/ Idaho/
Date: 1996-07-00
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 02.Title: Ambient water quality criteria recommendations: information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria: lakes and reserviors in nutrient ecoregion II
Author(s): U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water
Publisher: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water quality criteria/ water quality standards/ environmental policy/ laws and regulations/ Clean Water Act/ lakes/ reservoirs/ nutrient enrichment/ nitrogen/ phosphorus/ chlorophyll/ turbidity/ ecosystems/ geomorphology/ mountains/ forests/ data collection/ sampling/ statistical analysis/ environmental models/ quality control/ Arizona/ California/ Colorado/ Idaho/ Montana/ New Mexico/ Oregon/ South Dakota/ Texas/ Utah/ Washington/ Wyoming/ Western United States/ United States/
Date: 2000-12-00
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 03.Title: Ambient water quality criteria recommendations: information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria: lakes and reserviors in nutrient ecoregion III
Author(s): U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water
Publisher: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water quality criteria/ water quality standards/ environmental policy/ laws and regulations/ Clean Water Act/ lakes/ reservoirs/ nutrient enrichment/ nitrogen/ phosphorus/ chlorophyll/ turbidity/ ecosystems/ geomorphology/ deserts/ data collection/ sampling/ statistical analysis/ environmental models/ quality control/ Arizona/ California/ Colorado/ Idaho/ Montana/ Nevada/ New Mexico/ Oregon/ Texas/ Utah/ Washington/ Wyoming/ Western United States/ United States/
Date: 2001-12-00
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 04.Title: Ambient water quality criteria recommendations: information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria: rivers and streams in nutrient ecoregion II
Author(s): U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water
Publisher: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water quality criteria/ water quality standards/ environmental policy/ laws and regulations/ Clean Water Act/ rivers/ streams/ nutrient enrichment/ nitrogen/ phosphorus/ chlorophyll/ turbidity/ ecosystems/ geomorphology/ mountains/ forests/ steepland soils/ data collection/ sampling/ statistical analysis/ environmental models/ quality control/ Arizona/ California/ Colorado/ Idaho/ Montana/ New Mexico/ Oregon/ South Dakota/ Utah/ Washington/ Wyoming/ Western United States/ United States/
Date: 2000-12-00
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 05.Title: Ambient water quality criteria recommendations: information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria: rivers and streams in nutrient ecoregion III
Author(s): U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water
Publisher: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water quality criteria/ water quality standards/ environmental policy/ laws and regulations/ Clean Water Act/ rivers/ streams/ nutrient enrichment/ nitrogen/ phosphorus/ chlorophyll/ turbidity/ ecosystems/ geomorphology/ deserts/ data collection/ sampling/ statistical analysis/ environmental models/ quality control/ Arizona/ California/ Colorado/ Idaho/ Montana/ Nevada/ New Mexico/ Oregon/ Texas/ Utah/ Washington/ Wyoming/ Western United States/ United States/
Date: 2000-12-00
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 06.Title: Are Agricultural Pesticides in Surface Waters of the Central Columbia Plateau?
Author(s): Wagner, R. J.; Ebbert, J. C.; Roberts, L. M.
Publisher: U. S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: pesticides/ agricultural land/ surface water/ sampling/ water quality criteria/ pesticide application/ pollution load/ quality control/ National Water Quality Assessment Program/ Washington/ Idaho/
Date: 1996-07-00
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 07.Title: Best Management Practices for Nitrogen Management to Protect Groundwater
Author(s): Mahler, R. L.; Tindall, T. A.; Mahler, K. A.
Publisher: University of Idaho
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: nitrogen/ best management practices/ nutrient management/ groundwater contamination/ drinking water/ biogeochemical cycles/ soil sampling/ fertilizer application/ application rate/ application timing/ legumes/ animal manures/ nitrification/ inhibitors/ animal manure management/ irrigation management/ crop rotation/ variable rate application/ Idaho/
Date: 1992-11-00
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 08.Title: Best Management Practices for Phosphorus Management to Protect Surface Water
Author(s): Mahler, R. L.; Bailey, F. G.; Mahler, K. A.
Publisher: University of Idaho
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: phosphorus/ best management practices/ nutrient management/ groundwater contamination/ water pollution/ biogeochemical cycles/ erosion control/ conservation practices/ fertilizer application/ variable rate application/ animal manure management/ agricultural runoff/ conservation tillage/ conservation buffers/ filter strips/ Idaho/
Date: 1992-11-00
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 09.Title: Dilemma of Applying Uniform Temperature Criteria in a Diverse Environment: An Issue Analysis
Author(s): Essig, D. A.
Publisher: Idaho Division of Environmental Quality
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: total maximum daily load/ water quality standards/ water temperature/ issues and policy/ streams/ governmental programs and projects/ state government/ environmental law/ program evaluation/ environmental assessment/ sampling/ aquatic organisms/ fish/ climatic factors/ spatial variation/ temporal variation/ population characteristics/ Idaho/
Date: 1998-11-00
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 10.Title: Drinking Water & Recreational Water Quality: Microbiological Critera
Author(s): Anderson, K. A.; Davidson, P. M.
