Upcoming: Friday, May 8th, 2009

A cast made of some of the bones recovered in a cave on the island of Flores. Courtesy John Griffin, SBU.

Hour One- 2pm ET

Presidential Science Adviser John Holdren

Ira talks with John Holdren, head of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, about the role of science in the Obama administration. (more)

Hour Two-3pm ET

Influenza Research

Why does the flu affect different people differently? We'll hear about new research into what makes the virus work. (more)

The Hobbit Debate

Are the 'hobbit bones' found in an Indonesian cave from a different species, or from modern humans suffering from bone deformations? (more)

The Two Cultures, Fifty Years On

Are the humanities and the sciences irrevocably divided? (more)

SciFri Blogs

Ira Flatow

China Bets On Wind Power -- How much is 100 Gigawatts of power? An awful lot. And China says it's ramping up its wind power ambitions... (more)

Carl Flatow

Spring Buds -- Studying honeybees has changed my focus, a bit. I knew that the bees were hunkered down in the hive all winter, waiting for the weather to warm up so that they can take some "relief" flights... (more)

Jocelyn Ford

My Personal Cyber-Spy -- If you're at all concerned about privacy in this day and age, take a look at this report "The snooping dragon: social-malware surveillance of the Tibetan movement... (more)

Noteworthy: See ASU's Origins Conference

On April 3 we broadcast live from Tempe, Arizona as part of ASU's Origins event. See a web stream of the Origins Symposium here.


Trouble in the Tropics
Tropical species may be at greatest risk for extinction due to climate change.

Dogs Bark, Birds Chirp, Fish Grunt
The origin of vocal communication--like talking--may date back to prehistoric fish.

Color from Nature
Clothing could get their color—and germ-fighting properties—from a strain of marine bacteria

 >>> see more newsbriefs

Featured Video: This Bird Can Shake His Tail Feathers
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Video footage from Cell Press, Irena Schulz. Cover shot courtesy of Irena Schulz.
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Ira's New Book: Present at the Future
Ira's new book, "Present at the Future."

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