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The IAO supports the transfer of NWS technologies to countries throughout the world to advance the capabilities of foreign governments in the areas of meteorology and hydrology. IAO staff evaluates, designs, implements, and manages projects worldwide. In this role, the IAO organizes and manages project teams from the NWS, other U.S. government agencies or the private sector. Many of these projects are funded directly by other U.S. government agencies (e.g., U.S. Agency for International Development, USAID), international banks, or the countries themselves. Therefore, IAO works closely with both funding agencies and countries when developing projects.

For more information on these projects, please contact

The types of projects coordinated by IAO include

  • River and Flood Forecasting
  • Water Resources Management
  • Meteorological Applications
  • Hydrometeorological Service Strengthening

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Improve regional FFG Systems
Project:Improve regional FFG Systems
Funding source: USAID OFDA PASA
Amount: $250K
Goals:Improve and upgrade the Central American meteorological service Flash Flood Guidance(CAFFG) Systems.
Saudi Project
Project:Saudi Project
Funding source: Saudi Arabia
Amount: $1.1M
Goals:Technology Transfer, Training, and Technical Assistance
Third Border Initiative
Project:Third Border Initiative
Funding source: DOS/USAID
Amount: $452K
Goals:Technical assistance and training
Indian Ocean
Project:Indian Ocean
Funding source: USAID RDMA Bankok
Amount: $4.6M
Goals:Implement a Tsunami Warning System in the Indian Ocean Region
Funding source: Mexico
Amount: $420K
Goals:Transfer National Weather Service River Forecast System technology to regional hydrologic forecast centers
Asia Flood Network
Project:Asia Flood Network
Funding source: USAID / OFDA
Amount: $1000K
Goals:Reduced loss of life and property via improved flood and flash flood forecasting and warning information to flood-at-risk communities in Asia.
Czech Republic
Project:Czech Republic
Funding source: NWS
Amount: $20K
Goals:Assist with developing flash flood forecasting and warning program
Romania DESWAT
Project:Romania DESWAT
Funding source: Romania
Amount: $750K
Goals:Modernize Romania's hydrologic data and forecasting system
Funding source: USAID/New Delhi
Amount: $973K
Goals:Training, capacity building, and technical assistance
Funding source: FY04 Supplemental
Amount: $325K
Outcome:Installed replacement/upgrade hardware and software in Honduras, Jamaica, Grenada, Bahamas, and Cayman Islands; Meeting in Miami, February 2006, to discuss protocol, TBI, and Hurricane reconstruction status.
Tunisia Workshop
Project:Tunisia Workshop
Funding source: State Department
Amount: $35K
Outcome:Five day workshop on operations of Weather Services
Central America
Project:Central America
Funding source: USAID
Amount: $75K
Outcome:Coordinated emergency management protocol
Funding source: Poland
Amount: $220K
Outcome:Modernized Hydrometeorological Services
Nile River
Project:Nile River
Funding source: USAID/Egypt
Amount: $7M
Outcome:Operational River Forecast System for Nile River
Panama Canal
Project:Panama Canal
Funding source: Panama Canal Commission
Amount: $850K
Outcome:Operational river and flood forecasting system (NWSRFS)
Hurricane Mitch Reconstruction Program
Project:Hurricane Mitch Reconstruction Program
Funding source: USAID
Amount: $8M
Outcome:Upgraded HYDROMET forecasting, monitoring, and early warning capabilities
Aral Sea
Project:Aral Sea
Funding source: USAID/Central Asia
Amount: $450K
Outcome:Operational River Forecast System (NWSRFS)
Project:After MITCH
Funding source: USAID/GCAP
Amount: $160K
Outcome:Advanced Training and technical assistance for the NWSRFS
El Salvador
Project:El Salvador
Funding source: USAID/El Salvador
Amount: $145K
Outcome:Upgraded hydrologic forecast capabilities
Viet Nam
Project:Viet Nam
Funding source: NWS
Amount: $20K
Outcome:NWSRFS implemented for Red River
Funding source: USAID/Central America
Amount: $875K
Outcome:Operational Flash Flood Guidance System for Central America and NWSRFS on Rio Estero Real in Nicaragua

Current Global Projects

Global Flash Flood Guidance System
Funding source: VCP USAID OFDA PASA and Private Funds
Goals:Implementation and training for Global Flash Flood Warning System

Past Global Projects

Funding source: VCP
Amount: $273K
Outcome:Four pilot project installations in Vietnam, Senegal, El Salvador, Peru, and Costa Rica.

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