Publisher: University of Idaho
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water quality standards/ drinking water/ recreation/ waterborne diseases/ bacterial contamination/ coliform bacteria/ fecal contamination/ Escherichia coli/ Enterococcus/ human health and safety/ public health/ Idaho/ United States/
Date: 1997-07-00
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 11.Title: Economic Causes of Nonpoint Pollution in the Boise River
Author(s): Long, R. B.; Zhang, J.
Publisher: University of Idaho
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: nonpoint source pollution/ water quality analysis/ urban runoff/ agricultural runoff/ hydraulic structures/ water pollution/ conductivity/ sediments/ salts/ nitrogen/ phosphorus/ temporal variation/ seasonal variation/ rivers/ land use/ economic analysis/ Idaho/
Date: 1996-00-00
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 12.Title: Groundwater and Wellhead Protection in the HUA
Author(s): Huter, L. R.; Mahler, R.L.; Brooks, L.E.; Lolley, B.A.; Holloway, L.
Publisher: University of Idaho
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water quality/ agricultural management/ best management practices/ wellhead protection/ groundwater contamination/ drinking water/ water pollution/ nitrate nitrogen/ sampling/ governmental programs and projects/ extension education/ education programs/ citizen participation/ landowners/ surveys/ Idaho/
Date: 1999-04-15
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 13.Title: Groundwater in Idaho
Author(s): Van Steeter, M. M.; Mahler, R. L.; Mink, L. L.
Publisher: University of Idaho
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: groundwater/ hydrologic cycle/ aquifers/ water use/ public water supply/ agricultural land/ mining/ groundwater contamination/ agricultural runoff/ nonpoint source pollution/ urban runoff/ waste treatment/ industrial wastes/ environmental protection/ Idaho/
Date: 1991-08-00
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 14.Title: Idaho Wellhead Survey for Nitrates: 1990 to 1992
Author(s): Mahler, R. L.; Möller, G.; Anderson, K. A.; Mahler, K. A.
Publisher: University of Idaho
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water quality analysis/ wells/ drinking water/ groundwater contamination/ nitrate nitrogen/ sampling/ surveys/ methodology/ quality control/ risk assessment/ Idaho/
Date: 1993-03-00
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 15.Title: National Water-Quality Assessment Program Central Columbia Plateau, Washington and Idaho
Author(s): Bortleson, G. C.
Publisher: U. S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: water quality/ land use/ geomorphology/ arid lands/ hydrogeology/ research coordination/ data collection/ National Water Quality Assessment Program/ Washington/ Idaho/
Date: 1991-00-00
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 16.Title: Nitrate and Groundwater
Author(s): Mahler, R. L.; Porter, E.; Taylor, R.
Publisher: University of Idaho
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: nitrates/ nitrate nitrogen/ groundwater contamination/ water pollution/ drinking water/ human health and safety/ animal health/ livestock/ testing/ Idaho/
Date: 1990-05-00
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 17.Title: Nitrate Concentrations in Ground Water of the Central Columbia Plateau
Author(s): Ryker, S. J.; Jones J. L.
Publisher: U. S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: nitrate nitrogen/ groundwater contamination/ water pollution/ land use/ fertilizers/ groundwater recharge/ human health and safety/ National Water Quality Assessment Program/ Washington/ Idaho/
Date: 1996-01-00
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 18.Title: Optimal Performance from Center Pivot Sprinkler
Author(s): King, B. A.; Kincaid, D. C.
Publisher: University of Idaho
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: center pivot irrigation/ irrigation systems/ irrigation water/ agricultural runoff/ precision agriculture/ application rate/ application parameters/ soil water balance/ soil hydraulic properties/ infiltration (hydrology)/ Idaho/
Date: 1997-07-00
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 19.Title: Organochlorine Compounds and Trace Elements in Fish Tissue and Bed Sediments in the Lower Snake River Basin, Idaho and Oregon
Author(s): Clark, G. M.; Maret, T. R.
Publisher: USGS and Idaho Power Company
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: organochlorine compounds/ organochlorine pesticides/ trace elements/ fish/ animal tissues/ tissue analysis/ bioaccumulation/ water pollution/ sediment contamination/ soil analysis/ Idaho/ Oregon/
Date: 1998-00-00
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 20.Title: Organochlorine Pesticides and PCBs in Aquatic Ecosystems of the Central Columbia Plateau.
Author(s): Gruber, S. J.; Munn, M. D.
Publisher: U. S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Resource Availability: No Guarantee
NAL Subject: organochlorine pesticides/ polychlorinated biphenyls/ pesticide persistence/ environmental fate/ fish/ tissue analysis/ sampling/ sediment contamination/ land use/ National Water Quality Assessment Program/ Washington/ Idaho/
Date: 1996-09-00
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